How are republicans going to tackle the demographic problems in general elections?


On its current trajectory, the GOP is going to continue to fade as the country continues to get "darker".

The party's only hope, the only way it will avoid being nothing more than just a secondary, regional, pest party, is if it finds a way to communicate its message far better than it currently is. Maybe that could come in the form of just one person, or perhaps they could figure it out as a group.

If it insists on clinging to social issues as political issues, they'll have to find a way to improve that messaging as well.

Right now, no such person or messaging strategy exists.


Right, Alan West is very white, so is Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Bill Cosby, Bobby Jindal, Nicki Haley, and many others. Characterizing the GOP as old and white is simply not accurate.

Clinging to issues that maintain our american culture is a winning strategy, unless you think that the USA would be better off living under the ghetto rap culture.

Its a false narrative to claim that the GOP must become dem-lite in order to win. What they need to do is stick to their guns and demonstrate that fiscal and social conservatism is better than liberalism and marxism.

The GOP needs to strengthen its message, not dilute it with left wing socialism.

Look everyone......we got black folks too!
Now, why won't you vote for us?

The problem with the GOP is not that they can't trot out minorities to support GOP doctrine, but that doctrine is revolting to most minorities

Less than ten percent of blacks will vote Republican, thirty percent of Hispanics, large majorities of Asians, Jews, Muslims are also repulsed by the Republican brand

So, now tell us about free stuff and low information voters. These voters know that Republicans do not respect them or acknowledge their value

It is going to be a hard ride for Republucans if they keep chasing away voters
This is question they should be asking themselves.

The plan for the GOP seems to be focusing on Congress; dividing the States into rich v. poor, educated v. non educated, ethnic v. "native", and aiming for 50.1% of the electorate in every case.

You really have to wonder about the national strategy when they have gone out of their way to alienate women, hispanics, and the lower-to-middle income Americans.

On the positive side, Americans have a long history of letting the pendlum of public opinion swing back and fourth between these two parties we've had for a while and it's swinging back in the GOP's favor.

They also have applied some window dressing in a few places to patch up around the smoking crater of their policies.

you are nothing but a talking point repeater with no original thought ability, fluke.

you contribute nothing to the discussion with your blatant lies and false inuendo.

go away, you waste our time and typing space.

Does Sandra bother you....too fucking bad.

he he he

On its current trajectory, the GOP is going to continue to fade as the country continues to get "darker".

The party's only hope, the only way it will avoid being nothing more than just a secondary, regional, pest party, is if it finds a way to communicate its message far better than it currently is. Maybe that could come in the form of just one person, or perhaps they could figure it out as a group.

If it insists on clinging to social issues as political issues, they'll have to find a way to improve that messaging as well.

Right now, no such person or messaging strategy exists.


Right, Alan West is very white, so is Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Bill Cosby, Bobby Jindal, Nicki Haley, and many others. Characterizing the GOP as old and white is simply not accurate.

Clinging to issues that maintain our american culture is a winning strategy, unless you think that the USA would be better off living under the ghetto rap culture.

Its a false narrative to claim that the GOP must become dem-lite in order to win. What they need to do is stick to their guns and demonstrate that fiscal and social conservatism is better than liberalism and marxism.

The GOP needs to strengthen its message, not dilute it with left wing socialism.

Look everyone......we got black folks too!
Now, why won't you vote for us?

The problem with the GOP is not that they can't trot out minorities to support GOP doctrine, but that doctrine is revolting to most minorities

Less than ten percent of blacks will vote Republican, thirty percent of Hispanics, large majorities of Asians, Jews, Muslims are also repulsed by the Republican brand

So, now tell us about free stuff and low information voters. These voters know that Republicans do not respect them or acknowledge their value

It is going to be a hard ride for Republucans if they keep chasing away voters

That they can name--by name-- the minority office holder in their party is hilarious. That Bill Cosby is included is a bonus.
did you read the clip? the headline contradicts the actual quote from Cosby.

I gave examples of minority (dark) conservative republicans. Their numbers are growing every day as they see how obama's actions and failures are affecting them personally.

Your problem is that since you are a lesbian you think that you have to be liberal on all issues. I think you are smarter than that, but I could be wrong.

That's what right wing sources do...and the Washington Times is a RW source. Here's another one, Newsbusters:

Bill Cosby Rants Against Republicans, Compares Them to Segregationists for Not Applauding Obama

Doesn't change the fact that Cosby is no Republican.

Do you have a source for your claim of these "growing numbers"? Sure weren't reflected in the last election.

90+% of blacks voted for the black guy last time. Many of them are seeing that that was a mistake.

40% of all americans define themselves as conservative, only 20% as liberal.

even the left wing media is starting to point out obama's lies and failures, once the media turns on him, he is toast. what was that click I just heard? was it the toaster?

Probably your inflatable doll springing a leak.
Wow...out of millions, you found a small handful of people with a touch of melanin that support the GOP.

Oops, you got one wrong...

Bill Cosby says those who oppose Obama are racist

So, a small percentage of people can be written off as nothing, to be disrespected, to be reviled because they don't meet your high standards, just because they happen to be no-whites with a conservative point of view?

Yet, when somebody dares to say anything not positive, not sucking up to, not admiring, not approving special privileges for LGBT people who probably are fewer in number than non-white conservatives, you and your ilk goes into a mental meltdown and embark on a tsunami of ranging from name-calling to vulgar and profane personal insults.

And all that is mild compared to the reaction to any and all criticism of your god, Obama.

No surprise, there, mind you. Your ilk dismisses about the same percentage of innocent people who were, are and always will be betrayed and sold out by Obamacare.

excellent summary, nothing to add.:clap2::clap2:

Co-incidentally (or not) that is about the same percentage of people that Obama and his cronies dismiss as idiots who bought themselves an inferior health care package that needs to be replaced by wise and all-knowing government (i.e. Democrat) people who obviously know better.
We can win if we honestly reach out to minorities and women.

If we don't, the Dems keep winning.

The Republicans "honest" message to minorities:

To women: Work with us to legislate your body because you can't take care of yourself.

to blacks: We will teach you how to not be lazy, have integrity and stop taking handouts.

to Muslims: You religion is filthy and should be banned.

to atheists: we will teach your children mysticism whether you want it or not.

to Hispanics: Learn English

to gays: There are no laws to stop you from marrying as long as it's a woman.

the list is endless. It goes on and on......

That's a great list. We need to keep it up. It would work better if the MSM reported our efforts to better America accurately. We need to do it in a positive, loving manner, and force the media to be fair.

On its current trajectory, the GOP is going to continue to fade as the country continues to get "darker".

The party's only hope, the only way it will avoid being nothing more than just a secondary, regional, pest party, is if it finds a way to communicate its message far better than it currently is. Maybe that could come in the form of just one person, or perhaps they could figure it out as a group.

If it insists on clinging to social issues as political issues, they'll have to find a way to improve that messaging as well.

Right now, no such person or messaging strategy exists.


Right, Alan West is very white, so is Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Bill Cosby, Bobby Jindal, Nicki Haley, and many others. Characterizing the GOP as old and white is simply not accurate.

Clinging to issues that maintain our american culture is a winning strategy, unless you think that the USA would be better off living under the ghetto rap culture.

Its a false narrative to claim that the GOP must become dem-lite in order to win. What they need to do is stick to their guns and demonstrate that fiscal and social conservatism is better than liberalism and marxism.

The GOP needs to strengthen its message, not dilute it with left wing socialism.

Look everyone......we got black folks too!
Now, why won't you vote for us?

The problem with the GOP is not that they can't trot out minorities to support GOP doctrine, but that doctrine is revolting to most minorities

Less than ten percent of blacks will vote Republican, thirty percent of Hispanics, large majorities of Asians, Jews, Muslims are also repulsed by the Republican brand

So, now tell us about free stuff and low information voters. These voters know that Republicans do not respect them or acknowledge their value

It is going to be a hard ride for Republucans if they keep chasing away voters

The more black role models we can get to help, the better off for everyone. The Rs need to do a better job of getting out the vote with a better organization in swing states, and by having better candidates.
Posts #82 and #84 by the same morally bankrupt poster illustrates the turpitude the liberal Democrat party has sunk into.

Insinuations and vulgarity.
We can win if we honestly reach out to minorities and women.

If we don't, the Dems keep winning.

The Republicans "honest" message to minorities:

To women: Work with us to legislate your body because you can't take care of yourself.

to blacks: We will teach you how to not be lazy, have integrity and stop taking handouts.

to Muslims: You religion is filthy and should be banned.

to atheists: we will teach your children mysticism whether you want it or not.

to Hispanics: Learn English

to gays: There are no laws to stop you from marrying as long as it's a woman.

the list is endless. It goes on and on......

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen baking pies?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving us pie?
To The Poor: That pie is ours; get your own.
40% of all americans define themselves as conservative, only 20% as liberal.

And of the "conservative" definition, less than 30% define themselves as reactionary TeaPoCraps.

Most of the "conservatives" despise the far right reactionaries as much as they do liberals.

are you and RW gay lovers? Do you share a keyboard? Are you brothers living together in your mom's basement?

What exactly is wrong with you two?

The TP is not "reactionary"
The TP is not racist
The TP is about freedom
The TP is about lower taxes
The TP is about smaller less intrusive govt
The TP is about national pride
The TP is about american culture and heritage
The TP is about the constitution

The "reactionaries" are fools like the two of you who sit around bitching about how some evil rich guy is responsible for your failures and how the govt should steal his money and give it to you. You are pathetic excuses for human beings.
Right, Alan West is very white, so is Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Bill Cosby, Bobby Jindal, Nicki Haley, and many others. Characterizing the GOP as old and white is simply not accurate.

Clinging to issues that maintain our american culture is a winning strategy, unless you think that the USA would be better off living under the ghetto rap culture.

Its a false narrative to claim that the GOP must become dem-lite in order to win. What they need to do is stick to their guns and demonstrate that fiscal and social conservatism is better than liberalism and marxism.

The GOP needs to strengthen its message, not dilute it with left wing socialism.

Look everyone......we got black folks too!
Now, why won't you vote for us?

The problem with the GOP is not that they can't trot out minorities to support GOP doctrine, but that doctrine is revolting to most minorities

Less than ten percent of blacks will vote Republican, thirty percent of Hispanics, large majorities of Asians, Jews, Muslims are also repulsed by the Republican brand

So, now tell us about free stuff and low information voters. These voters know that Republicans do not respect them or acknowledge their value

It is going to be a hard ride for Republucans if they keep chasing away voters

The more black role models we can get to help, the better off for everyone. The Rs need to do a better job of getting out the vote with a better organization in swing states, and by having better candidates.

Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right
Look everyone......we got black folks too!
Now, why won't you vote for us?

The problem with the GOP is not that they can't trot out minorities to support GOP doctrine, but that doctrine is revolting to most minorities

Less than ten percent of blacks will vote Republican, thirty percent of Hispanics, large majorities of Asians, Jews, Muslims are also repulsed by the Republican brand

So, now tell us about free stuff and low information voters. These voters know that Republicans do not respect them or acknowledge their value

It is going to be a hard ride for Republucans if they keep chasing away voters

The more black role models we can get to help, the better off for everyone. The Rs need to do a better job of getting out the vote with a better organization in swing states, and by having better candidates.

Very true

Republicans need to be better role models. Oppose those in your party who say offensive things. Drive out the crazies. Run on a solid conservative fiscal foundation that includes both taxes and low spending. Leave the social conservative issues to the religious right

Do you say the same about those on the far left? You are attacking a tiny segment of the right---the far right loons. They are not representative of 99% of those on the right. But your partisan bullshit attempts to portray the entire right as the 1% that are lunatics.
40% of all americans define themselves as conservative, only 20% as liberal.

And of the "conservative" definition, less than 30% define themselves as reactionary TeaPoCraps.

Most of the "conservatives" despise the far right reactionaries as much as they do liberals.

are you and RW gay lovers? Do you share a keyboard? Are you brothers living together in your mom's basement?

What exactly is wrong with you two?

The TP is not "reactionary"
The TP is not racist
The TP is about freedom
The TP is about lower taxes
The TP is about smaller less intrusive govt
The TP is about national pride
The TP is about american culture and heritage
The TP is about the constitution

The "reactionaries" are fools like the two of you who sit around bitching about how some evil rich guy is responsible for your failures and how the govt should steal his money and give it to you. You are pathetic excuses for human beings.

Sorry TeaTards

You reap what you sow. You lost your "low taxes, low spending" cred when you assumed an anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-government agenda

You have revealed yourself to be what you have always been.......radical rightwing intent on bringing down the government at any cost

And sorry....TeaTards are anything but patriots
And of the "conservative" definition, less than 30% define themselves as reactionary TeaPoCraps.

Most of the "conservatives" despise the far right reactionaries as much as they do liberals.

are you and RW gay lovers? Do you share a keyboard? Are you brothers living together in your mom's basement?

What exactly is wrong with you two?

The TP is not "reactionary"
The TP is not racist
The TP is about freedom
The TP is about lower taxes
The TP is about smaller less intrusive govt
The TP is about national pride
The TP is about american culture and heritage
The TP is about the constitution

The "reactionaries" are fools like the two of you who sit around bitching about how some evil rich guy is responsible for your failures and how the govt should steal his money and give it to you. You are pathetic excuses for human beings.

Sorry TeaTards

You reap what you sow. You lost your "low taxes, low spending" cred when you assumed an anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-government agenda

You have revealed yourself to be what you have always been.......radical rightwing intent on bringing down the government at any cost

And sorry....TeaTards are anything but patriots

being anti-illegal immigration is not anti-immigrant

being anti-gay marriage is not anti gay

being anti govt socialism is not anti government.

you are a very confused person. Might be time to visit a shrink. :cuckoo:
We can win if we honestly reach out to minorities and women.

If we don't, the Dems keep winning.

The Republicans "honest" message to minorities:

To women: Work with us to legislate your body because you can't take care of yourself.

to blacks: We will teach you how to not be lazy, have integrity and stop taking handouts.

to Muslims: You religion is filthy and should be banned.

to atheists: we will teach your children mysticism whether you want it or not.

to Hispanics: Learn English

to gays: There are no laws to stop you from marrying as long as it's a woman.

the list is endless. It goes on and on......

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen baking pies?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving us pie?
To The Poor: That pie is ours; get your own.

To quote Al Bundy's childhood librarian: "You make a promise, you keep a promise" and Al Bundy's reply, totally in sinc with the response of the president: Yeah, make pie, eat a pie.

49 references and promises about keeping doctor and health care - PERIOD - by this presidential dignity-challenged wannabe somebody reminds normal people of Al Bundy.

As an AUDIBLE minority - my accent, rather than my skin color gives me away as one who is judged by Democrats as an alien, if my views are not strictly liberal - I can say that nobody ever told me to serve a pie to anybody, and if somebody ever had, I would have found me another job. Crying about on the job discrimination is the positive and undeniable proof that weak-kneed and bleeding heart idiots who can't speak for themselves nedd a union or a government to speak for them.

In my years between the time I arrived as a penniless eighteen year old and now, heaven knows, I have been financially poor many times. But even at a young age I realized that only the morally poor will stay financially poor.

When I have been financially poor, I got myself another job. I have never been morally or spiritually poor.t

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