How It Works: A Muslim Rape Mob In Action (Video)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
How does this sit with you? It's coming to America if Sanders or Clinton, even Biden is elected.

Click on the ACTUAL You Tube logo on video, that'll take you to THE You Tube link, and read the comments, the non-Spanish language one:

"The thing is just that THIS video is about the Arabic spring, not the recent cologne attacks. though, they used similar methods. At least, please correct the title."
On YouTube comments they are saying it happened during Arab spring.

As I told you, this was before I went to the actual You Tube link, I knew straight away not Köln NOT Germany.

At basic level, look at all that ARAB grafitti AND NO SMOKING.

If you follow the picture it's - Arab grafitti....No Smoking THEN No Smoking WRITTEN IN ARABIC....NOT IN GERMAN.

Video is false to what OP saying it is. Disgusting situation not corrected.

Germany language is German, the official No Smoking sign therefore would be:

Rauchen verboten....NOT No Smoking.

Like in this sign:

DMNE_OKVE1 (1).gif

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