How can the World Prepare for Climate Change and the Magnetic Polar Shift?

I grew up in San Francisco and may live their again. The Golden Gate Park there has a windmill as a gift from the Dutch near Ocean Beach on the west side leading to the Pacific Ocean. A dyke and windmills nearby may be the perfect solution to combat coastal erosion.

Just to the south, the impact of coastal erosion is more severe and dire. The rich libs want you and I and I to cut down on fossil fuel use when they were the ones who built their million dollar homes near the coast line. Even Obama bought a second home next to the coast at Martha's Vineyard. Do as I tell you, not do as I do, you peasant.

I also grew up in San Francisco (actually Daly City) ... those two windmills in Golden Gate Park are exactly what I had in mind in my post #50 ... small world ... I drove through there in 2015 for the first time since the late 1970's ... ate at the Cliff House and I gotta tell you, I didn't see no damn sea level rise ... my aunt lived on 48th and Noriega so that stretch of beach was where I grew up ... the Great Highway is at least 30 feet above high tide marks ... I don't think there's enough fossil fuel to burn to raise sea levels that much ...

I hiked the old coast highway roadbed from Daly City to Pacifica in the early 1970's ... we had to scramble around all the slides ... my Dad told me stories about all the slides there back in the 1930's ... you should remember Devil's Slide just south of Pacifica ... hate to disappoint you, but that area has been sliding into the ocean for centuries ... global warming ain't the cause ... people building on unstable soil is ...
I didn't answer the actual question my first time around. How can we prepare for climate shifts?

Allocate resources, choice land and arm yourself to your teeth.
Try not to contribute any more than I have to, but I do not favor radical change the sake of global warming. As for the polar shift, it is a very slow process, not to worry about as they already are used to updating the GPS and other satellites. Probably harder reprinting to update topo maps for changes to declination angle, but few of us bother any more with that type of navigation or point locating, as we depend on the satellites.

The commonly used term is "deviation" when it comes to magnetic compasses.
Probably true at least in Navy, but I was never navy. Declination angle is listed in the marginal information of decent topographic maps and represents difference between true north or magnetic north and map or grid north. Handy to know if you shooting a resection from two known points to your exact location. Then it becomes a matter of the back azimuths and working the math, as distance to known points can be a tricky thing without a laser or parallax range finder. Like I said, less important today when you can whip out an Iphone and get your latitude/longitude, elevation without bothering with old school techniques, that is unless your battery is down, or like any other tool you have found a way to break it or lose it when you are temporarily dis-oriented. Notice, I didn't say lost, I don't get lost.
Magnetic declination, per Wikipedia
Magnetic declination, or magnetic variation, is the angle on the horizontal plane between magnetic north and true north. This angle varies depending on position on the Earth's surface and changes over time.Wikipedia

So what I said is 100% correct. Declination is a term used in celestial navigation.
Probably. I'm shitty and untrained on celestial navigation, but flat hell on terrain with a 1:50,000 Topo map, map compass and a good lensatic compass, whether the stars are out or not.
The Seasons are mostly for a quartered year. But if the Hadley Cell region is better for the new Tropical Zone, then that's fine. Of course I have a political aim, that is what is behind the politics of names; what does Gaunt le Magne, or is that Ghent le Magne, tell you about Me? What does Boreas and Auster say about Aeolus, or... Njord.

Seasons are exact astronomical events ... strictly defined by the moment the Sun passes the First Point of Ares ... and these are convenient divisions to describe different weather at different times of the year ...

Gaunt le Magne in Creole French is "my dog has mange" ... ain't it? ... I weep for you but what does that have to do with politics outside of Louisiana ... or climate change ... as far as naming stuff we like to use the original name, as an honor to the first person to discover it ... our unit of force is the newton; the tropical circulation cell is called the Hadley Cell, after George Hadley ...

I don't know what Boreas and Auster say about anything ... I assume these are the new names for our new climate but I curious why you think the world's desert belts are going to rise 5º in latitude? ... the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer have (again) very exact astronomical definitions ... accounting for a bit of thermal lag and we have our very rough estimate of the desert belts at 30º ... and this varies widely around the globe ... the Gobi desert is closer to 45ºN ...

Nah, I'm saying something about My family, branches through Normandy, York, Lancaster, Stuart, Bonaparte and Wittelsbach. So, that has to do with something more than Louisiana.

I think the desert belt might actually shrink because the warmer climate will also have more water vapor in the air too, which will fuel future storms. Might see Hurricanes and Cyclones maintain strength and circulation further inland.
Well, the first thing we gotta do is get rid of all these science denying conservative types.

Or at least re-educate them.
You sound more like a Chinese loyalist than an American.
Nope, I'm an American loyalist. I want what's best for my country and it's people.

Unlike conservatives who seem to want to turn America into either a dictatorship or a kleptocracy.
Climate Change is an elementary school topic once you look at this from a orbit and rotation Ice Age Summer Age perspective.
Haha....wat? English, please.
Fine, in plain British, to give credit to Scottish, Welsh, and Irish contributions to le langue Bretagnais; the planet Volcan, as is the ancient name of Our Volcanic Planet (priests of Vulcan/Volcanal) spins on a ~26,000 year axial procession and direct Sunlight affects the Seasons and temperature. We have Ice Ages in order a Winter Age, and We have the opposite, a Summer Age of melted ice and higher sea levels and water vapor; a Tropical Age. And there's a massive black star, Vishnu, at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and there are gravitational and energetic effects that take place based on the orbit of Our Solar System around the Black Star Sun, Vishnu.

Yeah...and? Surely you aren't proposing that the people who discovered and taught you every single bit of that -- and who now research and sound the alarms on manmade climate change -- are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work

Or is this what you are suggesting?

There might be a component of Human Caused Climate Change... from industrial gases in the atmosphere; but Natural Climate Change is just that, a Natural process. This is why I feel the Paris Accord 2 degree point is crazy. Leading scientists and politicians are not recognizing the Natural Order of Climate Change... that the planet's climate changes because of Rotational and Orbital progressions, because of the Natural Law and Order.
The polarity of the magnetic field is not that big a deal. What is a big deal is the strength of the magnetic field staying relatively constant. We need the magnetic field to shield us from cosmic rays. This is article is a good summary of the issue.

The polarity doesn't seem important unless the world flips itself where north pole becomes the south pole and vice versa. That is suppose to happen during end times to scare the shit outta dumb fark atheists.

I'm not even sure if the magnetic field flips. It could be due to magnet patterns.

I do believe the strength of the magnetic field is weakening, so there's that.
The polarity of the magnetic field is not that big a deal. What is a big deal is the strength of the magnetic field staying relatively constant. We need the magnetic field to shield us from cosmic rays. This is article is a good summary of the issue.

The polarity doesn't seem important unless the world flips itself where north pole becomes the south pole and vice versa. That is suppose to happen during end times to scare the shit outta dumb fark atheists.

I'm not even sure if the magnetic field flips. It could be due to magnet patterns.

I do believe the strength of the magnetic field is weakening, so there's that.

Weakened magnetic field, and looks as though there's going to be a large Sunspot coming round in the next week.

So, I'm issuing a high radiation, high seismic events alert for the next two weeks. Keep this monitored.

And not all Atheists are of a low IQ level... they'll just start to realize that in ancient times certain scientific truths were understood in scriptures from across the globe, and they're the story of people living through these climatic changes as political ones took place. Ragnarok is the legend of a coming flood and heaving planet. We can agree that maybe the events described in Revelation and Ragnarok are events in the past. World War II, Wolf's lair, Fenrir. "Get behind me, Satan." Church of St. Peter, and Rome. Repeating the same cycles of violence is something that may be unnecessary once there's more peace, love, and understanding. In that way Atheists are free of the violent issues of dogmas (wolf) that are pitting ethnicity vs. ethnicity, and religion vs. religion/non-religion/faith, and even race vs. race.
There might be a component of Human Caused Climate Change.
No. It's all but proven that human activity is responsible for all of the rapid warming we have observed over the last 100 years. This nonsense belongs in the conspiracy theory section, not the science section.

Leading scientists and politicians are not recognizing the Natural Order of Climate Change...
So, as i guessed, you are, indeed, making the absurd implication that the very scientists who discovered and taught you that are now suddenly laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries and life's work. Ridiculous.
There might be a component of Human Caused Climate Change.
No. It's all but proven that human activity is responsible for all of the rapid warming we have observed over the last 100 years. This nonsense belongs in the conspiracy theory section, not the science section.

Leading scientists and politicians are not recognizing the Natural Order of Climate Change...
So, as i guessed, you are, indeed, making the absurd implication that the very scientists who discovered and taught you that are now suddenly laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries and life's work. Ridiculous.
Yeah, sad really. But, I did just warn the governments of Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Britain and Ireland, and Scandinavia about the possibility of a Stroregge Slide event that could happen with a Greenland ice sheet or glacial collapse.
Yeah, sad
Not too sad, as this is your forum, and the scientists' forum is every peer reviewed published research journal, IPCC, government positions, University positions, etc. The only sad part is that there are too many of you deniers.
Anthropogenic global warming and climate change.

Oh... I think that Humans have some effect on the climate, and We could have an even better effect using Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles, putting less harmful toxic gas in the atmosphere, less reliance on petroleum for gasoline.

But by and large, there were Ice Ages and Tropical Ages long before Humans evolved, so We're here riding around in the Heavens on a spinning biosphere, and there are certain effects based on Axial, Solar, Galactic and Universal position and location. Just need to record this information so later generations know. We are only at the beginning of understanding what effects the Galactic Orbit has here.
Well, the first thing we gotta do is get rid of all these science denying conservative types.

Or at least re-educate them.
You sound more like a Chinese loyalist than an American.
Nope, I'm an American loyalist. I want what's best for my country and it's people.

Unlike conservatives who seem to want to turn America into either a dictatorship or a kleptocracy.
We are seeing the criminals right now in front of us. Separate the nation into smaller ones and end this.
Well, the first thing we gotta do is get rid of all these science denying conservative types.

Or at least re-educate them.
You sound more like a Chinese loyalist than an American.
Nope, I'm an American loyalist. I want what's best for my country and it's people.

Unlike conservatives who seem to want to turn America into either a dictatorship or a kleptocracy.
We are seeing the criminals right now in front of us. Separate the nation into smaller ones and end this.
Lol..... Whut?
Well, the first thing we gotta do is get rid of all these science denying conservative types.

Or at least re-educate them.
You sound more like a Chinese loyalist than an American.
Nope, I'm an American loyalist. I want what's best for my country and it's people.

Unlike conservatives who seem to want to turn America into either a dictatorship or a kleptocracy.
We are seeing the criminals right now in front of us. Separate the nation into smaller ones and end this.
What nation? There are some I would divide out of political punishment, Axis Spain and Italy... Indonesia. But... a divide and conquer tactic of what nation, I rather advocate a Greater Union for the United States? No, Vivons als the United Commonwealth (or States) of Acadia, Vivons en Liberté et Sécurité; Canada, the United States, and the Bahamas, plus.
Frage, Josef II Napoleon's Vater, A Don Giovanni Frage.jpg

(Statue of Liberty Face, Napoleon d'Autriche Este, Kaiser Josef II mit Leopold)
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