Houston Grand Jury Clears Police Officer in Shooting of Unarmed Black Man


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Houston Grand Jury Clears Police Officer in Shooting of Unarmed Black Man

A Houston grand jury decided on Tuesday not to indict a police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man in January. Officer Juventino Castro, a 10-year veteran of the force, was working as an off-duty security guard at a Houston strip mall that had recently experienced a string of robberies when he shot and killed 26-year-old Jordan Baker after a brief confrontation in the mall parking lot.

Castro was in uniform when he confronted Baker, thinking he was a potential burglar.
I've since googled and do see links to a story.

OK I see the story. Another unarmed robbery suspect charges a cop and gets dead. Cudos to officer Castro.
Notice something with these cases......had any one of these thugs in training....Martin, Brown, the cigarette guy...or this guy....simply complied with the officer.............and not committed felony assault....they would be alive today....

Do you know who is to blame......their communities and their parents.....they are taught to hate the police....and when they are confronted by police they react violently to situations that do not require it....and when they end up dead....the community blames the police....

They need to blame themselves for the deaths of these young men.....
Weird... I see the link in the page source, but post #1 contains only:

Was the cop another white hispanic?
Gotta stop fucking around with those scripts, Ernie!
Eric Garner resisted arrest and his weight, and asthma killed him....a career criminal well known to police.....
John Crawford....had a gun.....turned out to be a pellet gun....but when approaching a suspect with a gun do you take a chance that it isn't a real gun.....? I guess you would be able to tell....right?
The cop responding to John Crawford had this information going in....a suspect pointing a gun at customers in a walmart.....yeah.....so the cop goes in...sees the guy with a "gun" and the guy doesn't realize that having that pellet gun has just put him in great peril...since the 911 call said he had been pointing it at people....

This is what the cop knew going in....what came out later....arm chair quarter backing of the worst sort.....
Levar Jones....saw the video.....yeah, I can see why the cop shot......his quick move going into that truck looked like he might be reaching for a weapon....I know.....I know....sitting here on the computer...you know better than the cops facing the traffic stop.....
"Harris County grand juries have cleared HPD officers of criminal wrongdoing in all shootings since 2008. More than a quarter of the 121 civilians shot by the department's officials from 2008 to 2012 were - like Baker - unarmed, according to a Houston Chronicle analysis."
Grand jury clears officer in deadly police shooting - Houston Chronicle

So you believe the cops are just murdering people....? Unarmed is not the same as not physically assaulting a police officer.....a small, but important detail....don't you think.....?
So you believe the cops are just murdering people....? Unarmed is not the same as not physically assaulting a police officer.....a small, but important detail....don't you think.....?
Not as important as the working relationship between local DAs and local police departments. At least 30 of the civilians shot by HPD since 2008 were unarmed and every single cop involved was innocent of wrong doing? I doubt it.
So you believe the cops are just murdering people....? Unarmed is not the same as not physically assaulting a police officer.....a small, but important detail....don't you think.....?
Not as important as the working relationship between local DAs and local police departments. At least 30 of the civilians shot by HPD since 2008 were unarmed and every single cop involved was innocent of wrong doing? I doubt it.

Again....you are saying those cops just decided to murder those people.....for no reason....just because they wanted to....?

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