How Many of the Racist Trolls Are Actually Sock Puppet Accounts?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Like others, I have noticed an uptick in race baiting posts showing up in the Zone 1 safe space where some obvious black supremacists continuously post racism apologist drivel & then have the mods censor the comments.
Why can't they defend their positions like the rest of us without hiding behind the "authorities" they claim to despise?

Anyway, I have noticed many similarities in style, grammar & thoughts coming from a certain few.
So as not to name names or put them on blast, I'll use some pseudonyms for the most obvious ones:
We have The Fro, UR#2, Buffy Coindunker & Superbumbreath.

Has anybody else thought maybe this is all just 1 guy or maybe 2?

IMO, I think we may have sock accounts trying to make it seem like there are more of these black liberation theologists & apologists than there actually are.
This is just another way the progs try to gaslight the truth- their delusional positions & racist baiting gaslighting isn't nearly as common or popular as they want us to think.
If I'm right, it just shows how weak they really are
Whenever a forum like this one adopts the attitude that they are actually promoting free speech by allowing anything and everything by way of intentional provocation, but not in response TO the provocation, they are actually acting to promote point of view, instead.

This forum does the same thing with pedophilia as well, as provocation is protected here to the degree it becomes editorial policy.

When people know that they can express extremist views couched in inflammatory language and only those who might respond to it are censored, they just double down on the extremism and provocation.
I am absolutely convinced that the two biggest racists on the board are the same person only using two accounts. I do not even bother reading, little own respond to the drivel that is posted. It is nothing but hate.
ShareBlue, Correct The Record, and other Marxist trolls.
I am absolutely convinced that the two biggest racists on the board are the same person only using two accounts. I do not even bother reading, little own respond to the drivel that is posted. It is nothing but hate.
I would suggest you visit the user profile of the original one to see how USMB extended them a personal welcome.

it helps by way of understanding who they are working with on the inside.
I just have the three. What's the limit anyway?

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