How is the sound of freedom related to Qanon?

Oh child sex trafficking is absolutely real. Nobody is arguing that. But not from some Hillary operated pizza parlor. What kinda jackass believes such horse shit? A jackass. That's who.
This is just their way of trying to put people they hate on the defensive. So they've chosen the ugliest thing they could conjure and are trying to use it as a bludgeon.

It's awful that they would leverage such a terrible issue in an attempt to gain some kind of perceived political advantage, but this is a group pathology. They don't care if they trivialize and dilute pedophilia, which tells you a great deal about them.
This is just their way of trying to put people on the defensive. So they've chosen the ugliest thing they could conjure and are trying to use it as a bludgeon.

It's awful that they would leverage such an awful issue in an attempt to gain some kind of perceived advantage, but this is a group pathology. They don't care if they trivialize and dilute pedophilia, which tells you a great deal about them.

What a bunch of word salad.

Just leave children alone, it's reaching a tipping point where if they don't it's going to get ugly

Absolutely wrong. If you're wrong about this, what else are you wrong about?

The phrase, "conspiracy theory" was originated by the CIA to discredit those who did not believe the "media" version of the JFK assassination story.

I was alive on the day JFK was assassinated. I was nine years old and understood what I was hearing on the TV. If you were not alive at that time, your bullshit was true of you, but certainly not of "any of us".

But nice try and I'm sure your ignorant fellow cultists might buy it.


There were Conspiracy Theories over Pearl Harbor. From FDR knowing about the attack and letting it proceed to Germans actually planning the attack and carrying it out in Japanese planes.

These were actually published in newspapers. That there was no proof didn’t bother anyone who believed it. Like todays stolen election nonsense. They talked to people inside who really knew. Or something.

The UFO crash landing at Roswell New Mexico? Remember that one?

So to pretend that these things didn’t happen is to deny history.
People twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend sexual abuse, grooming and manipulation of children.
I'm sayin'!!!

Lookit the cranks on this very thread....You'd think that the story of a man who gives up his relatively normal life, to hunt down kidnapped children and bring their demonic captors to justice, would be something that could be universally applauded....Something profound that could bring people together.

But nooooooooooo!...If those smelly deplorables are getting behind something -anything, there just has to be something politically untoward about it.
This is just their way of trying to put people they hate on the defensive. So they've chosen the ugliest thing they could conjure and are trying to use it as a bludgeon.

It's awful that they would leverage such a terrible issue in an attempt to gain some kind of perceived political advantage, but this is a group pathology. They don't care if they trivialize and dilute pedophilia, which tells you a great deal about them.
Yeah Mac, we hate child sex trafficking.
There were Conspiracy Theories over Pearl Harbor. From FDR knowing about the attack and letting it proceed to Germans actually planning the attack and carrying it out in Japanese planes.

These were actually published in newspapers. That there was no proof didn’t bother anyone who believed it. Like todays stolen election nonsense. They talked to people inside who really knew. Or something.

The UFO crash landing at Roswell New Mexico? Remember that one?

So to pretend that these things didn’t happen is to deny history.
Nobody really gives a fuck.

Why is it that you fucking hacks can't commend the liberation of children from the hands of commercial sexual predators?....What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's not....The shitlibs go all BlueAnon when they can't otherwise 'splain away the popularity of something that isn't full moonbat.

I'm starting to see which news outlets are directly tied together and operate based on a outside influence because they all say pretty much the exact same thing at the exact same time.

It's one thing for all news outlets to say "mass school shooter in Vermont" at the same time because that's the core of the story. But the additional information or details are unanimously included or excluded.

Or in this instance they all publish incorrect or misrepresented information. Kind of like Kyle Rittenhouse they immediately and unanimously said he said a racist shooter despite the people he shot were also white, hit him, chased him, knocked him down, and pulled a gun on him before he ever shot them.
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