how gravity works

I think that if these questions are solved, we will find out how nature works and find out the root of evil.
Here at least one thing is clear. The model built on the basis of Aristotle's physics is more adequate and does not require the use of long-range magic. Namely: the heavy substance descends to the centers of mass and the light substance tends from the centers, thus creating the space that we actually observe. Ether is an insulator between the accumulations of masses. The mass is the heavier and closer to the center, the less it contains ether (the distance between particles is greater)
In this context, it is interesting to consider the expansion of a substance upon heating. It turns out that even in a mechanically isolated medium, ether penetrates there, it becomes more when heated.
Accordingly, the more ether (and less heavy matter) the lighter the body becomes.
By the way, this also directly exposes Newtohn's speculations. When heated, it is not the mass that changes, but the density of the substance, and Newton manipulates only the masses, not to mention the density
by the way, and the name of evolution grammatically means "path to evil"
evolution - etymology - from Oxford Languages rather than being apparently plucked straight from one's buttocks.. :
early 17th century: from Latin evolutio(n- ) ‘unrolling’, from the verb evolvere (see evolve). Early senses related to movement, first recorded in describing a ‘wheeling’ maneuver in the realignment of troops or ships. Current senses stem from a notion of ‘opening out’, giving rise to the sense ‘development’.
According to Occam's law, the correct explanation is simpler and does not require additional entities.
That's not correct.

Occam's law says the simplest explanation which correctly explains the observed data is more likely to be correct. Not surely correct, just more likely to be correct.

However, since all of your very peculiar theories are flatly contradicted by observed data, they're all completely wrong, regardless of how simple they are.
Then go ahead and link us to your published research. Not your fantastic message board streams of consciousness. Actual research.
Oh, so it's "us" again, not your "we""we"! That's nice. And arrogant. Me, I just can't help being biased in favor of explanations that actually make sense. You want to publish a paper? Knock yourself out. As you've been informed, I'm not interested. Don't like it? Go fish. In case you've somehow failed to notice, this is a political message board, not some online gathering of mainstream physics dogma regurgitating lemmings.
from Oxford
It is not interesting for me. Surely the Oxford also welcomes the preaching of priests like Newton
This word is associated with the words villain, Vaal and will, and the Slavic "vlast" and "Veles" (this is an analogue of the Vedic Vritra, which was also called Valu.) Here you can feel a semantic connection in addition to grammatical.
All these words in one way or another correlate with reptiles and worms, this is also confirmed by the Slavic word "volos"
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The reality is we see other galaxies, solar systems, stars, black holes, and other heavenly bodies, but nothing that the above is referring to. They were all created beforehand by a creator. This shows the vastness of his work and we continue to see it expand as the universe expands.
Wait,.. what was created before what now?
Oh, so it's "us" again, not your "we""we"! That's nice. And arrogant.
No, i didn't form the body of science. But i did anticipate a steaming turd of ad hominem in place of any actual theory or research. The fact that you have internalized your ideas and take personal offense when you are requested to meet the most basic standards of evidence or argument is a definitive demonstration that the basis of your theory is:

"Because I say so!"

Sounds like you would be more at home in the Religion section of the board, heh heh

Settle down. Any rational person would make the same request of you. No arrogance required. But, insisting you have outsmarted the global scientific community, despite having no relevant education, experience, or published research?

Now THAT is the height of arrogance.
All this is not directly related to the topic, but it touches it in the sense that it would be nice to find out why the churchmen, Newtonians and Einsteinians so zealously defend atomism, what are their motives for this.

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