How many here been to the theaters recently to see the 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back?

just wondering DarthVader one of the things that bothered me about jedi is that the first two films really made you fear darth vader and showed what a real badass he was especially empire. Jedu totally made him into a wuss.Even though Vader has far more knowledge of the force than luck,luke somehow who is half his size wails on him and pretty much kos him. making him look like a total wuss beaten by someone half his size,that was one fo SEVERAL things wrong with sure you were bothered by that one no doubt?

Oh yes you've raised brilliant points.
:thankusmile: :thup:
Here is another one.I donā€™t get to talk to many fans about this so this is a Thrill for me,Iā€™m going at them one by one.another thing that was a joke about it is an Empire yodasays to Luke,Luke you must not go,you must complete your training.well Luke comes back to complete his training in jedi and tells yoda that and all of a sudden yoda has changed his mind and tells Luke he requires no more training.:cuckoo: This movie is not consistent at all with the other two films yet some nuts out there think itā€™s the best one.:cuckoo:

One more for ya as well. Vader in empire when he is battling Luke,says to him ā€œobi one has taught you well,you have learned to control your fear,now release your anger,only your hatred can destroy me.ā€ Ben also warns him in empire ā€œLuke donā€™t give into anger and hate,that only leads to the darkside.ā€ well Luke should have gone over to the dark side because he did exactly that,he gave into anger and hate when he started wailing on Vader.Vader was right,when Luke released his anger,that was the only way he was able to destroy him.:biggrin:

Also Luke caved into the sith and gave into anger a second time as well when the sith goaded him into losing his temper telling him about a trap his friends were running into. The sith kept goading him into reaching for his lightsaber telling him to strike him down and Luke who was still obviously not ready to face off against him yet at that point,finally took the bait and tried to cut him down and kill him which had he been successful,he would have gone over to the

And we both know that the ONLY reason Vader stopped him was so the film could have another lightsaber duel.:laughing0301::biggrin: In the real world,he never would have stopped him.for the people that think he would they are clueless because he went and cut his hand off knowing that could easily have killed him by bleeding to death. He never imagined Luke would get out of cloud city alive.

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