Horror Movies 2025

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
I just decided to post this thread for any interesting horror movies coming out this year that I might possibly go see. I have a few already that I would like to see. I just hope they're better than Nosferatu was.

Never cared for horror movies. They do not scare me and the hack and slash type are a complete waste of film as far as I am concerned. I have often figured out a large number of the plots of a large number of horror films after a few minutes of watching so it just becomes boring
Heart eyes looks like the love emoji we use to rate a post :D

I know lol but it reminds me of Scream so that's why it's interesting to me. A Valentine's Day rendition of Scream. Which btw I'm only a fan of the first one.

Horror Movies 2025​

Why is it that vehicles never start in horror flicks when fleeing a danger?
How does the Wolfman punch through a windshield when the glass is designed not to break clean like that?
Why do stalkers always hide in closets just as the pretty, unsuspecting, innocent girl is about to have sex with her macho boyfriend?
Why does every Hollywood horror trailer now have the F word in it?

Honestly, the trailers look pretty interesting. I actually intended to spend all of November and December kicking back watching movies, but I never got around to it.
If I want to see a good horror movie, all I need to do these days is turn on the TV for updates on Los Angeles.
The Democrat Party is one continuous horror story.
Seriously, these days, I'm loathe to spend a dime on any new movies as that just feeds Hollywood, the people who help orchestrate the democrat's campaigns.
So while they look pretty good and I might enjoy them (especially Heart Eyes), if I'm going to do a horror flick, I'll probably just watch one of the many boatload of movies I already have on file here. One I particularly always enjoy is the remake of 'The Thing' with Kurt Russel.

BTW, there is a horror movie I have on hand that is so bad that I can't even tell you the name as I wouldn't want you to see it. You would probably never forgive me for referring you to it and you might have nightmares for days if you even made it all the way through the film. I only watched it once and I can't bring myself to watch it again as it is just too gruesome and disturbing, and I'm the kind of person which nothing usually bothers because I just remind myself that it is just a movie.
The one called Insider is supposed to me good.

It is the story of an ageing harpy who just got replaced at her job and seeks revenge because the job gave her endless opportunities to become wealthy by indulging in insider trading. Denied this opportunity, she targets her Republican enemies in the House chamber one by one, with each death more gruesome and grizzly than the next. Some of the jump scares are particularly frightening as her death mask rictus of a face can send grown men to sob uncontrollably.
Why is it that vehicles never start in horror flicks when fleeing a danger?
How does the Wolfman punch through a windshield when the glass is designed not to break clean like that?
Why do stalkers always hide in closets just as the pretty, unsuspecting, innocent girl is about to have sex with her macho boyfriend?
Why does every Hollywood horror trailer now have the F word in it?

Honestly, the trailers look pretty interesting. I actually intended to spend all of November and December kicking back watching movies, but I never got around to it.
If I want to see a good horror movie, all I need to do these days is turn on the TV for updates on Los Angeles.
The Democrat Party is one continuous horror story.
Seriously, these days, I'm loathe to spend a dime on any new movies as that just feeds Hollywood, the people who help orchestrate the democrat's campaigns.
So while they look pretty good and I might enjoy them (especially Heart Eyes), if I'm going to do a horror flick, I'll probably just watch one of the many boatload of movies I already have on file here. One I particularly always enjoy is the remake of 'The Thing' with Kurt Russel.

BTW, there is a horror movie I have on hand that is so bad that I can't even tell you the name as I wouldn't want you to see it. You would probably never forgive me for referring you to it and you might have nightmares for days if you even made it all the way through the film. I only watched it once and I can't bring myself to watch it again as it is just too gruesome and disturbing, and I'm the kind of person which nothing usually bothers because I just remind myself that it is just a movie.

Well now you have to know that I'm going to be bugging you for the name of it. 😏
Too late I already asked. If you didn't want me to ask them you shouldn't have told me about it in the first place. 😆

Yeah I know. I have a big mouth. But trust me, you don't want to see it. You would not enjoy it. And I would not want to foul your sweet, pure nature by subjecting you to something so sick as it is. When I say I had a hard time watching it and have never watched it again, take that to the bank. And I pride myself on being able to watch anything. I really mean it when I say it would give you nightmares for days. They shouldn't make movies this bad, I don't know why anyone would want to see stuff like this.
Yeah I know. I have a big mouth. But trust me, you don't want to see it. You would not enjoy it. And I would not want to foul your sweet, pure nature by subjecting you to something so sick as it is. When I say I had a hard time watching it and have never watched it again, take that to the bank. And I pride myself on being able to watch anything. I really mean it when I say it would give you nightmares for days. They shouldn't make movies this bad, I don't know why anyone would want to see stuff like this.

Can you at least tell me the plotline?
Can you at least tell me the plotline?

As I recall, people are captured and subjected to various tortures leading to their eventual murder. It makes the SAW movies look like Snow White.
I really don't want to give more details than that. That is the gist of it.
But trust me, you don't want to see it, it would sicken you, and no good Christian should be subjected to images like this.
It left me feeling sick and I was sorry I watched it. Had I known it would be that bad, I never would have watched it.
As I recall, people are captured and subjected to various tortures leading to their eventual murder. It makes the SAW movies look like Snow White.
I really don't want to give more details than that. That is the gist of it.
But trust me, you don't want to see it, it would sicken you, and no good Christian should be subjected to images like this.
It left me feeling sick and I was sorry I watched it. Had I known it would be that bad, I never would have watched it.

Ah okay well you're safe as I'm not into gory movies all that much anyways.
Ah okay well you're safe as I'm not into gory movies all that much anyways.

Bingo. Like I said, I didn't think you would enjoy it. Stuff like Heart Eyes is fun, it makes you jump in your chair. This other movie is dark, sick, twisted, and beyond disturbing. I literally found myself sorry I rented it and wishing it to end. It would give you nightmares if I even described one of the scenes in it. It is literally the WORST thing I have ever seen.

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