How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

Dumbest solution I have ever heard

The real problem is that conservatives do not want the transgendered to use either bathroom. They would just as soon beat the shit out of them

We're talking about libertarianism not conservatism, so who cares what conservatives want?

And what is dumb about allowing the owner of something to determine how that thing is used?

I live in North Carolina. That's exactly what that law does, it prevents local governments from forcing businesses to say how customers use their private bathrooms. It doesn't force them to not allow transgender access to the bathroom of their choice, it stops local governments from forcing local businesses how to provide access to the bathrooms. It's a correct law regardless of whether you think they should do
You're close to losing next year's NBA All-Star game.

Since you profess people doing what they want, I'm sure you have no objections to all the corporate and individual boycotts of your state, right?

OMG, not the all-star game!

Let's see, do I want:

Option A) Businesses to decide the rules for the use of their own restrooms

Option B) The "all star game"

Yes, you do live in an Entertainment Tonight world. I'll take Option A, please. But I don't crave slavery like you do
It's not only the NBA.

Here's the list of all the people and companies boycotting the state so far:

Ringo Starr

Bryan Adams

Deutsche Bank


Bruce Springsteen

Michael Moore


Joel McHale

General Electric

the Dow Chemical Company



Hewlett Packard

Choice Hotels International

Whole Foods

Levis Strauss & Co.


Now, a lot of them won't make an economic difference by themselves but they have influence.

North Carolina has their huge "Research Triangle". I heard an interview yesterday on NPR with an executive of Monsanto, which is fighting this law in Missouri, not because they're a Liberal corporation but because they already have stiff competition recruiting top chemists, etc. to move to Missouri and this law is going to further hurt their efforts.

North Carolina doesn't have a lot going for it other than it's universities unless you live on the coast. Businesses aren't clamoring to relocate there. This is going to hurt that further, and without those business taxes who do you think will have to make up the difference? You.

LOL, North Carolina had the fastest growing economy of any State in the country the last three years. Your work is but out for you ...
First of all you are wrong about the costs
How am I wrong about the "costs"? And where did I say "costs"? I said taxes.

If businesses flee the state, are you expecting them to still pay taxes in NC?

Asked and answered
No, you deflected. It's the only thing you've got.
That businesses should manage their own bathrooms is "posting stupid." You're posting socialist.

And NC is a big growth State economically and in jobs. I live in one of the two hearts of that, the Triangle. The other is Charlotte. Sure, Buckwheat, I want to give up my liberty because a few whacked out leftists want to deal with Iran and give access to girls bathrooms to child predators because ... because ... because why again?
That's at least twice that you have deflected from my point.

That means you concede my point.

dblack asked

Hey Synthaholic - what does the blue state/red state stuff have to do with Libertarians?

What's your response?


Syndi doesn't have the balls to back up her crap. That's why she's Syndi
I answered it in #418, dumbass.

No, you didn't, dumb ass
I've already established that you're a retard, so it's not surprising you can't find post #418.
With the Supreme Court shutting that down. As there is a constitutinoal right to travel and right to eavesment rights recognized under the law.

Under your system...there are no such rights. Nor is there a Supreme Court to stop it. As there are no checks on personal power under Anarchy.

Can you provide any examples of private road owners banning anyone from using their roads?
Gated community
The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.
This ties in with Krugman's column today:


First, about the Democrats: Their party defines itself as the protector of the poor and the middle class, and especially of nonwhite voters. Does it fall short of fulfilling this mission much of the time? Are its leaders sometimes too close to big-money donors? Of course. Still, if you look at the record of the Obama years, you see real action on behalf of the party’s goals.

Above all, you have the Affordable Care Act, which has given about 20 million Americans health insurance, with the gains biggest for the poor, minorities and low-wage workers. That’s what you call delivering for the base — and it’s surely one reason nonwhite voters have overwhelmingly favored Mrs. Clinton over a challenger who sometimes seemed to dismiss that achievement.


Maybe you think Democrats could and should have done more, but what the party establishment says and what it does are at least roughly aligned.

Things are very different among Republicans. Their party has historically won elections by appealing to racial enmity and cultural anxiety, but its actual policy agenda is dedicated to serving the interests of the 1 percent, above all through tax cuts for the rich — which even Republican voters don’t support, while they truly loathe elite ideas like privatizing Social Security and Medicare.

What Donald Drumpf has been doing is telling the base that it can order à la carte. He has, in effect, been telling aggrieved white men that they can feed their anger without being forced to swallow supply-side economics, too. Yes, his actual policy proposals still involve huge tax cuts for the rich, but his supporters don’t know that — and it’s possible that he doesn’t, either. Details aren’t his thing.

Establishment Republicans have tried to counter his appeal by shouting, with growing hysteria, that he isn’t a true conservative. And they’re right, at least as they define conservatism. But their own voters don’t care.

If there’s a puzzle here, it’s why this didn’t happen sooner. One possible explanation is the decadence of the G.O.P. establishment, which has become ingrown and lost touch. Apparatchiks who have spent their whole careers inside the bubble of right-wing think tanks and partisan media may suffer from the delusion that their ideology is actually popular with real people. And this has left them hapless in the face of a Trumpian challenge.


The point, in any case, is that the divergent nomination outcomes of 2016 aren’t an accident. The Democratic establishment has won because it has, however imperfectly, tried to serve its supporters. The Republican establishment has been routed because it has been playing a con game on its supporters all along, and they’ve finally had enough.

And yes, Mr. Drumpf is playing a con game of his own, and they’ll eventually figure that out, too. But it won’t happen right away, and in any case it won’t help the party establishment. Sad!
My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.
My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So why then do you support a party known for its largess , not its principles.

My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Well, so you're older. I started the same string later in the eighties

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

I own my own business

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.
LOL, hell yeah, from GE, and it's a biggie. And I didn't earn that how? They made a contribution every year I worked there

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.
Nope, I own myk own buisness

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.
I don't, wasn't ever in the military. but fuck you, leftist, they earned it

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.
Well, since I own my own business, no, no one gives me shit

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.

Fail. You're used to being a failure, aren't you? You're a ho, and you want to be
My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So why then do you support a party known for its largess , not its principles.


Syndi spends all day begging for government handouts because she's independent, wealthy, and knows what hard work can do for you. that doesn't sound right to you?

Hmm ... me either
My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So why then do you support a party known for its largess , not its principles.

I believe in society, not anarchy. Simple as that.
First of all you are wrong about the costs
How am I wrong about the "costs"? And where did I say "costs"? I said taxes.

If businesses flee the state, are you expecting them to still pay taxes in NC?

Asked and answered
No, you deflected. It's the only thing you've got.

You may want to google what the term "deflection" means
I asked you a simple question, and you've repeatedly avoided answering it.

Why should I take you seriously?
My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So why then do you support a party known for its largess , not its principles.

I believe in society, not anarchy. Simple as that.

No, you believe in coercion.
My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are
I'm much more self-sufficient than you've ever been.

Do you work? I've been employed continuously in my profession as an independent contractor since 1980, with not a day of being unemployed.

Do you work for someone else? I am self-employed.

Do you get a pension, money you didn't actually earn through work? Every cent I have is directly from my work.

Do you get sick days, paid days off? I don't.

Do you get a government handout for being in the military? It's just free money off the backs of the taxpayers.

Do you get any benefit through your work, like a car to drive, etc.? I don't. I pay my way in every single aspect of life.

You're the fake. I'm the real deal.

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So why then do you support a party known for its largess , not its principles.

I believe in society, not anarchy. Simple as that.

You believe in tyranny of the majority. Simple as that
First of all you are wrong about the costs
How am I wrong about the "costs"? And where did I say "costs"? I said taxes.

If businesses flee the state, are you expecting them to still pay taxes in NC?

Asked and answered
No, you deflected. It's the only thing you've got.

You may want to google what the term "deflection" means
I asked you a simple question, and you've repeatedly avoided answering it.

Why should I take you seriously?

I've repeatedly answered your question.

Why should I take you seriously?

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