How Can We Solve The Illegal Immigration Problem?

kurtsprincess, I do appreciate your family's bona fides. I just don't happen to agree -- and I think I'm entitled to a POV even if I do not happen to have any hispanic background.

For all of you claiming "Mexico's problems are not the US's".....isn't that precisely what they are now?
kurtsprincess, I do appreciate your family's bona fides. I just don't happen to agree -- and I think I'm entitled to a POV even if I do not happen to have any hispanic background.

For all of you claiming "Mexico's problems are not the US's".....isn't that precisely what they are now?

Mexico is not our problem. mexican's lifestyle is not our problem. Setting up mexico's social system is not our problem. Making more jobs in mexico for mexicans is not our problem. Saving mexicans from mexicans in mexico is not our problem. What mexicans do in their own country, mexico, is not our problem. Redistributing mexican wealth is not our problem.

Mexico is mexico's problem. Not ours.

In terms of the problme facing THIS country of illegal's entering and staying, mexican illegals are PART of the illegal immigration problem.

NOTICE I say entering and not just crossing the border.

Get over the mexican thing.
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i dont follow the logic that it is possible to improve the mexican economy in a timely or cost effective manner. this is a fantasy for many , many reasons. i dont think that there will be some value to the US or the issue of immigration in so doing, anyhow. i dont think that it is prudent to deport all of the mexicans who are in the country illegally.

my solution is to charge illegals for visas: ~$5000 for a three year visa, which is renewable if they can show a tax returns for that period, no waiver for having american kids; your personal deduction is $5k less than an american. all citizenships for those not born in the country should go for $20k aggregate tax liability or $20k cash. if you are a negative liability type will you ever be a citizen? $35k for couples. over a million citizenships have been given away every year since the 90s.

the $20 or so billion per year could help to enforce immigration status for those who have'nt paid their dues, and to support our debt-burdened public sector.

everyone's happy, i think, save for a handful of bigots and broke, lazy immigrants - parties which the US should relinquish the habit of satisfying at the cost of the rest of us.
syrenn, discussing illegal immigration without discussing Mexico or Mexicans is inane. Can you please tell me why the subject is so taboo for you?

It is not taboo. Where have I not discussed mexico when ever you bring them up? Taboo would indicate that speaking of mexico is off the table.

Your stance that we need to fix all of mexico to stop the mexican illegal immigration problem is crazy. Mexicans are NOT the only illegals in the country.

Your state your ideas and I state mine. That is called a debate.

Again fixing mexico is not Americas problem. It is mexico's problem.
Mexico is not capable of fixing anything - much less the chaotic mess that country is's still Mexico's problema! They caused it; now they have to live with it.
solve it by fining immensely and stripping operating licenses any company caught hiring illegals whether on or off the books. once they have no jobs here they will sulk back across the border
solve it by fining immensely and stripping operating licenses any company caught hiring illegals whether on or off the books. once they have no jobs here they will sulk back across the border

No they will not! They don't come to this country just looking for work - they know ALL the freebies that they can get here - don't kid yourselves! What other country gives them free schooling, free medical, free food, free housing, etc???? Get a clue people, don't fall for the 'I come looking to feed my family', or 'looking for the american dream', or 'looking for a better job'....hogwash!
Hi Madeline:

How Can We Solve The Illegal Immigration Problem?
The answer has always been to 'enforce' our perfectly good immigration, employment and document fraud laws ... AT ... THE ... WORKPLACE. Unscrupulous American Employers are allowed to pick around American Workers in favor of cheap Illegal Alien Workers and everyone from Barry in the White House to the local Sheriff is looking the other way. Throw those 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens into jail and take away their business license FOR LIFE and the Illegals will find their own way back home. Too simple ...

Why do Mexicans leave their homes and come to the US?
Simple: Because they can ... and the impotent Dept Of Homeland Insecurity is looking the other way ...

Because they have no opportunity for a decent life where they live. Crime is rampant. Corruption is rampant ...
Yeah! And that is here in the USA!

No, we cannot absorb the illegals who are here now into our citizenry. We need to deport them....but no matter how vigourously we enforce our immigration laws or secure our borders, we will never end the problem unless we take steps to change Mexico into a habitable place where people are content to remain.
We disagree! Again, if the corrupt U.S. Federal and State Governments will ENFORCE the 'Rule Of Law,' then Illegal Aliens everywhere in the USA will find their own way back home where they 'are' citizens. We have hundreds and even thousands of Illegal Aliens using the same Social Security Numbers with addresses on their Employment Applications, but the so-called 'law enforcement officers' in this country cannot do the math!!!! Do not talk about the corruption south of the border, when the USA is the most corrupt country on earth! My God man! We have a Kenyan-born Foreign National squatting in the White House RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK!

[ame=""]Michelle Obama: Barry's Home Country Is Kenya!!![/ame]

The problem is not insoluable. Mexico has the highest GDP of any Latin American nation. What does the US need to do to entice Mexicans to return home and stay there?
Again. Everyone from Barry in the White House to the local sheriff only need to ENFORCE our laws and those 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens will begin hiring real U.S. Workers that 'do' have legal working status.

What would YOU want from your home? Safety. Opportunity.

Most Americans are delusional when it comes to understanding typical Illegal Alien behavior. I have worked with hundreds of Illegal Aliens here in Florida:

1. Illegal Aliens come here to earn money to send back home.

2. Illegal Aliens game the system to maximize the amount of money they can send back home, while getting free health care and welfare if possible.

3. Illegal Aliens do not want to become U.S. Citizens, because then another Illegal Alien will come along and steal their identity and JOB.

4. Illegal Aliens take turns crossing the border to work in the USA illegally and oftentimes share fake identification cards. Therefore, the 20 Million Illegal Aliens here today are not particularly the same ones that were here a month or a year ago.

5. The idea is to make as much money as possible to send back home, so that eventually you can build a house and live like a king.

6. Illegal Aliens know very well that they broke the law by simply coming here. They know that working here is illegal, but they care nothing about our laws and less about the American children having bread taken out of their mouths by all of this illegal activity.

7. Illegal Aliens have more identification than the typical American Citizen. They boast about how they DUPED everyone involved to get their fake I.D.

We need to legalize drugs and end the stranglehold of drug crime,
Drugs 'are' legal already, which is the reason most kids get high from their parent's medicine cabinet ...

and we need to require the Mexican government to adopt social policies that entice illegals to go home. These people need to see the chance of a better life in Mexico, not the US.

Mexico does not have our problem of Mexican Employers 'hiring' Illegal Aliens, because Mexican Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws 'are' enforced to the full extent of the "Rule Of Law." We The Sheeple are DUPES :)cuckoo:) for allowing the Illegal Alien Invasion to continue here in the once-great USA ...


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solve it by fining immensely and stripping operating licenses any company caught hiring illegals whether on or off the books. once they have no jobs here they will sulk back across the border

No they will not! They don't come to this country just looking for work - they know ALL the freebies that they can get here - don't kid yourselves! What other country gives them free schooling, free medical, free food, free housing, etc???? Get a clue people, don't fall for the 'I come looking to feed my family', or 'looking for the american dream', or 'looking for a better job'....hogwash!

lets see... how many kids does the average mexican family have? how much actual $ would they get from welfare and other government programs? how quickly would they starve to death just using that money?
solve it by fining immensely and stripping operating licenses any company caught hiring illegals whether on or off the books. once they have no jobs here they will sulk back across the border

No they will not! They don't come to this country just looking for work - they know ALL the freebies that they can get here - don't kid yourselves! What other country gives them free schooling, free medical, free food, free housing, etc???? Get a clue people, don't fall for the 'I come looking to feed my family', or 'looking for the american dream', or 'looking for a better job'....hogwash!

lets see... how many kids does the average mexican family have? how much actual $ would they get from welfare and other government programs? how quickly would they starve to death just using that money?

Angelhair, unless a company operates in a regulated industry (e.g., operates a coal mine) it has no "operating license". Most counties have ordinances requiring businesses to obtain and maintain a business permit, but the consequences for not doing so are mild, to say the least.

We need to throw US employers who hire illegals into prison and confiscate their businesses -- in other words, drive up the "risk" side of the risk/benefit analysis so they will STOP doing this.
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No they will not! They don't come to this country just looking for work - they know ALL the freebies that they can get here - don't kid yourselves! What other country gives them free schooling, free medical, free food, free housing, etc???? Get a clue people, don't fall for the 'I come looking to feed my family', or 'looking for the american dream', or 'looking for a better job'....hogwash!

lets see... how many kids does the average mexican family have? how much actual $ would they get from welfare and other government programs? how quickly would they starve to death just using that money?

Angelhair, unless a company operates in a regulated industry (e.g., operates a coal mine) it has no "operating license". Most counties have ordinances requiring businesses to obtain and maintain a business permit, but the consequences for not doing so are mild, to say the least.

We need to throw US employers who hire illegals into prison and confiscate their businesses -- in other words, drive up the "risk" side of the risk/benefit analysis so they will STOP doing this.

yep. and making an example of the first few will surely scare the rest. there also should be a task force that patrols construction sites and other large gathering of manual labor and ensures that all workers are legal
I have no problem with legal immigration in good faith to become American citizens (I quote in part from T. Roosevelt) for it is an outrage to discriminate against any man based solely on race, creed, origin, etc. But that presumes that the immigrant that comes here assimilates himself with us and becomes not a hyphenated American but an American and nothing else. We have room but for one flag and that is the American flag. We have room but for one language and that is the English language and finally, we have room but for one loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.

When I see immigrants marching down our streets waiving the Mexican flag demanding citizenship, respect and all of the liberties that millions of our brave men and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure, it makes me wonder how any American can defend their actions.

Only a war will solve the problem and that is quite improbable. The problem is too big to solve politically.
Holy Jesus are people in this thread actually suggesting we have to "bail Mexico out" before we lock down our borders?

Fuck Mexico, I haven't fought in two wars and risked my life daily in order to pay taxes to support Mexico. If that were my goal, I would have joined the Mexican Army.
This POS thread keeps bobbing up. Why?

Fuck Mexico. Send their illegal exports back.

What's all the disccussion?

The issue is the stupidity of that solution.

A) Do you realize how much it would cost to round them all up, detain them, try them, and deport them?

B) What do you propose to do with the ones who are US citizens due to being born here? Just say fuck you and your citizenship?
This POS thread keeps bobbing up. Why?

Fuck Mexico. Send their illegal exports back.

What's all the disccussion?

The issue is the stupidity of that solution.

A) Do you realize how much it would cost to round them all up, detain them, try them, and deport them?

B) What do you propose to do with the ones who are US citizens due to being born here? Just say fuck you and your citizenship?

A) No.

B) Fuck em.
This POS thread keeps bobbing up. Why?

Fuck Mexico. Send their illegal exports back.

What's all the disccussion?

The issue is the stupidity of that solution.

A) Do you realize how much it would cost to round them all up, detain them, try them, and deport them?

B) What do you propose to do with the ones who are US citizens due to being born here? Just say fuck you and your citizenship?

A) No.

B) Fuck em.

A) Guess you should educate yourself

B) Bet you don't say fuck them if someone tries to take YOUR US citizenship
The issue is the stupidity of that solution.

A) Do you realize how much it would cost to round them all up, detain them, try them, and deport them?

B) What do you propose to do with the ones who are US citizens due to being born here? Just say fuck you and your citizenship?

A) No.

B) Fuck em.

A) Guess you should educate yourself

B) Bet you don't say fuck them if someone tries to take YOUR US citizenship

Listen up, Cornhole.

a) I'll pay it.

b) Who the fuck is gonna leave their goddamn baby behind?

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