How is this "storming the Capitol" and "insurrection?" Police hold doors for protesters on 1/6

You as a black guy had to laugh at that event. There is real intent and not so real intent. I can see the Prog made Insurrectionist Memorial now...The so called Insurrectionists will all have the most advanced weapons as statues entering the building. Defended by the Capitol Security and Prog Politicians with their bodies alone ready for confrontation limiting damage to the Capitol building. Bwhahhaaa!
Right wingers have to make up shit about everything, don't you?
Right wingers have to make up shit about everything, don't you?
There are people who did nothing wrong who have been affected. There is also the deep state and their chitt stirring that also may be in play. Whatever, this was minor league compared to the protests, I mean riots, I mean Insurrections in all of those blue cities for a couple of years.
There are people who did nothing wrong who have been affected. There is also the deep state and their chitt stirring that also may be in play. Whatever, this was minor league compared to the protests, I mean riots, I mean Insurrections in all of those blue cities for a couple of years.
Yes. Every American was a victim of that failed insurrection. It was an attack on our form of government, and our way of life.
Yes. Every American was a victim of that failed insurrection. It was an attack on our form of government, and our way of life.
It was not attack. But it sure scared people. Imagine if there was an organized contingent of people with weapons and ready for what you typed. You as a prog have no adversaries at this point. There is very little pushback on your agendas. We keep moving left. It is only the speed that seems to pizz you guys off. And just to keep telling you. when it gets here completely, it will not be wha tyou expect.
It was not attack. But it sure scared people. Imagine if there was an organized contingent of people with weapons and ready for what you typed. You as a prog have no adversaries at this point. There is very little pushback on your agendas. We keep moving left. It is only the speed that seems to pizz you guys off. And just to keep telling you. when it gets here completely, it will not be wha tyou expect.
I'm glad I don't share your paranoia.
It was not attack. But it sure scared people. Imagine if there was an organized contingent of people with weapons and ready for what you typed. You as a prog have no adversaries at this point. There is very little pushback on your agendas. We keep moving left. It is only the speed that seems to pizz you guys off. And just to keep telling you. when it gets here completely, it will not be wha tyou expect.

Antifa has come out and openly bragged about instigating the entire thing, yet the media and FBI keep persecuting the peaceful protesters. America is now Soviet Union 1960, American gulag.

Antifa: "We did this!"

Antifa has come out and openly bragged about instigating the entire thing, yet the media and FBI keep persecuting the peaceful protesters. America is now Soviet Union 1960, American gulag.

Antifa: "We did this!"

Near all of these transgressions are in Blue areas. So the authority of people not Progs is diminished. But people who are not Progs have to keep receiving their indoctrinations endlessly. Trump with the Bible at the Church across from the White House the whole area looked like a war zone. And nothing.
There are people who did nothing wrong who have been affected. There is also the deep state and their chitt stirring that also may be in play.
Like who?
How do you know that?
Please share your sourcing.
Not that we don't have faith in you, good poster 22, but following the hero Ronald Reagan...."Trust but verify".

ps....also tell us more about this "deep state" boogeyman you seemingly are so askeered of. Who are in this 'deep state'? What do they do? Will you name names? How do you know?

Batter up, mon ami.

It was not attack.
I think the good poster 22 is referring to the January 6th 'legitimate political discourse' at the United States Capitol in Washington DC.
But, I'm struggling with the idea that there is anybody left in the U.S. who doesn't read newspapers or watch TV news.
I'd be so disappointed to learn that good poster 22 was one of 'em.

Another example of how the cult's VERY FIRST INSTINCT is to LIE to protect its leader:

A text sent by Miller to Mark Meadows, Trump's White House chief of staff, at around 3.45 p.m. on January 6, 2021.

"Call me crazy, but ideas for two tweets from POTUS: 1) Bad apples, likely ANTIFA or other crazed leftists, infiltrated today's peaceful protest over the fraudulent vote count. Violence is never acceptable! MAGA supporters embrace our police and the rule of law and should leave the Capitol now!" read the text from Miller.

"2) The fake news media who encouraged this summer's violent and radical riots are now trying to blame peaceful and innocent MAGA supporters for violent actions," Miller continued. "This isn't who we are! Our people should head home and let the criminals suffer the consequences!"

And what have we seen here, on good ol' USMB? Just that. Like obedient cultists.

Try this:

Enough context for you?

I didn't see any cop in that video. I saw Trump supporters beating something...but you can't see who or what.
My understanding is that an ANTIFA asshole started breaking windows.....and they grabbed him and kicked the shit out of him. Every time they post a video of that, or something like it, youtube makes it next to impossible to find.
Ask yourself.....does this look like an planned insurrection....or is it just a bunch of assholes that were let in the Capital so they could act like a idiots?

Do you think if it was a real insurrection they wouldn't attack that journalist and prevent him from filming???????

A real insurrection would want to eliminate witnesses and incriminating evidence. They sure as shit wouldn't let some guy with a camera film them.

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I didn't see any cop in that video. I saw Trump supporters beating something...but you can't see who or what.
My understanding is that an ANTIFA asshole started breaking windows.....and they grabbed him and kicked the shit out of him. Every time they post a video of that, or something like it, youtube makes it next to impossible to find.
None so blind as he who refuses to see. I guess we will see at steger's trial.
Figure the odds on you seeing what happens.
They're just going to tell you what happened.
Give you hope for as long as it takes to move on to the next hoax.
Good luck with that. Another Oath Keeper pleaded guilty on Seditious Conspiracy today. Just how many of these Jan 6 trump mob attacks have you guys won? About the same number of hearing judgement won contesting the election itself?
You appear to be the only one ignoring video and photographic evidence.
Good luck with that. Another Oath Keeper pleaded guilty on Seditious Conspiracy today. Just how many of these Jan 6 trump mob attacks have you guys won? About the same number of hearing judgement won contesting the election itself?
You appear to be the only one ignoring video and photographic evidence.
Oath Keepers are no more Trump's people than ISIS is Obama's people.
They may have ideologies that are similar.....but if you're trying to blame Trump for every idiot who starts some radical group then you're about as dishonest as they come.

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