House passes forced labor act.

You keep telling me to read when it seems you did not even open the fucking link. The ban would have been put into place by the TU.S. Customs and Border Protection as a withhold release order. He did not need fucking Pelosi to make it happen. He had the power to do it all by himself.

But he did not, yet you still make it all about the Dems and never about your fucking god that you worship.
Alright dinglenuts. You're obviously more in tune to government operations than I am. After all, where would a true worthless leftist traitor - such as yourself - be without the gooberment? My point was Trump was already sanctioning China when the article was written. An all out ban may or may not require an emergency declaration, which may or may not require an imminent threat against the US. I'll allow you worthless leftist traitor gooberment know-it-alls to make that call.
You keep telling me to read when it seems you did not even open the fucking link. The ban would have been put into place by the TU.S. Customs and Border Protection as a withhold release order. He did not need fucking Pelosi to make it happen. He had the power to do it all by himself.

But he did not, yet you still make it all about the Dems and never about your fucking god that you worship.

From 2020:

Treasury Sanctions Chinese Entity and Officials Pursuant to Global Magnitsky Human Rights Executive Order
Last edited: The Democrats had China's dick in their mouths under Trump, now they're trying to be mean against China under Biden. Are you guys taking the piss?
From the article....The entire article is talking about something the Trump admin was thinking about doing. So, did it ever happen?

The Trump administration is weighing a ban on some or all products made with cotton from the Xinjiang region of China, a move that could come as soon as Tuesday as the United States looks to punish Beijing over alleged human rights violations, three people familiar with the matter said.

The potential ban, which could affect a wide range of apparel and other products, comes amid widespread concerns about the use of forced labor in Xinjiang, where China has carried out a crackdown against mostly Muslim minorities, including a campaign of mass detentions.
It would be interesting if there was a war if nations would consider to exterminate their own also.
Why can you not answer the question? Did the Trump admin Ban Cotton From Xinjiang Region of China?

It is a simple yes or no question.

That they had other sanctions (which are still all in place) is irrelevant to the question of banning cotton.
I do believe you lefties cried a river when Trump did tariffs on China. Now you're having a hissy fit the cotton wasn't banned.
I do believe you lefties cried a river when Trump did tariffs on China. Now you're having a hissy fit the cotton wasn't banned.

it was a simple question that you Trump ass lickers were too chicken shit to answer.
Being a Brit does not preclude you from being a Trump ass licker
Lol, what a fucking retarded pillock you are. I witnessed American lefties having a melt down because you finally had a president who tried to reverse the trade gap with China, now you're whining about the same president who didn't implement his cotton ban on China. I don't give two hoots about Trump, I just pull people up that talk utter fucking shite, and I suggest the Bovine Excrement award for 2021 goes to you.

Don't try to deflect this on me when it's you that's a hypocritical arse wipe.
Lol, what a fucking retarded pillock you are. I witnessed American lefties having a melt down because you finally had a president who tried to reverse the trade gap with China, now you're whining about the same president who didn't implement his cotton ban on China. I don't give two hoots about Trump, I just pull people up that talk utter fucking shite, and I suggest the Bovine Excrement award for 2021 goes to you.

Don't try to deflect this on me when it's you that's a hypocritical arse wipe.

I did not say a word negative or positive about the cotton ban, you are, to use your words, deflecting this on me when it's you that's a hypocritical arse wipe. It is ok for you to worship Trump from afar, you do not need to be ashamed about it
I did not say a word negative or positive about the cotton ban, you are, to use your words, deflecting this on me when it's you that's a hypocritical arse wipe. It is ok for you to worship Trump from afar, you do not need to be ashamed about it
You're bleating on to others about the cotton ban. I don't worship Trump, I just tell it as it is.

Why are you so interested in the cotton ban?

Did you support trade tariffs against China? It's a closed question, a yes or no will suffice.
Why are you so interested in the cotton ban?

It was given as an example of Trump's hard stand on China. Talk is not tough, only actions are. So I wanted to see if any of the Trump worshipers knew if it ever even happened.

I don't worship Trump, I just tell it as it is.

And I am not a lefty nor a Dem. You keep calling me one and I will keep calling you a Trump worshipers. Or we could both quit with the labels. Your choice

Did you support trade tariffs against China? It's a closed question, a yes or no will suffice.

I am against tariffs in general, I do not care who is sitting in the White House when they happen, they are wrong in my opinion. I am a free market capitalist, I do not like the Govt trying to influence which product I buy, that is not their job.
Shallow hypocrisy at work. They have never had a problem with Red China arresting people and then harvesting their organs, or any of the other nasty crimes, like slavery.

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