How many times have we ALL told each other to "leave if you dont like it here"?

I'm not a Democrat, and yes, they've done a great job of dropping standards and expectations into the toilet for quite a while now.

If Mac was around in WW2, he'd be saying "Sure, death camps are bad, but there's no reason for the allies to be so impolite! That means both sides are equally bad!".

Moral people reject Mac's bullshit equivocation. When one side is clearly superior to the other, it's immoral to deny that.
We're not President.
So rules for thee and not for me?

I expect more and better from the President of the United States than some drunk guy screaming in a bar.

There really is nothing wrong with dignity, intelligence and professionalism. Those are not bad things, and they can be displayed regardless of a person's positions on the issues. It's not one or the other.
What trump did was sober and extremely smart. He put the focus on these 4 anti Americans
Gentlemanly decorum has gotten the Republicans nowhere with the current crop of Democrats. It's refreshing to see one who speaks his mind, and doesn't care what anyone - especially the Democrats - thinks about it.

Would that the rest of them would pick up on his cues.
Since I don't play the partisan politics game, I don't drop my standards based on the letter after a politician's name.

I expect professionalism, dignity, respect, decorum and thoughtfulness from our elected "leaders".

Those qualities don't preclude an intelligent adult from advocating for what they believe in. That's a crock.

I think this country has been dropping its standards across the board for long enough.
I’d prefer a fighter lead this nation. I at least have a little respect for the squad. They’re the dumbest bitches on the planet but they say what they want. You can’t fight that with a pussy president. You have to attack them at least at the level they are attacking us.
A person can be a fighter without acting like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant child.

I truly don't understand why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

Or he could be a big wuss who bashes the US on an apology tour(Obama). I prefer a straight fighter. To each his own.
So those are the only two things he can be? A loudmouthed buffoon or a "big wuss"?

That's it? Those are his two choices?


While I agree that Trump can be too harsh at times, this was not one of those times. He is exactly correct in saying if someone hates the US they can leave and then come back if/when they choose. They should be thankful they live in a country that provides this opportunity, but instead, these "representatives" do nothing but bad mouth virtually everything the US does. Unfortunately, this has become all too common for many Democrats.
Since I don't play the partisan politics game, I don't drop my standards based on the letter after a politician's name.

I expect professionalism, dignity, respect, decorum and thoughtfulness from our elected "leaders".

Those qualities don't preclude an intelligent adult from advocating for what they believe in. That's a crock.

I think this country has been dropping its standards across the board for long enough.
I’d prefer a fighter lead this nation. I at least have a little respect for the squad. They’re the dumbest bitches on the planet but they say what they want. You can’t fight that with a pussy president. You have to attack them at least at the level they are attacking us.
A person can be a fighter without acting like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant child.

I truly don't understand why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

Or he could be a big wuss who bashes the US on an apology tour(Obama). I prefer a straight fighter. To each his own.
So those are the only two things he can be? A loudmouthed buffoon or a "big wuss"?

That's it? Those are his two choices?


While I agree that Trump can be too harsh at times, this was not one of those times. He is exactly correct in saying if someone hates the US they can leave and then come back if/when they choose. They should be thankful they live in a country that provides this opportunity, but instead, these "representatives" do nothing but bad mouth virtually everything the US does. Unfortunately, this has become all too common for many Democrats.
What troubles me here is why he says things like this in the first place.

This stuff is clearly directed at a specific audience: His base. He's like a guy screaming in the crowd holding a sign at one of his own rallies.

This reminds me of Obama's ridiculous "you didn't build that" comments. Look at that tape, he's playing to the crowd.

But Trump does this all the time. Daily. He's clearly not interested in anything other than keeping that base screaming, because he wants to be re-elected.

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