House Speaker Boner Wants To Delay Fiscal Fix Until Election Season Next Year

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
House Speaker Boner Wants To Delay Fiscal Fix Until Election Season Next Year

2013, is when the 2014 Congressional races will heat up. The GOP Speaker is again putting sound fiscal policy and fix, what we sent them to Washington to tackle, off so that it can become a political football in the upcoming congressional elections.

Still playing politics while owning the House. Ignoring what the people sent them to Washington to do. I guess we'll have a year of investigations and witch hunts and nothing will get done.

thank you stupid fucking GOP voters


WASHINGTON -- Speaking just two hours before President Obama was scheduled to issue remarks on the subject from the White House, House Speaker John Boehner convened a press conference Friday to say he would prefer extending all Bush-era tax cuts until 2013, including cuts for the wealthy.

That would give lawmakers enough time to develop a comprehensive tax overhaul and defict-reduction plan, the Republican speaker said.

You mean the GOP Speaker and GOP House has NO plan?
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Speaking just two hours before President Obama was scheduled to issue remarks on the subject from the White House, House Speaker John Boehner convened a press conference Friday to say he would prefer extending all Bush-era tax cuts until 2013, including cuts for the wealthy.

That would give lawmakers enough time to develop a comprehensive tax overhaul and defict-reduction plan, the Republican speaker said.

Um...Mr. Speaker? Yeah, hi. How come you don't already have a comprehensive tax overhaul and deficit-reduction plan? You have known for a long time now this day was coming, or have you been in an alcoholic blackout?

What an unbelievable dick this guy is.

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House Speaker Boner Wants To Delay Fiscal Fix Until Election Season Next Year

2013, is when the 2014 Congressional races will heat up. The GOP Speaker is again putting sound fiscal policy and fix, what we sent them to Washington to tackle, off so that it can become a political football in the upcoming congressional elections.

Still playing politics while owning the House. Ignoring what the people sent them to Washington to do. I guess we'll have a year of investigations and witch hunts and nothing will get done.

thank you stupid fucking GOP voters


WASHINGTON -- Speaking just two hours before President Obama was scheduled to issue remarks on the subject from the White House, House Speaker John Boehner convened a press conference Friday to say he would prefer extending all Bush-era tax cuts until 2013, including cuts for the wealthy.

That would give lawmakers enough time to develop a comprehensive tax overhaul and defict-reduction plan, the Republican speaker said.

You mean the GOP Speaker and GOP House has NO plan?

They are doing exactly what they were sent to Washington to do, and were re-elected to do.
House Speaker Boner Wants To Delay Fiscal Fix Until Election Season Next Year

2013, is when the 2014 Congressional races will heat up. The GOP Speaker is again putting sound fiscal policy and fix, what we sent them to Washington to tackle, off so that it can become a political football in the upcoming congressional elections.

Still playing politics while owning the House. Ignoring what the people sent them to Washington to do. I guess we'll have a year of investigations and witch hunts and nothing will get done.

thank you stupid fucking GOP voters


WASHINGTON -- Speaking just two hours before President Obama was scheduled to issue remarks on the subject from the White House, House Speaker John Boehner convened a press conference Friday to say he would prefer extending all Bush-era tax cuts until 2013, including cuts for the wealthy.

That would give lawmakers enough time to develop a comprehensive tax overhaul and defict-reduction plan, the Republican speaker said.

You mean the GOP Speaker and GOP House has NO plan?

They are doing exactly what they were sent to Washington to do, and were re-elected to do.

A plan was needed before this election. What were they doing for over a year? They told us they had a plan. Now it's been made clear their only plan was beating the President? That is NOT what they were elected to do two years ago.

This is the ultimate in fiscal irresponsibility
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They are doing exactly what they were sent to Washington to do, and were re-elected to do.

Act retarded?


What? Fiscal Cliff? Who's he?

Boehner is another establishment lackey who needs to be replaced. He's part of the problem, not the solution.
House Speaker Boner Wants To Delay Fiscal Fix Until Election Season Next Year

2013, is when the 2014 Congressional races will heat up. The GOP Speaker is again putting sound fiscal policy and fix, what we sent them to Washington to tackle, off so that it can become a political football in the upcoming congressional elections.

Still playing politics while owning the House. Ignoring what the people sent them to Washington to do. I guess we'll have a year of investigations and witch hunts and nothing will get done.

thank you stupid fucking GOP voters


You mean the GOP Speaker and GOP House has NO plan?

They are doing exactly what they were sent to Washington to do, and were re-elected to do.

A plan was needed before this election. What were they doing for over a year? They told us they had a plan. Now it's been made clear their only plan was beating the President? That is NOT what they were elected to do two years ago.

This is the ultimate in fiscal irresponsibility


You got that right.

It was needed 4 years ago.
Ried and Obama wouldn't even permit the government to work as Constitutionally required for 3 fucking years by engaging in the process of budgeting - even when they had Super Majority - but now it is the House's fault.

Way, way too fucking funny!

America gets what she deserves.
The term "fiscal cliff" was coined by Ben Bernanke when he was speaking to the House Financial Services Committee in February 2012:

"Under current law, on January 1, 2013, there's going to be a massive fiscal cliff of large spending cuts and tax increases. I hope that Congress will look at that and figure out ways to achieve the same long-run fiscal improvement without having it all happen at one date."

November 2012, Speaker John Boehner:

"Duhhhhhhhh, I'm totally, like, surprised by this. Give me, say, a year, to look at that that and figure out ways to achieve long-run fiscal improvement."

The problem is that Boehner has been doing the same thing over and over again, and getting the result he wants.

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.

One year later:

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.

One year later:

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.


Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Over to you, Barack!

The problem is that Boehner has been doing the same thing over and over again, and getting the result he wants.

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.

One year later:

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.

One year later:

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.


Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Over to you, Barack!


As has Obama. And he was re-elected in spades, as was the People's House of Representatives.

Your inner Leftard is showing.
The problem is that Boehner has been doing the same thing over and over again, and getting the result he wants.

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.

One year later:

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.

One year later:

Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Obama: Ohhh all right! Dammit.


Obama: Let's raise taxes on the rich.

Boehner: Let's extend their tax cuts for another year.

Over to you, Barack!


As has Obama. And he was re-elected in spades, as was the People's House of Representatives.

Your inner Leftard is showing.

Your ignorance is showing. State legislatures have gerrymandered Congressional districts to the point that you are never going to see major shifts in the center of mass. But what you have failed to see is the large shifts on the margins. And those shifts have been dramatically leftward. Gay marriage, drug legalization, more Dems in the Senate, Democrats taking over state legislatures.

The American people do not want the same gridlock. It is just that the politicians have locked up the system as much as possible so they can stay in power no matter what.

Your confirmation bias is preventing you from seeing things objectively. It is not surprising you see an objective viewpoint as being from the left.

Boehner clearly believes he can keep getting away with putting off the increased taxes on the rich since he has always been able to in the past. He is sticking with a strategy that has worked for him up until now. This is not "leftard" thinking. This is stating an observable fact.

But the handwriting is on the wall. Obama has all the cards. He is going to get his tax increase on the rich.

Saying this is what will happen does not mean I am happy with that or that I am a "leftard", dipshit.

They are doing exactly what they were sent to Washington to do, and were re-elected to do.

A plan was needed before this election. What were they doing for over a year? They told us they had a plan. Now it's been made clear their only plan was beating the President? That is NOT what they were elected to do two years ago.

This is the ultimate in fiscal irresponsibility


You got that right.

It was needed 4 years ago.

If the Congress doesn't have a plan which Boner says they need time for, what the eff have they been doing?
Ried and Obama wouldn't even permit the government to work as Constitutionally required for 3 fucking years by engaging in the process of budgeting - even when they had Super Majority - but now it is the House's fault.

Way, way too fucking funny!

America gets what she deserves.

Boner says he needs a year. What has he been doing? Why doesn't he have a plan?

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