How different would America be today if Trump were still president?

It isn't just about the stock market. Biden and the Democrats have failed in far more ways than causing investors to lose $9 trillion dollars in the market.

Biden didn't do that. Our economic polices of the last 14 years did. You can claim that Biden was a part of those polices and he was but we did this to ourselves.

Now quit with the idiotic notion that everything would have been the same, no matter if Biden was elected. You know damned well that you liberals have screwed the pooch big time, but you're so lacking in humility, that you can't bring yourselves to admit how wrong you are.

I'm not going to waste my time with you, sitting here and arguing one single point out of a long list of your failures. A list that's getting longer every day:

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018,

With the price of oil less than it rose to under Bush.

an inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019,

Because that was built over years and years of pumping. Again, do you really not understand how this all works?

a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the lower and middle class, the DOW dropping 6,700 points in only a year, causing retirement accounts to lose $3 trillion dollars, 30 year fixed mortgages rising 4.43% and median asking rent rising 79.7% in only two years, and the stock market losing $7 trillion dollars in two years. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a monumental trade imbalance with China, an exponentially- spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, hundreds of migrants dying while crossing the border, more than enough fentanyl to kill everyone in the country, 4 million more illegals within only two two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban, a weakened, emasculated military, the IRS arming and training to be home invaders, using the DOJ and the FBI to harass political opponents by conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China becoming energy and militarily dominant, a war in Ukraine that has cost us billions of dollars and has killed thousands of people, and a president who is trying to incite a civil war against half the country.

The DOJ and FBI has been corrupt for years.
For Trump to still be president 1/6 would have had to been successful somehow.
America would now be under martial law as the new dictator Trump tries to hold on to power in a country that would have become ungovernable.
Like he instituted martial law during the burn, loot, and murder riots for Saint Floyd di Fentanyl? Like that. Or maybe he'd start a war, like when he attacked Iran after they shot down a very expensive drone of ours? Or maybe he'll repeat his decision to shut down news media that disagreed with him. Oh wait, NONE of that happened. You people are so full of shit your eyes must be brown.

What you are describing is exactly what Dems are going to do if he is re-elected. You'll be chanting about "social justice" while you burn shit down but the reality is that your party has decided they don't NEED to be voted in to retain power. They'll just intimidate or become ungovernable. With the economic issues and the supply chain deterioration, we're apt to see a lot more people suffering and becoming desperate. Your brown shirts may find that they aren't the only ones in the streets who are PISSED.
Biden didn't do that. Our economic polices of the last 14 years did. You can claim that Biden was a part of those polices and he was but we did this to ourselves.

With the price of oil less than it rose to under Bush.

Because that was built over years and years of pumping. Again, do you really not understand how this all works?

The DOJ and FBI has been corrupt for years.
Biden’s handlers extended the shutdown much longer than was necessary. Their motives are questionable, at best, assuming that they were current on scientific studies. I find it very hard to believe these individuals were in the dark given the number of underlings ex-presidents has access to with researching.

Evidential studies at the time (and certainly now) proved that the intentional extended shut down in the US mammothed the cost factor in lives of not doing so. Biden’s extended shut down did not contain nor reduce any type of spread.
Like he instituted martial law during the burn, loot, and murder riots for Saint Floyd di Fentanyl? Like that. Or maybe he'd start a war, like when he attacked Iran after they shot down a very expensive drone of ours? Or maybe he'll repeat his decision to shut down news media that disagreed with him. Oh wait, NONE of that happened. You people are so full of shit your eyes must be brown.

Some of it didn't happen but it wasn't because Trump didn't support doing it.
Biden’s handlers extended the shutdown much longer than was necessary.

I don't believe the shut down was the right avenue to take in the first place.

Their motives are questionable, at best, assuming that they were current on scientific studies. I find it very hard to believe these individuals were in the dark given the number of underlings ex-presidents has access to with researching.

Evidential studies at the time (and certainly now) proved that the intentional extended shut down in the US mammothed the cost factor in lives of not doing so. Biden’s extended shut down did not contain nor reduce any type of spread.

I don't disagree.
Let's face it, Americans would be more prosperous today if the election hadn't been stolen from Trump. The Wall would have almost have been completed by now. Gas, groceries, and energy bills would be cheaper than ever. The list goes on and on.

How anyone who can support Biden for what he's destructively done to the domestic economy and national security of this once great nation is mind boggling.

[ If Trump were still president, America would be a much nicer, wealthier, healthier and safer place. There'd be prosperity instead of inflation. We'd still be dominating the world, instead of facing World War III. America would be great again.]

"How different would America be today if Trump were still president?"

He IS still president
For Trump to still be president 1/6 would have had to been successful somehow.
America would now be under martial law as the new dictator Trump tries to hold on to power in a country that would have become ungovernable.

You leftists are out of your fucking minds. :laughing0301:

"Of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most indifferent or the most obstructed when it came to using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies.

For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy.

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally - as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace?

Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

Did Trump blatantly use the national security apparatus of the government to enhance his own reelection bid in 2020?

Was Trump ever caught on a hot mic promising a Russian president that he would try to ease Russian worries about Eastern European missile defense if only the Russians would give him space during his 2012 campaign for president against Mitt Romney?

Did Trump weaponize the FBI? That is, did the FBI go after journalists, former Obama officials, or Democratic Party activists who variously were attacking Don Jr. or Ivanka on the pretenses of retrieving one of their lost laptops or diaries?

Are there texts of Trump-era FBI agents talking about how to “stop” Hillary Clinton’s or Biden’s election bid?

Did the Trump Justice Department start an investigation of the suspected illegal lobbying of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, who used the former’s political connections to win large cash payments from foreign governments?

Did Trump order an FBI raid on the Obama home, on rumors that there were thousands of documents under dispute with the National Archives in his possession, especially given the Obama record of fiercely fighting any Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to release his documents?

Was Jake Sullivan’s phone grabbed by the FBI at an airport to determine his role in the Russian collusion hoax?

Are there now any former Trump loyalists who, as “anonymous” officials in cabinet agencies or obstructionists on the National Security Council, are writing op-eds about their stealthy daily efforts to undermine Biden’s executive orders or his administration’s action?

Are there now “50 former intelligence officials” who signed affidavits in support of Trump’s allegations about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop?

Between 2017 and 2020, did Trump’s team systematically seek to change the voting laws in key states to radically transform traditional balloting, in a mail-in or early voting revolution, in which only 30 percent of the electorate would vote on Election Day?

Was there any “dark money” effort analogous to the efforts of corporate and tech money along with DNC activists and Biden operators in what Time magazine’s Molly Ball described as a “conspiracy” to ensure the defeat of Trump’s opponent?

How about Trump’s efforts to revolutionize the very system of government? Did he promote a court-packing scheme to ensure he might not just get a 5-4 majority, but perhaps an 11-4 conservative advantage in a new 15-justice Supreme Court?

Did he dream up ways of getting rid of the Electoral College so the “blue wall” might never return?

Did Trump as president meet with CIA and FBI directors who, in their weekly and daily briefings, apprised him of efforts to monitor, spy, and infiltrate the campaign of Joe Biden?

The strange thing about Trump was that he did not use extraordinary powers to investigate anyone unlawfully. He boasted, he railed, he screamed, he whined, he became at times crude and obnoxious. But he did not use the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, or the IRS to go after the Obamas, the Clintons, or the Bidens.

In fact, of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most inept or indifferent, or the most obstructed concerning any issue of using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies. "

The Strangest Thing About "Semi-Fascist" Trump | ZeroHedge
Let's face it, Americans would be more prosperous today if the election hadn't been stolen from Trump. The Wall would have almost have been completed by now. Gas, groceries, and energy bills would be cheaper than ever. The list goes on and on.

How anyone who can support Biden for what he's destructively done to the domestic economy and national security of this once great nation is mind boggling.

[ If Trump were still president, America would be a much nicer, wealthier, healthier and safer place. There'd be prosperity instead of inflation. We'd still be dominating the world, instead of facing World War III. America would be great again.]

We would have His Excellency Doctor Idi Amin Dada Rump - President for Life, and King of Scotland.

How different would America be today if Trump were still president?​

No way to know, the shitbirds would be keeping him busy with their never ceasing, baseless, impeachments.

In my opinion America would be a very different place, a better place if Trump were still President. The whole world would be a better place.

With the Usurper in Chief and his thugs, bringing us all closer to WW3 ..... that's where we are right now sadly.

Stolen Election have consequences.
Let's face it, Americans would be more prosperous today if the election hadn't been stolen from Trump. The Wall would have almost have been completed by now. Gas, groceries, and energy bills would be cheaper than ever. The list goes on and on.

How anyone who can support Biden for what he's destructively done to the domestic economy and national security of this once great nation is mind boggling.

[ If Trump were still president, America would be a much nicer, wealthier, healthier and safer place. There'd be prosperity instead of inflation. We'd still be dominating the world, instead of facing World War III. America would be great again.]

The only real thing I can think of is whether the war in the Ukraine would have happened or not.
As for the other things, I guess there's be loads more Trump nonsense in the media, Trump supporters wouldn't be going on about some "stolen election" but I'm sure they'd have found some other way to make themselves look silly.

How has Biden destroyed the domestic economy?
Let's face it, Americans would be more prosperous today if the election hadn't been stolen from Trump. The Wall would have almost have been completed by now. Gas, groceries, and energy bills would be cheaper than ever. The list goes on and on.

How anyone who can support Biden for what he's destructively done to the domestic economy and national security of this once great nation is mind boggling.

[ If Trump were still president, America would be a much nicer, wealthier, healthier and safer place. There'd be prosperity instead of inflation. We'd still be dominating the world, instead of facing World War III. America would be great again.]

The economy would be rocking, Putin wouldn’t have invaded ukraine, the border would be closed…………

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