How about a Dog Lover's Thread?



LOL My dog would not have been impressed with a fancy dog house. She didn't want a dog house; she wanted to be in the big house with me. :)
LOL My dog would not have been impressed with a fancy dog house. She didn't want a dog house; she wanted to be in the big house with me. :)

Exactly! Years ago, my husband spend days building a plain one, and it was virtually in pristine condition when we moved, for lack of occupants. Three outside dogs at the time, and not a one wanted anything to do with it. LOL
I like the one in the middle best. Wonder if a dog would like it....It has a nice covered veranda and an indoor place in case it rains or is windy. I guess if you left your dog outside all the time, it would use it??

There must be a lot of dogs who would absolutely adore the one with the veranda...for the shade alone, if for nothing else. There are dogs in these parts who would be thrilled with a cardboard box. It's gotten better around here, but my late husband and I used to see a lot of dogs in the dead of winter, tied to a tree, and not a shelter in sight. Just horrible.
I like the one in the middle best. Wonder if a dog would like it....It has a nice covered veranda and an indoor place in case it rains or is windy. I guess if you left your dog outside all the time, it would use it??

There must be a lot of dogs who would absolutely adore the one with the veranda...for the shade alone, if for nothing else. There are dogs in these parts who would be thrilled with a cardboard box. It's gotten better around here, but my late husband and I used to see a lot of dogs in the dead of winter, tied to a tree, and not a shelter in sight. Just horrible.
Oh, how awful. There should be something like 'habitat for humanity' where people build little houses for dogs who live outdoors.

I think the one with the veranda is best as it is a shaded area but the dog can see what's going on around it and only needs the indoor house for seclusion or shelter.

I'm sorry, but this really disturbs me. I'm watching this and wondering how easy it would be for a dog to get severely injured doing this. I don't think it is a safe thing for a dog to do. You can teach a child or an adult to use a trampoline safely: you can't teach that to a dog. Broken backs, broken limbs, broken necks...that's what I see happening. I tried to find on the internet what vets say about this, dogs jumping on trampolines, but haven't found anything pro or con.
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I'm sorry, but this really disturbs me. I'm watching this and wondering how easy it would be for a dog to get severely injured doing this. I don't think it is a safe thing for a dog to do. You can teach a child or an adult to use a trampoline safely: you can't teach that to a dog. Broken backs, broken limbs, broken necks...that's what I see happening. I tried to find on the internet what vets say about this, dogs jumping on trampolines, but haven't found anything pro or con.

Yes, and as we see on this video, one dog just managed to catch himself. Even if they don't get the lift that a person does, there are endless possibilities for injuries.

(As an aside, although we never had a trampoline for our kids, as a grown man, my son broke his arm on one. :sad:)

I'm sorry, but this really disturbs me. I'm watching this and wondering how easy it would be for a dog to get severely injured doing this. I don't think it is a safe thing for a dog to do. You can teach a child or an adult to use a trampoline safely: you can't teach that to a dog. Broken backs, broken limbs, broken necks...that's what I see happening. I tried to find on the internet what vets say about this, dogs jumping on trampolines, but haven't found anything pro or con.

Yes, and as we see on this video, one dog just managed to catch himself. Even if they don't get the lift that a person does, there are endless possibilities for injuries.

(As an aside, although we never had a trampoline for our kids, as a grown man, my son broke his arm on one. :sad:)

I'm still looking to see if there is any vet comments on this issue. Dogs are not meant to jump like this, I don't think. One time, when my lab was young and we were at the vet, when he finished examining her, I told her to jump down from the examining table, he told me not to do that because it was unsafe for her to jump like that. He lifted her down.

A few years later, when she was playing Frisbee with me in the park, she stepped in a hole in the lawn and tore a ligament in here leg; the vet likened it to a human's football injury. She was in a hard cast for 6 weeks and a soft cast for another 6 weeks, and her leg was never the same again. When I was looking at the video, I was thinking trampolines would be especially dangerous for long legged dogs.
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