How many people here actually care about discussion?


Apr 7, 2013
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?
I do. Whenever I see someone trying to have a respectful conversation on a particular topic, I'll reciprocate.

And I'm one of the few posters at this website who has come out and publically admitted I was wrong when someone presented a good enough argument to prove it. I look at it this way, if I'm wrong, I admit it, take my beating like a man and move on.

Unfortunately, some people have so much invested on a particular position, changing that position would be tantamount to death.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?
You have three options here, I think.

One is to go to The Bull Ring with a single opponent. I've been reading there off and on, but it seems to have little daily action.

There's the Clean Debate Zone wherein posters are supposed to be polite and stay on topic, but it needs 'cleaning' now and then.

Then you could start a social group and hope that all those that join will abide by the rules.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

I've been online before the internet was public back in the days when there were Computer Bulletin Boards and 300bps modems from back in 1986-87.

For the most part, people don't make many friends over the internet as most message boards have closed because the users went to Facebook to keep up with their real friends. Why would you be friends with someone whom you can't see, can't hang out with, can't go to a movie with, etc.?

My brother visited an online person, they went skating or something and when he came home, his online friend forgot him because his friend was constantly hanging out with other people.

I have one internet friend and she won't give me her phone number or join message boards. I can't even find a penfriend online because the ads are filled with people looking for boyfriends or girlfriends or some of them are con artists looking to score identity theft.

I would love to make a friend on here but the reality is that it won't happen for a variety of different reasons.

I tried to make friends with other guys and they were ONLY after making friends with girls online so I only bothered them and got in their way.
Women stopped being friends when they had a romantic interest in someone else and didn't want to lose their boyfriend or husband over trust / jealousy issues.
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I think there is a large number of posters who come here only to further their agendas - whether political or religious. Their minds are closed so they won't even begin to study or reflect on opposing views.

I come here to share things with others I think might be of interest. Some are humorous. Some are pleasing. And some are clearly based on my middle-conservative view of things.

Today's posts show my activity:
Wired Space Photos
Pause in Sea Level Rise Tied to Massive Flooding in Australia
Obama Administration Makes Secret Deal With Mexico To Help Illegal Immigrants In The Workplace

What National Debt?
The Bourke Engine Could Revolutionize Private Aviation
The Volkswagen Microbus Is Officially Dead
14 Moments We Wish Would Live Forever

And I always look for to comments - expecting some posters to instantly chime in with their pre-programmed responses.

At least it keeps me alert and active - so my 74 years don't hang heavy on my shoulders. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
I'd like to have more discussion, too. There are a lot of people here who are very smart, have intelligent topics/posts and deserve discussion. Unfortunately, there are others who are not put together very well and try to turn interesting discussion to simple minded and angry political or personal wars of words.

There are some people who create threads on one subject only and it gets tiring time after time after time - I don't even look at those threads. Not worth reading or responding.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

The things I could discuss at length are limited.

I can't/won't read a lot--long posts. Sometimes I will read something and google for myself to learn more.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

I've been online before the internet was public back in the days when there were Computer Bulletin Boards and 300bps modems from back in 1986-87.

For the most part, people don't make many friends over the internet as most message boards have closed because the users went to Facebook to keep up with their real friends. Why would you be friends with someone whom you can't see, can't hang out with, can't go to a movie with, etc.?

My brother visited an online person, they went skating or something and when he came home, his online friend forgot him because his friend was constantly hanging out with other people.

I have one internet friend and she won't give me her phone number or join message boards. I can't even find a penfriend online because the ads are filled with people looking for boyfriends or girlfriends or some of them are con artists looking to score identity theft.

I would love to make a friend on here but the reality is that it won't happen for a variety of different reasons.

I tried to make friends with other guys and they were ONLY after making friends with girls online so I only bothered them and got in their way.
Women stopped being friends when they had a romantic interest in someone else and didn't want to lose their boyfriend or husband over trust / jealousy issues.

i posted on a board with fans of a book--mostly women---some really close relationships developed there. there is another all female board--20/30 somethings--they meetup. I assume if you have a particular hobby or interest that is a starting point.

Hannity's message board holds annual get togethers--it was 'hot' in the 2000's--I was 'very different' from the typical poster. One thing I really never understood over there--some sort of secret society--you had to be invited to join--'the fiercest debaters'--a lot of time was spent trying to be worthy of an invitation--I finally understood--fraternity and sorority stuff. I don't live that kind of life.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

I believe there are, and you will find those posters, over time.
Yes, I'd love a good discussion on any issues and I love learning new things.

You just have to weed out the ones who just want to fight and win.

It takes some doing, LOL.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

A few days ago there was a topic that was really important to me and I went in there looking to discuss it and get some other opinions... about four pages in it left the rails, turned into an ego cock fight. After a few more posts back on the op I got disgusted and gave up. I'm taking a little break in the Tavern for a bit :)
Yes, I'd love a good discussion on any issues and I love learning new things.

You just have to weed out the ones who just want to fight and win.

It takes some doing, LOL.

This is a bit of an old board, and some people have gotten set in the 'reacting vs thinking' ways. With this much history, and as strong as some of the personalities are, it's easier to just step around them than bother to engage them.

Just because somebody posts at or about me doesn't mean they're worthy of the time it takes to hit the 'quote' button.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

What annoys me most in this copycat Internet is that Netwits just repeat things from professional sources. They automatically reject an original, independent take, as if we are all mere underlings that have to be associated with some publicized authority.
But any self-educated person would have complete contempt for contemporary intellectuals. We have been brainwashed that if someone reaches a certain position of authority, he must deserve that, even if advocating a position we don't agree with. Judging by their shallow and slippery logic and their revealing ignorance of educated English, I dismiss all professionals as no-talent brown-noses, or to alliterate (as if Diploma Dumboes know what that means) the Netties' gurus are ambitious imbeciles.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?
You'll have to define it a bit more specifically.

There is discussion and then there is debate.

Then there is what goes on here.

I can have a pleasant discussion with people whom I disagree with politically, and do so all the time.

I can debate people on political issues, and because My positions on these issues arise from an understanding of the issue and an understanding of where My moral compass resides, I do not look for a debate to change My mind, or the change the mind of the other person. I simply stand against incorrect information placed in a public forum. It follows along the lines of, "If it is said enough times, people begin to believe it." Which is a favored tactic of most political parties. My purpose for joining in debate is to be a voice in opposition to those who say they want X when I know X is wrong for Me, for My country, and for My children/grandchildren.

What goes on here is simply name calling and Penis measuring.

Whose cock makes the biggest thud when it hits the table is all most of them care about and they won't back down or admit they were wrong because somehow, they think that doing so means you have lost.

Sorry for the crudity of the image, but that is how I see it.
Make a group, Darkwind.

Why does everything have to be "debated"? Why can't it be just a group of people who agree to disagree on certain things, but still be pleasant? Why is that almost impossible here?

I belong to another board that has had the same online "friends" for over 15 years. Most have never met, but we all know everything about each other, talk about things that should be personal but we know we can talk about them there due to the membership's knowledge of one another, and the admin and mods make sure anyone steps over the line is told to cease...or leave.
That board has been there for a very long time. Yes, familiarity can sometimes breed contempt but that happens in families too.

Sometimes I forget where I am and share too much here...and wind up regretting it. That's a shame. Some good people are here. Really good people. There are also assholes that always make a point to use this place as their punching bag at anyone who happens to be around when they are in a bad mood and need to verbally punch someone else just to feel better about themselves.

Anyway...debate. I don't like debating. I give my opinion, share with others, read their opinions and screw the fighting over who is right or wrong and proof given on why this or that is what is right or wrong and then fisticuffs if someone doesn't agree. Oh, and really nice threads of someone pouring their heart out then some scmuck comes along and shits all over the floor then slings it.
Just wondering. I find that the quality of discussion on this site is often bogged down by people simply trying to "score points" and/or "win" the debate. It seems the majority of posters on here do this. This impedes actual debate and understanding of an issue.

Is there anyone here actually interested in discussing things without worrying about claiming some sort of victory?

I've been online before the internet was public back in the days when there were Computer Bulletin Boards and 300bps modems from back in 1986-87.

For the most part, people don't make many friends over the internet as most message boards have closed because the users went to Facebook to keep up with their real friends. Why would you be friends with someone whom you can't see, can't hang out with, can't go to a movie with, etc.?

My brother visited an online person, they went skating or something and when he came home, his online friend forgot him because his friend was constantly hanging out with other people.

I have one internet friend and she won't give me her phone number or join message boards. I can't even find a penfriend online because the ads are filled with people looking for boyfriends or girlfriends or some of them are con artists looking to score identity theft.

I would love to make a friend on here but the reality is that it won't happen for a variety of different reasons.

I tried to make friends with other guys and they were ONLY after making friends with girls online so I only bothered them and got in their way.
Women stopped being friends when they had a romantic interest in someone else and didn't want to lose their boyfriend or husband over trust / jealousy issues.

I see you are new, welcome to USMB.
I am not looking for a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I am not looking to meet anyone in person, either, nor give out my phone number. But if you want an online friend to chat with whenever we stumble across each other, and you are the type of person that can agree to disagree and still be friendly....then perhaps consider me one. Read my posts, the good and the bad (not too many bad, I think. I hope.) and consider it.:)
Make a group, Darkwind.

Why does everything have to be "debated"? Why can't it be just a group of people who agree to disagree on certain things, but still be pleasant? Why is that almost impossible here?

I belong to another board that has had the same online "friends" for over 15 years. Most have never met, but we all know everything about each other, talk about things that should be personal but we know we can talk about them there due to the membership's knowledge of one another, and the admin and mods make sure anyone steps over the line is told to cease...or leave.
That board has been there for a very long time. Yes, familiarity can sometimes breed contempt but that happens in families too.

Sometimes I forget where I am and share too much here...and wind up regretting it. That's a shame. Some good people are here. Really good people. There are also assholes that always make a point to use this place as their punching bag at anyone who happens to be around when they are in a bad mood and need to verbally punch someone else just to feel better about themselves.

Anyway...debate. I don't like debating. I give my opinion, share with others, read their opinions and screw the fighting over who is right or wrong and proof given on why this or that is what is right or wrong and then fisticuffs if someone doesn't agree. Oh, and really nice threads of someone pouring their heart out then some scmuck comes along and shits all over the floor then slings it.

I would enjoy such a group.

I really can't debate--chatting, conversation is more my style.

Anyway--the adversarial approach is really toxic to me. I think I have pretty much heard it all before. Exactly the sort of thing that occurs on the news channels--which then makes me feel like I need to 'let it out'.
I think I started here last November--who knows what had happened but morality was on my mind--made a post --long and detailed. Got attacked--it was stupid--the post I made and the responses to it.
So I tried the minimalest approach--short responses--that sort of works--I don't really enjoy it---not worth the bother generally.

There is something truly pathological about posting on a message board with the only purpose being to 'find someone' that seems to disagree in the slightest with your ideas.

First Amendment--you can actually say anything that you want--I know that.

I don't know--I guess I want to take a lighter approach.
I have learned rather quickly with this board who to avoid in threads. I have also learned if it gets out of hand with one or more people tearing someone down or being intolerant or insulting folks or always having to win, etc. that I just walk away.

I also balance out my political posting with trips to fun areas and threads with people I know I enjoy reading and talking to.

Or go to a forum with a topic I like that isn't fighting like gardening or music or whatever.

If all I did was post in politics, I'd lose my mind, LOL.
I have learned rather quickly with this board who to avoid in threads. I have also learned if it gets out of hand with one or more people tearing someone down or being intolerant or insulting folks or always having to win, etc. that I just walk away.

I also balance out my political posting with trips to fun areas and threads with people I know I enjoy reading and talking to.

Or go to a forum with a topic I like that isn't fighting like gardening or music or whatever.

If all I did was post in politics, I'd lose my mind, LOL.

My approach has been scan the thread--respond with as much civility as I can find--I rarely know 'who' has said it. That has gotten old--very quickly.

shrug--What's the point.

Today's 'shocking' news --Bradley Manning intends to live as a woman, in Leavenworth. His attorney will use every legal means to accomplish this.

What can I say--nothing really. Almost any topic that might be discussed --say nothing.

In my real life--at the dog park--a woman provided intimate details of a bodily function. I just stood there and made one syllable comments. She had season tickets to a local team's football games--drove an expensive car.

All I know--is that if every time I visit the forum I feel worse--then it is not the place for me.

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