How is the sound of freedom related to Qanon?

When the sound of freedom released recently I saw a lot of headlines like this.

And dozens more all saying the movie is tied to Qanon. But after I looked some the movie was written in 2015. And didn't start filming until 2018.

Qanon thing didn't became a thing until 2017, 2 years after Qanon started.

So how can it be Qanon when the script predates Qanon?

And why is a movie based on real life events of people saving trafficked kids Qanon?

And since when is a movie about child trafficking considered bad?
Anything that doesn't fit their narrative or world view is bad even when it's good.
Conspiracy Theories have existed long before any of us were born. QAnon capitalizes on those theories and makes sure they are as widely disseminated as possible. So linking a movie that is based around CT to QAnon makes sense.

Absolutely wrong. If you're wrong about this, what else are you wrong about?

The phrase, "conspiracy theory" was originated by the CIA to discredit those who did not believe the "media" version of the JFK assassination story.

I was alive on the day JFK was assassinated. I was nine years old and understood what I was hearing on the TV. If you were not alive at that time, your bullshit was true of you, but certainly not of "any of us".

But nice try and I'm sure your ignorant fellow cultists might buy it.

When the sound of freedom released recently I saw a lot of headlines like this.

And dozens more all saying the movie is tied to Qanon. But after I looked some the movie was written in 2015. And didn't start filming until 2018.

Qanon thing didn't became a thing until 2017, 2 years after Qanon started.

So how can it be Qanon when the script predates Qanon?

And why is a movie based on real life events of people saving trafficked kids Qanon?

And since when is a movie about child trafficking considered bad?
It's not....The shitlibs go all BlueAnon when they can't otherwise 'splain away the popularity of something that isn't full moonbat.
You are confused Moon Bat.

I don't believe in any of the Q stuff but all you stupid uneducated Moon Bats believe that more welfare, open borders, more taxation, higher cost of energy, more trannies and queers, doing away with Constitutional rights and defunding the police makes a country better. You can't get any more crazy than that.
So no deep state

No Feds caused the Jan 6 riot?

No stolen election?

Yes, I know, anyone who isn't Qanon supports child sex trafficking.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.

Again, you look the fool. But you’ve been told that before.

I’ve seen such outrage from the left over someone trying to spotlight the horror of child sex trafficking, but zero from the left over the mob marching in NYC pride parade chanting “we’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children”

And, I guess, that’s to be expected of todays left.
Again, you look the fool. But you’ve been told that before.

I’ve seen such outrage from the left over someone trying to spotlight the horror of child sex trafficking, but zero from the left over the mob marching in NYC pride parade chanting “we’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children”

And, I guess, that’s to be expected of todays left.
Sure, sure, okay Q.

Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
Again, you look the fool. But you’ve been told that before.

I’ve seen such outrage from the left over someone trying to spotlight the horror of child sex trafficking, but zero from the left over the mob marching in NYC pride parade chanting “we’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children”

And, I guess, that’s to be expected of todays left.
I'm a tad surprised that Chris Hansen hasn't been Arkancided.
Has any left wrong-leaning user posted anything yet in this thread, that had any apparent purpose other than to give cover in one way or another to those involved in sexually abusing children? I see several posts from several such users, all of them either denying what we all know is going on, or else trying to distract away from it.

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