Houston shooter was dressed like a nazi

It said he had a Thompson Carbine...do they mean a Tommy Gun.....?
Indians were the original Aryans, so the guy was right in line with Hitler and the Alt Right.

The Alt-right......the minority of them are racists...the rest are everything else...but nice try smearing a Free Speech movement........just like the hilary has the support of the Communist Party of America.....a movement responsible for the death of 100 million men, women and children around the world.....
For the individuals claiming the shooter was white, well you should actually read the news story. As some of you poke fun at the tragic event of today the individual that did the shooting spree was in fact non-white and was one pissed off lawyer.

He had been seen pointing a firearm about a month earlier at construction workers fixing the apartment complex he was living in and today he went postal.

But I will let the white hating crowd keep on pretending that every deranged shooter is white and redneck while I know for a fact he was not!


That is the actual shooter!

Police identify gunman behind mass shooting in southwest Houston as lawyer
CNN West Coast already has the matter now shown: "Nazi emblems were found among the "personal effects" of the man who was killed in Houston Monday after injuring nine people in a mass shooting, according to the head of the Houston police homicide division."

It is known that such people are thought the good hard-working Americans at Pence-Trump campaign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So many White Eyes seem to so regard such matters!)
Wait, I thought we were supposed to wait untill an official investigation is done, before declaring information as truth... funny how this works depending on who is speaking.
Haven't even heard of this story . But arab shooter guy in Seattle is everywhere .

One of these things is not like the other....
CNN West Coast already has the matter now shown: "Nazi emblems were found among the "personal effects" of the man who was killed in Houston Monday after injuring nine people in a mass shooting, according to the head of the Houston police homicide division."

It is known that such people are thought the good hard-working Americans at Pence-Trump campaign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So many White Eyes seem to so regard such matters!)

Moron....the shooter is a democrat.......an Indian no less......jim crow was a democrat policy twit.....
Shooter was of Indian descent despite Freak-O's wanting him and claiming him to be white!!!

Yes an Indian, a Bombay Indian, nothing white about him.

His father is named Prakash Desai.

Who is Nathan DeSai?



I love it when the left wing morons try to say that this guy is a White Supremacist from the Alt-Right....

They're desperate, the Leftists are desperate for a white, Christian, male Trump supporter to go on a mass murdering gun spree, if that ever happened they'd have a collective orgasm, that's how sick in the membrane they are.

Nathan DesaiND
View Photos

Houston, TX
Male , Age 46 , 9 /1 /1970
, Single , Inferred Democrat Party

AKA: Nathan Desal , Nathan P Desai , Niren Desai

Nathan Desai, 46 - Houston, TX | MyLife.com®

Well imagine that....the white conservative theory just went right out the window
And here I thought you believed Democrats are Communists!

The total tonnage of what you get wrong about political science would stun a team of oxen in their tracks.

national socialists are socialists......international socialists are socialists.......and they are very close to the democrats......
This doesn't surprise me because the majority of crimes in America are committed by white people. We can solve this problem by increasing the number of Syrian immigrants to America and by integrating people of color into white neighborhoods which will drastically reduce crime.

By percentage of population blacks are the biggest perpetrators of crime. You can easily check that out
By numbers, whites commit the most crimes.

The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition
We need gun control....disarm all democrats.......they shoot the most people...

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