Hottest year on record-

I'm not ignorant you fool. I'm sick of hearing crying assholes bitch about the same crap every fuvking day!
So you don't give a shit about your or your children's future. Good to know.

Actually we do...that is why we spend time trying to protect them from people like you who would have us all reduced to the economic level of the 1970's soviet union...bread lines and all if you had your way.
Oh look. I get to bust SSDD for data fudging yet another time.That never gets old.

Here's the unprocessed WoodForTrees graph for RSS. Note how it clearly shows 2016 to be warmest ever.


Compare that to SSDD's graph, which has major differences. How did SSDD (or the cult blog that he took the image from) fake things? I'm not certain. It looks like they poked and prodded and smoothed out the graph, until the data they didn't like was smoothed away. That is, they lied with statistics.

The lesson we learn, again, is that everything SSDD posts should initially be assumed to be a fraud, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

alas hairball, your graph is the fake...2016 isn't even close to being the hottest year.....and in fact, it is cooler than most of the past 10k years.
I knew what RSS was. I thought such a knowledgeable, honest person like you would say exactly what your graph really was in stead of using it to dupe people as you have been duped.

That is why I chose a graph that was clearly marked RSS....

And if you knew what RSS was, why then did you ask what the chart shows? is you who is clearly the bullshitter...sorry that I assumed that you had a clue otherwise I would have tried to draw it out in crayon for you so that you would know what I was posting.
Bull fricken baloney. You posted that graph because it showed that 2016 was not the hottest year since recorded history amd not talking about what thew graph really was.

You posted it because you are a dishonest person duped by the deniers. You got caiught & this dancing around you are doing is quite pathetic.
Sorry; 1934 still takes the cake by .6 deg C. (almost a full degree F)
Silly Billy once more engages in a lie. 1934 was a hot year for the lower 48, but not the world. And 2012 and 2008 both beat 1934 in the lower 48.

Figure 1. Temperatures in the Contiguous 48 States, 1901–2015


This figure shows how annual average temperatures in the contiguous 48 states have changed since 1901. Surface data come from land-based weather stations. Satellite measurements cover the lower troposphere, which is the lowest level of the Earth’s atmosphere. “UAH” and “RSS” represent two different methods of analyzing the original satellite measurements. This graph uses the 1901–2000 average as a baseline for depicting change. Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data over time.

Data source: NOAA, 20161
Web update: August 2016

Now who do we trust, Silly Billy, who could not even admit we were in an El Nino when it was breaking all records, or the scientists at NOAA.
Bull fricken baloney. You posted that graph because it showed that 2016 was not the hottest year since recorded history amd not talking about what thew graph really was.

That would be because 2016 was not the hottest year on record...

You posted it because you are a dishonest person duped by the deniers. You got caiught & this dancing around you are doing is quite pathetic.

And you refuse to believe the truth because you have already been you have any idea how much the temperature record has been manipulated in the past decade...cooling the past in an effort to make the present look warmer?....of course you don't....because you are a dupe.
And you quote well known debunked climate deniers & pull their same shit by posting graphs that don't mean what you try to portray they mean.

Temperatures are adjusted to account for certain things. Quit pretending that this disqualifies he result.

I'll believe the climate scientists over an obviously duped person like you.
So your on board with Michael Mann and others who use deceptive graphing and unjustified changes to the historical record.. Good to know..
More than a dozen independent studies have verified the Mann Graph. None has indicated what you say. And, since you are repeatedly shown that you are a person who knows no science, I think we know who to trust.
And you quote well known debunked climate deniers & pull their same shit by posting graphs that don't mean what you try to portray they mean.

Exactly who have I quoted? My arguments tend to be in my own words....and the graph meant exactly what it meant....that is to say without the urban heat island effect to taint the record...2016 isn't even close to being the warmest year..
Well, your own words, along with your smart photons, indicate that you are a very minor intellect. the "hottest" was by............ready for this............0.1 degree!!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:

You see folks, any time you see a thread started by an AGW guy, your radar needs to come up when you see these vague terms like, "warmest"......."hottest"........"largest increase"........"rise"......"heating"..........

Notice......they never compare it to another number. These bozo's will consistently refer to "hottest" if it is referencing a 0.1 or 0.2 rise in temperature. They also post up maps with vivid colors, particularly red so it leaves the stoopid viewer thinking, "Oh fuck........that's hot as shit!!".

Any time you ask a progressive the question, "As compared to what?"........their argument immediately looks silly.:deal:

:oops-28::oops-28::oops-28: the "hottest" was by............ready for this............0.1 degree!!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:

You see folks, any time you see a thread started by an AGW guy, your radar needs to come up when you see these vague terms like, "warmest"......."hottest"........"largest increase"........"rise"......"heating"..........

Notice......they never compare it to another number. These bozo's will consistently refer to "hottest" if it is referencing a 0.1 or 0.2 rise in temperature. They also post up maps with vivid colors, particularly red so it leaves the stoopid viewer thinking, "Oh fuck........that's hot as shit!!".

Any time you ask a progressive the question, "As compared to what?"........their argument immediately looks silly.:deal:


Compared to the last thousand years based on the mann, etc proxie record. the "hottest" was by............ready for this............0.1 degree!!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:

You see folks, any time you see a thread started by an AGW guy, your radar needs to come up when you see these vague terms like, "warmest"......."hottest"........"largest increase"........"rise"......"heating"..........

Notice......they never compare it to another number. These bozo's will consistently refer to "hottest" if it is referencing a 0.1 or 0.2 rise in temperature. They also post up maps with vivid colors, particularly red so it leaves the stoopid viewer thinking, "Oh fuck........that's hot as shit!!".

Any time you ask a progressive the question, "As compared to what?"........their argument immediately looks silly.:deal:


Compared to the last thousand years based on the mann, etc proxie record.

0.1 degree s0n.............incredibly impressive!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:Right up there on Catman's graph.:bye1: the "hottest" was by............ready for this............0.1 degree!!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:

You see folks, any time you see a thread started by an AGW guy, your radar needs to come up when you see these vague terms like, "warmest"......."hottest"........"largest increase"........"rise"......"heating"..........

Notice......they never compare it to another number. These bozo's will consistently refer to "hottest" if it is referencing a 0.1 or 0.2 rise in temperature. They also post up maps with vivid colors, particularly red so it leaves the stoopid viewer thinking, "Oh fuck........that's hot as shit!!".

Any time you ask a progressive the question, "As compared to what?"........their argument immediately looks silly.:deal:


Compared to the last thousand years based on the mann, etc proxie record.

0.1 degree s0n.............incredibly impressive!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:

at least 1c the past century
Indeed.........the most compelling thing in 2017 on this FORUM is the race for most prolific fag between Matthew and Mamooth. We will also be seeing how far into the shitter AGW theory has fallen a year from now.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Haven't you got a brown envelop to collect from the fossil fuel society of America as part of your payment for spreading BS on this forum?
I knew what RSS was. I thought such a knowledgeable, honest person like you would say exactly what your graph really was in stead of using it to dupe people as you have been duped.

That is why I chose a graph that was clearly marked RSS....

And if you knew what RSS was, why then did you ask what the chart shows? is you who is clearly the bullshitter...sorry that I assumed that you had a clue otherwise I would have tried to draw it out in crayon for you so that you would know what I was posting.
Bull fricken baloney. You posted that graph because it showed that 2016 was not the hottest year since recorded history amd not talking about what thew graph really was.

You posted it because you are a dishonest person duped by the deniers. You got caiught & this dancing around you are doing is quite pathetic.
Sorry; 1934 still takes the cake by .6 deg C. (almost a full degree F)
1934 was the hottest year IN THE US. Not globally. My God you people are stupid.

Morons like Billy Boy think the world is the US. He is the Catholic church of the 16th/17th century. "What's that Galileo? The Earth goes around the sun? Are you insane?"

simpleton thinking s0n............nobody cares. Anywhere you look, AGW theory is not mattering in the real world.

But you keep going around and taking bows!!:up:
I knew what RSS was. I thought such a knowledgeable, honest person like you would say exactly what your graph really was in stead of using it to dupe people as you have been duped.

That is why I chose a graph that was clearly marked RSS....

And if you knew what RSS was, why then did you ask what the chart shows? is you who is clearly the bullshitter...sorry that I assumed that you had a clue otherwise I would have tried to draw it out in crayon for you so that you would know what I was posting.
Bull fricken baloney. You posted that graph because it showed that 2016 was not the hottest year since recorded history amd not talking about what thew graph really was.

You posted it because you are a dishonest person duped by the deniers. You got caiught & this dancing around you are doing is quite pathetic.
Sorry; 1934 still takes the cake by .6 deg C. (almost a full degree F)
Silly Billy once more engages in a lie. 1934 was a hot year for the lower 48, but not the world. And 2012 and 2008 both beat 1934 in the lower 48.

Figure 1. Temperatures in the Contiguous 48 States, 1901–2015


This figure shows how annual average temperatures in the contiguous 48 states have changed since 1901. Surface data come from land-based weather stations. Satellite measurements cover the lower troposphere, which is the lowest level of the Earth’s atmosphere. “UAH” and “RSS” represent two different methods of analyzing the original satellite measurements. This graph uses the 1901–2000 average as a baseline for depicting change. Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data over time.

Data source: NOAA, 20161
Web update: August 2016

Now who do we trust, Silly Billy, who could not even admit we were in an El Nino when it was breaking all records, or the scientists at NOAA.
I see the liar Old Fraud is living up to his name and pushing the highly adjusted crap from the frauds.... all hype and no brains to discern facts..

The only thing breaking anything is the stupidity level of ignorance shown by the sheep..
simpleton thinking s0n............nobody cares. Anywhere you look, AGW theory is not mattering in the real world.

But you keep going around and taking bows!!:up:

Actually, millions of people care, little boy. Even on this one message board there a tonne of threads on the subject. AGW science is fact. Just because nimrods like you say different, doesn't mean much. I mean, going by all the posts I've seen on here so far, almost to a person you guys voted for Trump - one of the dumbest candidates in election history - not of just the US but the western world. Ever. If you can vote for such a vacuous, narcissistic, pussy-grabbing racist, why would you have any credibility on such a serious topic as AGW science? Hint: you don't. Doesn't help having an avatar that instantly makes me think "moron".
Skooks, 3 weeks until the government paid AGW posters drop to zero

Unless the Admin bans me...I'll still be here.

Indeed.........the most compelling thing in 2017 on this FORUM is the race for most prolific fag between Matthew and Mamooth. We will also be seeing how far into the shitter AGW theory has fallen a year from now.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I for one will be helping their lies and fabrications to be exposed... Now these left wing PoS are going to have to put up their data and their adjustments and justify them... Its going to be an epic beat down..

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