How big of a Disaster were the D Debates ?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Loose Cannon Trump ran against the lazy drunk Hillary and won. Unless the Ds manage to get into the ballpark quick they will make Pence a two term successor president. Here are some of the problems the Ds face:

The Blue Wall tax base shrinkage will get really bad four months prior to the conventions with a largish exodus due to an increase in SALT to make up for the tax losses that have already happened and an increase in poverty due to employers either choosing not to go to high tax states or leaving for lower tax states.

CA legalizing double voting (by mail in ballot prior to the election and voting again on election day) is likely to get that state's government convicted of election fraud with jail sentences.

Will the Rs have a different opposition party in 2024 or will the Ds get back in contact with reality?
Well, I think it's fairly certain that very few "independents" and non-political types are wasting their time watching these early dog&pony shows.

Only political junkies and devoted Democrats were tuned in.

But the important thing is that the positions they are essentially all espousing are repugnant to working-class Americans.

  • Abortions up until the moment of live birth, and calling it "Wimmins' Health Care"? Are you shitting me?
  • Free health care for ILLEGALS???
  • Medicare for ALL???
  • Even mentioning "Reparations,"??????

They OBVIOUSLY care more about illegals than they do working Americans.

The Donald and his spokespeople need to keep these positions in the forefront of political discussion from now until November 2020. The Democrat candidate - no matter who she is - cannot win with this platform. There would be a revolution. You think the Pussy-Hat Brigade was scary? You ain't seen nothing like what would happen if one of these Woke-Tools wins.
Loose Cannon Trump ran against the lazy drunk Hillary and won. Unless the Ds manage to get into the ballpark quick they will make Pence a two term successor president. Here are some of the problems the Ds face:

The Blue Wall tax base shrinkage will get really bad four months prior to the conventions with a largish exodus due to an increase in SALT to make up for the tax losses that have already happened and an increase in poverty due to employers either choosing not to go to high tax states or leaving for lower tax states.

CA legalizing double voting (by mail in ballot prior to the election and voting again on election day) is likely to get that state's government convicted of election fraud with jail sentences.

Will the Rs have a different opposition party in 2024 or will the Ds get back in contact with reality?

A monolithic disaster. Allow me to rephrase that. Had the Democrat Primary Candidates espoused their anti-human, anti-fact, anti-American sermons on any debate stage just a decade ago, then their political careers would have ended immediately, never to be resurrected again in their lifetimes. However, in this our current day and age with so many Americans embracing overt evil with open arms, who's to say what might happen. Perhaps at the next debate, the Democrats will have drag children dancing on stage. What the Democrats want and proclaim the new "normal" to be is late stage herald for the end of civilization so I guess we'll see . . .
Instead of a Civil War I think we are seeing the collapse of the D political base.
Loose Cannon Trump ran against the lazy drunk Hillary and won. Unless the Ds manage to get into the ballpark quick they will make Pence a two term successor president. Here are some of the problems the Ds face:

The Blue Wall tax base shrinkage will get really bad four months prior to the conventions with a largish exodus due to an increase in SALT to make up for the tax losses that have already happened and an increase in poverty due to employers either choosing not to go to high tax states or leaving for lower tax states.

CA legalizing double voting (by mail in ballot prior to the election and voting again on election day) is likely to get that state's government convicted of election fraud with jail sentences.

Will the Rs have a different opposition party in 2024 or will the Ds get back in contact with reality?
They weren’t.

Worry about the disaster in the whole house little boy

S’matter, no one tried to pretend a war hero isn’t one?’
Not enough insults to satisfy trumpscum?
Loose Cannon Trump ran against the lazy drunk Hillary and won. Unless the Ds manage to get into the ballpark quick they will make Pence a two term successor president. Here are some of the problems the Ds face:

The Blue Wall tax base shrinkage will get really bad four months prior to the conventions with a largish exodus due to an increase in SALT to make up for the tax losses that have already happened and an increase in poverty due to employers either choosing not to go to high tax states or leaving for lower tax states.

CA legalizing double voting (by mail in ballot prior to the election and voting again on election day) is likely to get that state's government convicted of election fraud with jail sentences.

Will the Rs have a different opposition party in 2024 or will the Ds get back in contact with reality?
They weren’t.

Worry about the disaster in the whole house little boy

S’matter, no one tried to pretend a war hero isn’t one?’
Not enough insults to satisfy trumpscum?

at least Twitter is making it a little harder to find Trumps bullshit rants.

Twitter won’t censor Trump’s rule-breaking tweets, but it will make them harder to find
It should be obvious to anyone Democrats will step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foriegn nationals at the poorest Americans expense.

In this day and age, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.
I didn't watch it (Democrat discourse has an emetic effect on me), but I assume the debate was pro open borders, pro reparations, badmouthing the American public and calling everyone WAAAAYCIST. With some Islamic penis-fondling thrown in for good measure. That, in a nutshell, is what today's Democratic Obama sewer-scrapings are all about.
When every one of those idiots on stage raised their hand and said they would give FREE health care to illegals and end private health insurance, Donald Trump won re-election. Promising to raise taxes and put illegals first? That platform might win 2 or 3 states.
When every one of those idiots on stage raised their hand and said they would give FREE health care to illegals and end private health insurance, Donald Trump won re-election. Promising to raise taxes and put illegals first? That platform might win 2 or 3 states.

It's beyond bizarre. We knew they hated America to the core but to that extent was amazing .
When every one of those idiots on stage raised their hand and said they would give FREE health care to illegals and end private health insurance, Donald Trump won re-election. Promising to raise taxes and put illegals first? That platform might win 2 or 3 states.

It's beyond bizarre. We knew they hated America to the core but to that extent was amazing .

Flyover country to bi-coastal elitists is inhabited by cave men who get their clothing by killing Bambi and tanning the hide
Okay, I've watched both Democratic debates... I try to see myself as a "middle ground centrist" but these fools are pandering to the minority, not trying to say their voice shouldn't be heard... Sell it to us on us "common folk." You're not selling it to us. Give me something to believe in, other than the whole "At least we're not him. Bullshit" He's not the best but I think he's got the American people in mind... Giive me one of the... MANY folk that are trying to win the Democratic ticket.
I learned on this thread righties weren't compelled to change parties after the debate. Thanks guys. Brilliant.
Instead of a Civil War I think we are seeing the collapse of the D political base.

What you are witnessing is the dying of the democratic party and they are working hard to ensure a complete and final end of it. They are employing wooden stakes in the heart, silver bullets and all means possible to ensure that it can never be resurrected.
Instead of a Civil War I think we are seeing the collapse of the D political base.

What you are witnessing is the dying of the democratic party and they are working hard to ensure a complete and final end of it. They are employing wooden stakes in the heart, silver bullets and all means possible to ensure that it can never be resurrected.
no offense but under US election laws the D trademark is worth about $10B because it gets you on the ballot at every level of government. Petition drives to get on the ballot are expensive.

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