How come voters get no blame for our national debt?

Reagan exploded the deficit like no one before him and people worshiped him. Deficits don't matter when there is a country to run, they only matter when you do not have access to the credit cards anymore. Every conservative deficit hawk here would go back to sleep for another 4-8 years while a republican spent willy-nilly on tax cuts and defense spending, money well borrowed and spent. Any candidate who claims they will get a handle on spending within the time frame of their term is lying to you. Even a realistic plan where the pain of spending cuts and tax hikes is willingly shared by 100% of the people would take 20-50 years.
...Any candidate who claims they will get a handle on spending within the time frame of their term is lying to you. Even a realistic plan where the pain of spending cuts and tax hikes is willingly shared by 100% of the people would take 20-50 years.

so true. that's why it's critical that we voters put politicians into leadership roles who will act fiscally responsible for a 20 years at least. it's up to us. but i see us failing this test yet again.
The extent to which I blame the American people for the debt is rather tenuous.

The fact that they voted for the people who ARE responsible is about the extent to which I blame the average American.

And since they really had no choice but one set of villians or the other?

That's not a whole lotta responsibility.

When you only choice is the frying pan or the fire?

YOu don't have much choice but to get burned.
It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

I'll step up and take my share of the blame.
It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

I'll step up and take my share of the blame.

But now that I think of it it is probably as meaningless as Secty Reno taking responsibility for Waco
It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

They don't?

It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

A great number of eligible voting age people are staying home on election day. About half. One can only guess how many do so because they are completely fed up with the two major parties and because the alternative parties are propellerheads.

But it seems to me these people are a great untapped pool of voters for a new, sane, moderate party.

We have become a nation of entitled brats. Gimme this, gimme that, and make that guy over there pay for it.

I also live in a state where the people have never met a tax they don't like. They are more than happy to increase property taxes, business taxes, cigarette taxes, any taxes that don't affect them directly. Make the other guy pay.

Well, I am the other guy and I am fed up. They can all go fuck themselves.

Why do we keep getting worse and worse politicians? Well, take a look at the GOP primary process. A rush to the extremes. Most people don't vote in primaries. But zealots have lots of energy and they do vote in primaries. So the candidates pander to them. Any moderates are mocked.

And now there are so many litmus tests for a candidate that the more history you have, the more that can and will be used against you. Tis better to have no background at all so one can claim to hold all these extreme beliefs without any past contradictions to be thrown in your face. Being a pathological liar is an advantage.

This results in a less experienced idiot being considered the man or MILF for the job!!!

We are actually requiring the most demanding and most important job on the planet in the entire history of the world be occupied by an extremist ignorant novice.

Jesus H. Christ.

The time for a new party is ripe.
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It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

YOU HAVE NO MEMORY of what happened in 2000?, 2001?,2003-2008?

Does the FACT that the IRS allows tax payers to NOT pay an average of $267 billion a year since 2002 mean anything to you?

Does the FACT that $1.2 Trillion was spent in response to events that occurred in 1991 through 2001??
DO YOU think there were NO COSTS in responding to any of those EVENTS?

I'll give you a hint... $8 trillion in losses.. means $267 billion a year in lost tax revenue while $1.2 trillion in additional OUTLAYS $600 billion because evidently people like you wanted to see US soldiers die!
because the republican party has cheated to win elections for decades.

Aren't you one of the turds who claim voter fraud is not a problem?

Turd ?

is that how you see people who accept the truth?

No, that's how I see nitwits like you who believe in every idiocy that comes down the pike.

Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

Republican cheating is.

There is court documented proof.


I rest my case.
because the republican party has cheated to win elections for decades.

Aren't you one of the turds who claim voter fraud is not a problem?

Turd ?

is that how you see people who accept the truth?

Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

Republican cheating is.

There is court documented proof.

You've never made your case as to why requiring a picture ID would pevent anyone from voting if the ID's were free.

I don't think you have enough faith in minorities since you keep hawking a study that says such a requirement effects them.

Why does it effect them?

In your own words please.
We, the voters asked for debt

We want federal programs, earmarks for our district and freebees. We also want our taxes cut.

If a candidate tried to cut programs we use, we didn't vote for him. If a candidate tried to raise taxes, we didn't vote for him

We just get what we vote for

The "we" you refer to is two separate groups of people. There's one group, who are a gang of parasites, who want free stuff from the government. The other group is taxpayers who have to pay for all this crap. Lumping both groups together and claiming they are the same people is a classic libturd con.
It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

Excellent post.

We want more government than we are willing to pay for. Always have and always will. It cuts across both parties, across generations, across races, socioeconomic divisions, across gender, and, most importantly, across political philosophies.

Rick Perry says he's conservative. Yet he wants to go back into Iraq. We charged the entire war on our credit card already and he wants to fire up the war machine again.

GWB funded Medicare Part D with the American Express card as well. Conservative? Hardly.

We get the government we deserve.

It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

Excellent post.

We want more government than we are willing to pay for. Always have and always will. It cuts across both parties, across generations, across races, socioeconomic divisions, across gender, and, most importantly, across political philosophies.

Rick Perry says he's conservative. Yet he wants to go back into Iraq. We charged the entire war on our credit card already and he wants to fire up the war machine again.

GWB funded Medicare Part D with the American Express card as well. Conservative? Hardly.

We get the government we deserve.

No... YOU want more government than WE can pay for
We, the voters asked for debt

We want federal programs, earmarks for our district and freebees. We also want our taxes cut.

If a candidate tried to cut programs we use, we didn't vote for him. If a candidate tried to raise taxes, we didn't vote for him

We just get what we vote for

The "we" you refer to is two separate groups of people. There's one group, who are a gang of parasites, who want free stuff from the government. The other group is taxpayers who have to pay for all this crap. Lumping both groups together and claiming they are the same people is a classic libturd con.

Those parasites are each and every one of and poor

Cut the program that benefits us and we vote the bastards out. Americans are fat and lazy and unwilling to face sacrifice.
It's been since 1952 since we had a day where our national debt decreased. How come the voters get a pass on this issue? If it were important enough to us, we would simply vote those out that governed in a manner that increased our debt (and would consistently do so until we had only politicians who governed in a fiscally responsible manner).

How come we get a pass and then get to blame the people that WE voted into office (since both parties have run up massive debt, that would be most of us)? Sure, they should get a ton of blame, but how come the people who put them there get to pass the blame and then sit around and complain like we're not complicit?

Excellent post.

We want more government than we are willing to pay for. Always have and always will. It cuts across both parties, across generations, across races, socioeconomic divisions, across gender, and, most importantly, across political philosophies.

Rick Perry says he's conservative. Yet he wants to go back into Iraq. We charged the entire war on our credit card already and he wants to fire up the war machine again.

GWB funded Medicare Part D with the American Express card as well. Conservative? Hardly.

We get the government we deserve.

No... YOU want more government than WE can pay for

Not the case at all....can you give me an example?

I'm for cutting military spending on the development of every new weapons system (not research) but increasing the pay and benefits to the men and women under arms

I'm for placing a 10 year moratorium on funding the NEA. And I am, by the way, one who seldom misses NPR's weekend programming--and I catch as much mid-week stuff as I can.

I'm for trying school vouchers in four or five states as trial balloons to see if what we had is better than what we're getting. I think we should do it over a 6 year period and see if the performances are any better on the whole than what we're getting now. I recommend we do it in Minnesota, Alabama, Nevada, and Virgina. Four different regions, four different population levels, incredibly diverse racial make-ups. Just see how it works

I'm for zero-based budgeting every 10 years. Start with a blank piece of paper, see what you really need, and go from there.

I would be willing to listen to a balanced budget amendment if it were tied to a real world number. Balancing a budget is easy; just raise taxes and fees to cover everything. If you tie it to a % of GDP though, it will keep taxes low.

You're personalization of this is silly pal. You and I are warmed by fires started by others. It is the way it is and it is the way it should be in this nation.
We, the voters asked for debt

We want federal programs, earmarks for our district and freebees. We also want our taxes cut.

If a candidate tried to cut programs we use, we didn't vote for him. If a candidate tried to raise taxes, we didn't vote for him

We just get what we vote for

The "we" you refer to is two separate groups of people. There's one group, who are a gang of parasites, who want free stuff from the government. The other group is taxpayers who have to pay for all this crap. Lumping both groups together and claiming they are the same people is a classic libturd con. would you go about fixing the pot holes on your street? Should you all pass the hat around and get it fixed yourself or do you rely on the municipal government to do that? If you do, persons who dont' drive on the street may be paying the bill. So that makes you a sponge. do you fund public schools? Should you have to pay for them if you don't have any kids or your kids don't go? If you did go to a public school at any time, you were a sponge.

Welcome to the club.

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