How American Anarchy Parallels China’s Cultural Revolution


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
How American Anarchy Parallels China's Cultural Revolution

Clip from the article:

"Both Movements Sought the Destruction of History
The Red Guards firmly believed that in order to build a new world, they had to wipe out the old one. So they traveled around the country, eradicating anything representing China’s feudalistic past: old customs, old cultures, old habits, and old ideas. Museums, temples, shrines, heritage sites, including Confucius’ tomb, were defaced, ransacked, or even totally destroyed."

Another clip:

"Both Movements Justify Violence on the Basis of Their Perceived Moral Authority
The Red Guards were fanatic about social classes and political identity. They believed they were the rightful heir to Mao’s socialist revolution and that only they and their chairman were on the right side of the history. Thus, they shouted down anyone who dared to show the slightest disagreement with slogans, such as “a complete confession is the only road to survival. Anything less will lead to death!”

Fascinating similarities between Mao's Red Guard and the American student youth cult of Political Correctness now occupying U.S. campuses nationwide.

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