How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

At least he had the balls to take some tough questions, and his brain is not complete jello like Biden. Dims will go for him, but his record in California will not get him elected Nationally.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

Lets see Newsom do that in the primary debates first.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

Sure, Gavin has driven California into the gutter.

What could possibly go wrong.
All he does is talk about "comprehensive reforms .." squishy terms, like "common sense gun laws" that are ambiguous and don't provide the meaning behind these hollow words.
True, but compared to and going against ...

DeSantis's silly ...War on WOKE Campaign,

or Trump's ...Revenge of the Loser Campaign,

both ridiculous and meaningless to the average American....imo....

those squishy ambiguous terms of Newsome's, could probably get him elected against either of the other two candidate's stupid campaigns of off the wall ! nonsense...again, imo.
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True, but compared to and going against ...

DeSantis's silly ...War on WOKE Campaign,

or Trump's ...Revenge of the Loser Campaign,

both ridiculous and meaningless to the average American....imo....

those squishy ambiguous terms of Newsome's, could probably get him elected against either of the other two candidate's stupid campaigns of off the wall ! nonsense...again, imo.
Naaa .. Newsom has demonstrated his executive experience in California, both as the governor and mayor of San Francisco (the shithole city that continues to decline). California is the state where nothing ever gets built. California is in the red, and now Newsom wants reparations, an expansion of electric vehicles and the electrical infrastructure to support it -- completely run by renewables ... continues to sign unconstitutional legislation and now wants a 28th amendment so he gets his way and isn't bound by the constitution.
Because there were still Liberals and Conservatives
They look at the challenges of their era ….Liberals look to improve their society, conservatives look to maintain the status quo
If Joe continues to poll losing to Trump, and RFKJ continues to close the gap on Biden, Democrats will recruit Newsome. The worst case scenario for the Democrats, is a moderate like RFKJ running against Trump, because no matter who then wins, they lose.

What I want to see if these polls continue on, is how the Democrats side step Harris as the standard bearer. That will be a political move for the ages, if this scenario unfolds. Oh sure, she will make a statement about more family time, etc to make it plausible; but nobody is going to believe it, especially the Black community.
If Joe continues to poll losing to Trump, and RFKJ continues to close the gap on Biden, Democrats will recruit Newsome. The worst case scenario for the Democrats, is a moderate like RFKJ running against Trump, because no matter who then wins, they lose.

What I want to see if these polls continue on, is how the Democrats side step Harris as the standard bearer. That will be a political move for the ages, if this scenario unfolds. Oh sure, she will make a statement about more family time, etc to make it plausible; but nobody is going to believe it, especially the Black community.
I don’t think Dems oppose RFK jr because he is a moderate but his bizarre conspiracy claims make him look like a Republican
Harris has never stepped up as VP

Leaving Newsom as the best alternative
I don’t think Dems oppose RFK jr because he is a moderate but his bizarre conspiracy claims make him look like a Republican
Harris has never stepped up as VP

Leaving Newsom as the best alternative
Prog women will vote for him. He is attractive sexually. And we all will suffer for it.
You mean he out-Hannitied Hanity?

And if he was running for talking head of the year, that could matter. He's not, he want's to run other people's lives, so he's held to a different standard. You know this, so why are you applauding something that doesn't even matter?
I don’t think Dems oppose RFK jr because he is a moderate but his bizarre conspiracy claims make him look like a Republican
Harris has never stepped up as VP

Leaving Newsom as the best alternative
I love how you're attempting to sneak in the idea that Quid Pro Joe is simply too old and too toxic to run again.
Biden and Trump make almost anyone look better. Newsome has little real to recommend him, but seeing what the incumbent offers, he would almost certainly be an improvement.. He remains a dedicated duopolist, however, so I wouldn't vote for him.
And if he was running for talking head of the year, that could matter. He's not, he want's to run other people's lives, so he's held to a different standard. You know this, so why are you applauding something that doesn't even matter?

Newsom is a Liberal
That is why Republicans are pushing RFK jr
Newsom is a Liberal
That is why Republicans are pushing RFK jr
And if enough cross-over votes elevate him high enough, it will cause another Hillary moment, where the party will push Quid Pro over the nomination line but disaffected democrats who got their hopes crushed will sit out the general and TRUMP! wins again.
Newsom is a Liberal
That is why Republicans are pushing RFK jr
If that's what a "liberal" is, it is clear why I am not one, just as if Trump is a "conservative", ditto.
Gabbard, Kennedy Jr. or others, especially if liberated from the duopolist "parties", would be very attractive to those of us disenamoured by the traitorous two parties that make up the wings of the duopoly.

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