Hospitals to Lockout Striking Nurses


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Hospital officials say nurses who staged a one-day strike against nine hospitals in the San Francisco Bay area and Los Angeles will not be allowed to return to work Friday.

Thursday's strike — the second in three months — and the planned lockout are the latest in a series of disputes between nurses and hospital management over health care costs, staffing levels and sick leave.

The California Nurses Association — the union behind the walkout — had expected 6,000 nurses at nine hospitals in the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas to participate in the strike. A hospital official said a "significant number" of nurses had crossed the picket lines.

The San Francisco Bay area hospitals targeted by the nurses are controlled by Sutter Health. The nurses' contract with Sutter expired about six months ago, and union officials have objected to changes in paid sick leave and health care premiums proposed by Sutter.

In Southern California, nurses at Long Beach Memorial Hospital and adjoining Miller Children's Hospital, which are not controlled by Sutter Health, have raised concerns about staffing levels they say don't allow them to take meal and rest breaks.

Hospitals to Lockout Striking Nurses - ABC News

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