How long will the people tolerate this? We will see.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
After the results of a fraudulent presidential election and Washington’s imposition of Joseph Biden, a senile, cerebrally defective representation of a national leader, the world is aghast as the United States has become the laughingstock of the world. Even during a global pandemic, allies are slack jawed as the most powerful nation on Earth has dropped all pretense of stability and control descending into an outcome that has all the earmarks of a children’s cartoon.

With many citizens anticipating a new national flag with a handicap parking sticker on it any day now, bewilderment and embarrassment are widespread among the population. The Biden administration and how it came to occupy the White House may be the single most tragic example of federal mischief in the history of modern political discourse and the coming economic collapse of the nation means that the joke is on us. And by the way, following that crooked election, Washington will be laughing at us, not with us.

Washington did not just play a joke on us; it was a practical joke with harmful consequences. We know that colleges, universities, and our entire educational infrastructure has gone from Mensa to “Desna” in two generations and building back better has unleashed indoctrinated stormtroopers into the midst of our communities that read on an eighth-grade level and topple statues. “Building back better” is an intriguing slogan; it suggests that what is already there must be torn down with violence and fire. What makes it particularly dangerous is that it is egged on by Washington DC with propaganda and cheerleading-both parties by the way. Washington had to get rid of Trump because he was encouraging the people to question the wisdom of Harvard and Yale educated political operatives that have been selling us out for fifty years.

If these people don’t kill us with an artificial plague, they are going to impoverish us with hyperinflation that will make the Weimar Republic look like child’s play. Handing out free tickets to everything is not a strategy that stands the test of time; it’s right there in history and Washington knows that. They just write mandates to relieve themselves of what they impose on the people and make hay while the sun shines.

They rigged the last election to get rid of Trump and they are still making their fortunes. How long the people stand for this remains to be seen.
After the results of a fraudulent presidential election and Washington’s imposition of Joseph Biden, a senile, cerebrally defective representation of a national leader, the world is aghast as the United States has become the laughingstock of the world. Even during a global pandemic, allies are slack jawed as the most powerful nation on Earth has dropped all pretense of stability and control descending into an outcome that has all the earmarks of a children’s cartoon.

With many citizens anticipating a new national flag with a handicap parking sticker on it any day now, bewilderment and embarrassment are widespread among the population. The Biden administration and how it came to occupy the White House may be the single most tragic example of federal mischief in the history of modern political discourse and the coming economic collapse of the nation means that the joke is on us. And by the way, following that crooked election, Washington will be laughing at us, not with us.

Washington did not just play a joke on us; it was a practical joke with harmful consequences. We know that colleges, universities, and our entire educational infrastructure has gone from Mensa to “Desna” in two generations and building back better has unleashed indoctrinated stormtroopers into the midst of our communities that read on an eighth-grade level and topple statues. “Building back better” is an intriguing slogan; it suggests that what is already there must be torn down with violence and fire. What makes it particularly dangerous is that it is egged on by Washington DC with propaganda and cheerleading-both parties by the way. Washington had to get rid of Trump because he was encouraging the people to question the wisdom of Harvard and Yale educated political operatives that have been selling us out for fifty years.

If these people don’t kill us with an artificial plague, they are going to impoverish us with hyperinflation that will make the Weimar Republic look like child’s play. Handing out free tickets to everything is not a strategy that stands the test of time; it’s right there in history and Washington knows that. They just write mandates to relieve themselves of what they impose on the people and make hay while the sun shines.

They rigged the last election to get rid of Trump and they are still making their fortunes. How long the people stand for this remains to be seen.

Good original opinion piece. It had some rather big words, though, and I'm not sure those Biden-supporters have a sufficient-enough vocabulary to understand what you just wrote.

Perhaps if you wrote that to sound like a Sesame Street episode, they'd catch your drift.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::21::lmao:
After the results of a fraudulent presidential election and Washington’s imposition of Joseph Biden, a senile, cerebrally defective representation of a national leader, the world is aghast as the United States has become the laughingstock of the world. Even during a global pandemic, allies are slack jawed as the most powerful nation on Earth has dropped all pretense of stability and control descending into an outcome that has all the earmarks of a children’s cartoon.

With many citizens anticipating a new national flag with a handicap parking sticker on it any day now, bewilderment and embarrassment are widespread among the population. The Biden administration and how it came to occupy the White House may be the single most tragic example of federal mischief in the history of modern political discourse and the coming economic collapse of the nation means that the joke is on us. And by the way, following that crooked election, Washington will be laughing at us, not with us.

Washington did not just play a joke on us; it was a practical joke with harmful consequences. We know that colleges, universities, and our entire educational infrastructure has gone from Mensa to “Desna” in two generations and building back better has unleashed indoctrinated stormtroopers into the midst of our communities that read on an eighth-grade level and topple statues. “Building back better” is an intriguing slogan; it suggests that what is already there must be torn down with violence and fire. What makes it particularly dangerous is that it is egged on by Washington DC with propaganda and cheerleading-both parties by the way. Washington had to get rid of Trump because he was encouraging the people to question the wisdom of Harvard and Yale educated political operatives that have been selling us out for fifty years.

If these people don’t kill us with an artificial plague, they are going to impoverish us with hyperinflation that will make the Weimar Republic look like child’s play. Handing out free tickets to everything is not a strategy that stands the test of time; it’s right there in history and Washington knows that. They just write mandates to relieve themselves of what they impose on the people and make hay while the sun shines.

They rigged the last election to get rid of Trump and they are still making their fortunes. How long the people stand for this remains to be seen.
If things seem that bad to you, why do you stay? You should go to some country that does like you want. If moving to another country is not an option for you, you should at least find someplace in the wilderness so you don't have to deal with things that bother you so much. Take plenty of tinfoil with you.
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Good original opinion piece. It had some rather big words, though, and I'm not sure those Biden-supporters have a sufficient-enough vocabulary to understand what you just wrote.

Perhaps if you wrote that to sound like a Sesame Street episode, they'd catch your drift.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::21::lmao:
You are not the first to bring this up. Since I retired in 2015 I have been freelance writing and contribute to a few blogs and print publications that pay me. I have been told by editors more than once to dumb things down; something about a Flesch-Kincaid score.

I find this disconcerting and refuse to believe that people here are so stupid here that "Dick and Jane" is the way to go. I give them more credit than that. I hope I am right.
You are not the first to bring this up. Since I retired in 2015 I have been freelance writing and contribute to a few blogs and print publications that pay me. I have been told by editors more than once to dumb things down; something about a Flesch-Kincaid score.

I find this disconcerting and refuse to believe that people here are so stupid here that "Dick and Jane" is the way to go. I give them more credit than that. I hope I am right.

They're not really that stupid. They just don't want to hear the truth because they don't want to admit the fact that they're wrong.

Or are they really that stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
After the results of a fraudulent presidential election and Washington’s imposition of Joseph Biden, a senile, cerebrally defective representation of a national leader, the world is aghast as the United States has become the laughingstock of the world. Even during a global pandemic, allies are slack jawed as the most powerful nation on Earth has dropped all pretense of stability and control descending into an outcome that has all the earmarks of a children’s cartoon.

With many citizens anticipating a new national flag with a handicap parking sticker on it any day now, bewilderment and embarrassment are widespread among the population. The Biden administration and how it came to occupy the White House may be the single most tragic example of federal mischief in the history of modern political discourse and the coming economic collapse of the nation means that the joke is on us. And by the way, following that crooked election, Washington will be laughing at us, not with us.

Washington did not just play a joke on us; it was a practical joke with harmful consequences. We know that colleges, universities, and our entire educational infrastructure has gone from Mensa to “Desna” in two generations and building back better has unleashed indoctrinated stormtroopers into the midst of our communities that read on an eighth-grade level and topple statues. “Building back better” is an intriguing slogan; it suggests that what is already there must be torn down with violence and fire. What makes it particularly dangerous is that it is egged on by Washington DC with propaganda and cheerleading-both parties by the way. Washington had to get rid of Trump because he was encouraging the people to question the wisdom of Harvard and Yale educated political operatives that have been selling us out for fifty years.

If these people don’t kill us with an artificial plague, they are going to impoverish us with hyperinflation that will make the Weimar Republic look like child’s play. Handing out free tickets to everything is not a strategy that stands the test of time; it’s right there in history and Washington knows that. They just write mandates to relieve themselves of what they impose on the people and make hay while the sun shines.

They rigged the last election to get rid of Trump and they are still making their fortunes. How long the people stand for this remains to be seen.
One thing these 5 years have taught me is the democrat party should have been jailed five years ago but the people calling themself Americans only give a rat's ass about them self and to hell with protecting the country. Not just these something for nothing democRats but so called conservatives. The only difference is the democRats cheer it on the rest ignore it, WE WILL BE KNOWN AS THE LAST GENERATION.
If things seem that bad to you, why do you stay? You should go to some country that does like you want. If moving to another country is not an option for you, you should at least find someplace in the wilderness so you don't have to deal with things that bother you so much. Take plenty of tinfoil with you.
How can you suggests tin foil to anyone with you showing support to the democrat party while showing an intelligent level some where between vermin and a worm?
How can you suggests tin foil to anyone with you showing support to the democrat party while showing an intelligent level some where between vermin and a worm?
I'm not the one who only sees gloom and doom.
After the results of a fraudulent presidential election and Washington’s imposition of Joseph Biden, a senile, cerebrally defective representation of a national leader, the world is aghast as the United States has become the laughingstock of the world. Even during a global pandemic, allies are slack jawed as the most powerful nation on Earth has dropped all pretense of stability and control descending into an outcome that has all the earmarks of a children’s cartoon.

With many citizens anticipating a new national flag with a handicap parking sticker on it any day now, bewilderment and embarrassment are widespread among the population. The Biden administration and how it came to occupy the White House may be the single most tragic example of federal mischief in the history of modern political discourse and the coming economic collapse of the nation means that the joke is on us. And by the way, following that crooked election, Washington will be laughing at us, not with us.

Washington did not just play a joke on us; it was a practical joke with harmful consequences. We know that colleges, universities, and our entire educational infrastructure has gone from Mensa to “Desna” in two generations and building back better has unleashed indoctrinated stormtroopers into the midst of our communities that read on an eighth-grade level and topple statues. “Building back better” is an intriguing slogan; it suggests that what is already there must be torn down with violence and fire. What makes it particularly dangerous is that it is egged on by Washington DC with propaganda and cheerleading-both parties by the way. Washington had to get rid of Trump because he was encouraging the people to question the wisdom of Harvard and Yale educated political operatives that have been selling us out for fifty years.

If these people don’t kill us with an artificial plague, they are going to impoverish us with hyperinflation that will make the Weimar Republic look like child’s play. Handing out free tickets to everything is not a strategy that stands the test of time; it’s right there in history and Washington knows that. They just write mandates to relieve themselves of what they impose on the people and make hay while the sun shines.

They rigged the last election to get rid of Trump and they are still making their fortunes. How long the people stand for this remains to be seen.
Who had Dec on the wager board?
That is not a sense of humor. It's called education, get some, dumb ass.
Ummm you were the one who voted for the guy who got tricked into telling himself to go *himself. That would make your comment to me a double negative thus Brandoning yourself-Checkmate!
Ummm you were the one who voted for the guy who got tricked into telling himself to go *himself. That would make your comment to me a double negative thus Brandoning yourself-Checkmate!
View attachment 579976
You keep trying. I'm sure you will eventually find a way to continue supporting trump. Your lack of self respect never seemed to bother you before.
You keep trying. I'm sure you will eventually find a way to continue supporting trump. Your lack of self respect never seemed to bother you before.
This OP topic is not about Trump, however you always make it about him when you can't explain why you voted for the very things you claimed to hate in your fallacious and imaginary demonization of him. That's called an obsession with the man, and being you voted for everything you despise that's an ultimate stupidity beyond any sound reasoning.

Biden tells his staff: "Christmas is over, what are we gonna do with all these Christmas Trees?"
=cognitive test failed!

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