House oversight committee "closing in on serious criminal violations regarding Biden's misuse of classified documents"

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Hoo boy!

It looks like Joe Biden's stolen classified documents weren't just stuff to keep his Corvette company in his unsecured garage, but may in fact have been a key part of his influence-peddling schemes.

“President Biden’s retention of certain classified documents begs the question as to why he kept these particular materials. Of the many classified documents he reviewed over his lengthy career, why did President Biden keep these specific documents in his home and office?” the committee asks. “The sensitive nature of the information contained in the documents may answer that question for the Committee, which is why we seek to review those materials.”

“There is also no reasonable explanation to date as to why five White House employees (Dana Remus, Anthony Bernal, Ashley Williams, Annie Tomasini, and an unidentified employee), a Department of Defense employee (Kathy Chung), and private attorneys (Bob Bauer and Patrick Moore) were tasked with obtaining what were purportedly personal documents not subject to the Presidential Records Act,” the letter added. “The evidence shows the White House was concerned about potential document retention issues prior to November 2, 2022, and used significant government resources to obtain the materials.”

“The Committee seeks to further understand why President Biden retained certain classified documents, if such information related to any of his family’s foreign business interactions, and why so many White House officials were involved in obtaining these materials,” the letter summarized.
Hoo boy!

It looks like Joe Biden's stolen classified documents weren't just stuff to keep his Corvette company in his unsecured garage, but may in fact have been a key part of his influence-peddling schemes.

“President Biden’s retention of certain classified documents begs the question as to why he kept these particular materials. Of the many classified documents he reviewed over his lengthy career, why did President Biden keep these specific documents in his home and office?” the committee asks. “The sensitive nature of the information contained in the documents may answer that question for the Committee, which is why we seek to review those materials.”

“There is also no reasonable explanation to date as to why five White House employees (Dana Remus, Anthony Bernal, Ashley Williams, Annie Tomasini, and an unidentified employee), a Department of Defense employee (Kathy Chung), and private attorneys (Bob Bauer and Patrick Moore) were tasked with obtaining what were purportedly personal documents not subject to the Presidential Records Act,” the letter added. “The evidence shows the White House was concerned about potential document retention issues prior to November 2, 2022, and used significant government resources to obtain the materials.”

“The Committee seeks to further understand why President Biden retained certain classified documents, if such information related to any of his family’s foreign business interactions, and why so many White House officials were involved in obtaining these materials,” the letter summarized.

These days, they are only closing in on the Republican circle jerk in the leaderless House of Representatives, another case, where they took action without a plan or a clue where it would lead.
Hahahaha sure They are. Just like Durham was 'this close' to exposing "Obamagate" as more corrupt than Watergate! You guys are like the villagers who keep running to rescue "the boy who cried wolf". Everyday they have amnesia!
Have a can of Ensure and relax, White Man. The House will have a Speaker soon.
Good ta know. Bout time they got their sh#t together and went back to doing the people's business as if they had a clue or gave a damn about anything other than politics.
Well, I am glad when discovered he gladly gave them back and did not share them at cocktail parties.
Lol, after he gave the information to whoever was buying. Hunter lived and received payments from China in the house that had classified documents in it.
Lol, after he gave the information to whoever was buying. Hunter lived and received payments from China in the house that had classified documents in it.
I look forward to seeing the court case, where facts are proved to be facts, sorted out from supposition and accepted or rejected by a judge and jury. Until then, I just can't work up much excitement for it.
You mean the ones Biden did not fight to keep? Not much of a story there, but enjoy it while you watch The House, this week and maybe next week also.
Sure there is. Biden was in possession of classified material that he was not legally allowed to be in possession of, + millions from foreign countries that wanted the information = treason.

Trump WAS entitled to classified information that he declassified as President + Obama and Biden's illegality activity toward the President, both before and while he was in office= evidence of Obama's criminal activity toward a President of the USA...
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Sure there is. Biden was in possession of classified material that he was not legally not allow to be in possession of, + millions from foreign countries that wanted the information = treason.

Trump WAS entitled to classified information that he declassified as President + Obama and Biden's illegality activity toward the President, both before and while he was in office= evidence of Obama's criminal activity toward a President of the USA...
That is what the trial is about. Many disagree, he had right to share classified info on us, much less allies without their permission, as we must be trusted to keep our secrets or intell will not be shared with us. The case goes forward. A judge and jury will have final say and no amount of purely political public statements will change that.
One was raided, the other was asked pretty please.
One has a legal right to the documents, the other had NO right to have classified documents in various places. < One with Chinese access. Then there is all those millions of dollars given to Biden Inc. for no reason.
The court of public opinion has already decided on the verdict. Trump just keeps going up in the polls.
We smell a rat, and his name is OBiden...

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