House Passes Bill That Lifts 16 Million Children Out Of Poverty, But Senate GOP Says No Because It Will Help Biden

To hell it ain't. Low income people don't pay any Federal income taxes as it is. Like 49% of US households don't pay any Federal Income tax at all. That means somebody else is paying their share of the burden of the goddamn bloated Federal government. If you ain't paying any taxes but enjoying whatever the Federal government does for you then that sure as hell is welfare.

Instead of expanding that to even more why not make the Trump income tax reductions (that are due to expire in 2025) permanent? That way it helps all tax payers, not only the ones with children.
Then pay them a wage that allows them to earn enough to pay taxes.
So the obstructionist republican pukes are causing the credit to stay expired, causing a spike in child poverty.

They are harming americans to try to get power.

Here is the total list of people on the planet who are shocked and surprised by this disgusting behavior by the republicans:
The real fuckers are the goddamn Democrats that started the welfare for Negroes so as to get Negro votes for the next 200 years.

I am not responsible to pay for the welfare for your child. You are responsible as the child's parent.

You Moon Bats have never understood the concept of personal responsibility have you?

Besides, we are $34 trillion in debt and can't afford any more welfare. We have enough already.

If the Democrats want more welfare for the ghetto Negroes then how about them not spending billions on the Illegals and use that money?
The 2 cents out of the taxes you pay that is going to help the poor isn't paying for anybody. I put the same 2 cents in.

Let’s talk about the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act. Title IV provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for WHITE single moms with children and no WHITE daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federalgrants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910.

The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all WHITE children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family. The program was not denigrated as something creating dependence on government; it was seen as essential assistance needed to help WHITE women without husbands who had children. Only when the law required that others besides whites be included did the story change to how the welfarestate was wrong and destructive.

Reagan was good at one thing, race pimping low to moderate-income whites. He used welfare as a racial issue whereby he created the lie that“working-class whites” were paying their hard-earned money to support lazy, shiftless blacks who wanted nothing more than a free handout. That was race pimping 101.

People like you yell and scream about welfare to the poor because they have been race-baited to envision a black woman with many little kids looking different following her around like baby ducks. But the major recipients of welfare are white men wearing black and blue suits who get up every morning and drive to work in their Mercedes or Range Rovers. “The American government spends more on corporate welfare than it does on food stamps and financial assistance for needy families with children.”

Robert Reich, How Corporate Welfare Hurts You, The American Prospect, July 23, 2019,

Scott Lincicome, Calculating the Real Cost of Corporate Welfare, The Federalist, September 30, 2013,

Robert Reich, The Corporate Welfare During Covid-19 Pandemic Is Morally Repugnant, Wednesday, April 22, 2020,
In the sixties one income supported a large family people cant afford a house much less kids
And we still have a lower poverty rate. The same gasoline that was 10 cents a gallon when I was a kid is 3 bucks a gallon now. Why? The government doesn't price goods.
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
You liberoidal buttpipes have been passing bills to "lift children out of poverty" for nigh 60 years now, yet we still have "children in poverty" all over the place.

Methinks y'all really don't give a flying fuck about the cheeeeeelllldrrrrrennnnnnn, and only claim that you do as a big virtue signal.

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