House hearing on Biden's failures withdrawing from Afghanistan

The reality was that the Taliban was waiting and the Afghan forces were unwilling to fight regardless of when we pulled out.

Yes, and the reality is where they were waiting there was no way possible they could have taken over 90% of the country by May. Mother nature and geography would have prevented it. This is why May was chosen. In May they had less than 5% of the country under their control.

There was no reason to delay the withdrawal other than the desire for a made for TV moment as the last person left on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
That's right. Trump pulled most US troops out by September 2020. The Taliban number 250,000. We had 1400 troops left in country. Damn, you're dense.
You should pay attention to some facts.

Trump had a plan in place to gradually turn over Baghram to the Afghans. That plan was contingent on the Afghans meeting specific criteria and was poised to keep some counterterrorism forces in that country. Trump did not announce a specific date for withdrawal as Sloppy Joe did which allowed the taliban to plan suicide bombings.
Revisionist history/Monday morning Quarterbacking.

The reality was that the Taliban was waiting and the Afghan forces were unwilling to fight regardless of when we pulled out.

Terrorists look for targets of opportunity. Our troops would not have stopped them.
Nonsense. Our troops could have stopped the Baghram suicide bomber.

You should pay attention to some facts.

Trump had a plan in place to gradually turn over Baghram to the Afghans. That plan was contingent on the Afghans meeting specific criteria and was poised to keep some counterterrorism forces in that country. Trump did not announce a specific date for withdrawal as Sloppy Joe did which allowed the taliban to plan suicide bombings.

Trump pulled the US troops out and released the prisoners in September 2020. Biden hadn't been elected.
Trump pulled the US troops out and released the prisoners in September 2020. Biden hadn't been elected.
Trump dd not pull all US troops out in 2020.

You somehow missed the obvious; there were a minimum of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan when Sloppy Joe decided to run away. You somehow missed the obvious; US soldiers were killed by a suicide bomber as Sloppy Joe ordered troops to leave while abandoning US citizens.
The truth is out.....Biden failed and in doing so, killed 13 US soldiers.

The Biden administration ignored intelligence community warnings that its plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan would prove deadly, current and former military officials told Congress Thursday.

"There was very little intelligence to suggest the Biden administration’s plan would work and a mountain range of evidence to suggest the plan would fail," retired Col. Seth Krummrich, former chief of staff for special operations at U.S. Central Command, testified on Thursday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "The president’s decision to ignore the best military advice and execute an immediate military withdrawal was a shock and a rude awakening for all the planners."
Bagram also had "the mechanical capability to destroy sensitive equipment on an industrial scale in a short time," while Kabul airport "did not," according to Smith. If the State Department had chosen Bagram as the site of its evacuation, the military likely could have destroyed much of $7.2 billion in sensitive military equipment that was left behind and ultimately seized by the Taliban.

"I advised the embassy team against using" the Kabul airport, Smith said, noting that the State Department initially agreed with his assessment. However, officials back in Washington, D.C., ordered the base be shut down by early July 2021. "It is my understanding that those in [U.S.] embassy did not think that Taliban would advance to take Kabul."

Biden Admin Ignored Warnings About Withdrawing Troops From Afghanistan, Military Leaders Say

Swing and a miss.

I'll be waiting to hear the part where Trump surrendered to the Taliban, and released 5000 Taliban, and ISIS fighters.

Those military leaders" you speak of, may be the ones testifying in future investigations on their failures.



In February 2020, eager to remove American troops from Afghanistan by the end of his term, President Donald J. Trump struck a deal with the Taliban: U.S. forces would leave in return for Taliban promises not to harbor terrorists and to engage in direct negotiations with the Afghan government.
Mr. Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, attended the signing ceremony in Doha and posed for a photo alongside the Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar
Some former senior Trump officials now call that agreement fatally flawed, saying it did little more than provide cover for a pullout that Mr. Trump was impatient to begin before his re-election bid. They also say it laid the groundwork for the chaos unfolding now in Kabul.

“Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” Mr. Trump’s second national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, said of Mr. Pompeo in a podcast interview on Wednesday. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”

The photo of Mr. Pompeo resurfaced this week on social media as the Taliban asserted control of Afghanistan. Mr. Baradar is widely expected to become the head of a new Taliban government based in Kabul.
In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, former Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said that while President Biden “owns” the ultimate outcome in Afghanistan, Mr. Trump had earlier “undermined” the agreement through his barely disguised impatience to exit the country with little apparent regard for the consequences.

Trump dd not pull all US troops out in 2020.

You somehow missed the obvious; there were a minimum of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan when Sloppy Joe decided to run away. You somehow missed the obvious; US soldiers were killed by a suicide bomber as Sloppy Joe ordered troops to leave while abandoning US citizens.

Trump pulled out over 12,000 troops by September 2020 before Biden was elected .
Trump pulled out over 12,000 troops by September 2020 before Biden was elected .
You somehow missed the obvious; there were a minimum of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan when Sloppy Joe decided to run away. You somehow missed the obvious; US soldiers were killed by a suicide bomber as Sloppy Joe ordered troops to leave while abandoning US citizens.
Most definitely on advice from experts on the ground in Afghanistan for reasons I don't know.

Geezeee...I cannot think for the life of me what reason he could have had for making the withdrawal date the exact 20th anniversary of the reason we invaded to start with.... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
"Run away"? What an airhead you are Hollie. You are anti-American. You are anti-American armed forces.

With what that traitor Trump left in Afghanistan with the minimum of troops, coupled to an Afghan army that would boogy out, it is amazing that the US did as well as it did in getting out of Afghanistan.
Swing and a miss.

I'll be waiting to hear the part where Trump surrendered to the Taliban, and released 5000 Taliban, and ISIS fighters.

Those military leaders" you speak of, may be the ones testifying in future investigations on their failures.



In February 2020, eager to remove American troops from Afghanistan by the end of his term, President Donald J. Trump struck a deal with the Taliban: U.S. forces would leave in return for Taliban promises not to harbor terrorists and to engage in direct negotiations with the Afghan government.
Mr. Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, attended the signing ceremony in Doha and posed for a photo alongside the Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar
Some former senior Trump officials now call that agreement fatally flawed, saying it did little more than provide cover for a pullout that Mr. Trump was impatient to begin before his re-election bid. They also say it laid the groundwork for the chaos unfolding now in Kabul.

“Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” Mr. Trump’s second national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, said of Mr. Pompeo in a podcast interview on Wednesday. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”

The photo of Mr. Pompeo resurfaced this week on social media as the Taliban asserted control of Afghanistan. Mr. Baradar is widely expected to become the head of a new Taliban government based in Kabul.
In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, former Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said that while President Biden “owns” the ultimate outcome in Afghanistan, Mr. Trump had earlier “undermined” the agreement through his barely disguised impatience to exit the country with little apparent regard for the consequences.

Did you realize that you refuted your own, ''but... but... but... but what about Trump", deflection?

From your article..
President Donald J. Trump struck a deal with the Taliban: U.S. forces would leave in return for Taliban promises not to harbor terrorists and to engage in direct negotiations with the Afghan government.


President Biden “owns” the ultimate outcome in Afghanistan,
"Run away"? What an airhead you are Hollie. You are anti-American. You are anti-American armed forces.

With what that traitor Trump left in Afghanistan with the minimum of troops, coupled to an Afghan army that would boogy out, it is amazing that the US did as well as it did in getting out of Afghanistan.

Had we left in May when we agreed to it would have been far, far smoother.
"Run away"? What an airhead you are Hollie. You are anti-American. You are anti-American armed forces.

With what that traitor Trump left in Afghanistan with the minimum of troops, coupled to an Afghan army that would boogy out, it is amazing that the US did as well as it did in getting out of Afghanistan.
You're still befuddled. It was pretend-president Sloppy Joe who left Afghanistan.

You consider the deaths of 13 US soldiers killed in a preventable suicide bombing, $billions of dollars in military hardware left behind, a guarantee that the Taliban would ascend to power and American citizens abandoned as an amazing achievement?

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