Horrendous moment in American history one of the worst ever. Donald Trump charged with making hush money payments to a woman.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There’s a massive difference between the Americans on the left of those on the right. I’ve never seen this before from fellow Democrats and from people on the left who have turned basically into the devil. They have turned into the ugliest people in the world. I’ve never could’ve imagined America turning into this type of country where you have corrupt politicians , district attorney‘s corrupt people in the media brutal people again the ugliest people in the world…. who support this nonsense charge against Mr. Trump. In no way shape or form is this something that is acceptable.

You would think Mr. Trump attacked somebody right? you would think that he actually did something wrong. What he did is not even a crime. Many Democrats and Republicans have done so much far worse than Trump has and they’re not charged with any crime. What Americans on the left don’t realize is that this leads to a slippery slope. That’s it… I wouldn’t be happy if Hillary Clinton went to a jail I wouldn’t be happy if Joe Biden went to jail …it’s an embarrassment for the country. And so many countries around the world are disgusted at this they’re laughing at America and trying to take advantage of us because we’re so incredibly weak right now.
There’s a massive difference between the Americans on the left of those on the right. I’ve never seen this before from fellow Democrats and from people on the left who have turned basically into the devil. They have turned into the ugliest people in the world. I’ve never could’ve imagined America turning into this type of country where you have corrupt politicians , district attorney‘s corrupt people in the media brutal people again the ugliest people in the world…. who support this nonsense charge against Mr. Trump. In no way shape or form is this something that is acceptable.

You would think Mr. Trump attacked somebody right? you would think that he actually did something wrong. What he did is not even a crime. Many Democrats and Republicans have done so much far worse than Trump has and they’re not charged with any crime. What Americans on the left don’t realize is that this leads to a slippery slope. That’s it… I wouldn’t be happy if Hillary Clinton went to a jail I wouldn’t be happy if Joe Biden went to jail …it’s an embarrassment for the country. And so many countries around the world are disgusted at this they’re laughing at America and trying to take advantage of us because we’re so incredibly weak right now.

The idiots won the battle and lost the war.

And we all lose.
The day that America sigalled its own demise to the rest of the world .
And the end of a short lived Empire that became rotten to the core.

And the brain damaged monkeys on this site dance around eating popcorn like it's some kind of real victory
The US is officially a "Banana Republic"

Aha - again someone who lost the eagle and got a heraldic Qietscheentchen and a new anthem.

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There’s a massive difference between the Americans on the left of those on the right. I’ve never seen this before from fellow Democrats and from people on the left who have turned basically into the devil. They have turned into the ugliest people in the world. I’ve never could’ve imagined America turning into this type of country where you have corrupt politicians , district attorney‘s corrupt people in the media brutal people again the ugliest people in the world…. who support this nonsense charge against Mr. Trump. In no way shape or form is this something that is acceptable.

You would think Mr. Trump attacked somebody right? you would think that he actually did something wrong. What he did is not even a crime. Many Democrats and Republicans have done so much far worse than Trump has and they’re not charged with any crime. What Americans on the left don’t realize is that this leads to a slippery slope. That’s it… I wouldn’t be happy if Hillary Clinton went to a jail I wouldn’t be happy if Joe Biden went to jail …it’s an embarrassment for the country. And so many countries around the world are disgusted at this they’re laughing at America and trying to take advantage of us because we’re so incredibly weak right now.
Democrats need to defend democracy by imprisoning their political opponents

Thank God they have saved democracy.
Wasn't there a plan to impeach Biden as soon as republicans swept congress?

Only in delusional minds. We all know Biden is as innocent as the driven snow, never lied, never took money for favors, never involved in anything underhanded. And 50 years in political office, what an amazing accomplishment, right?
There’s a massive difference between the Americans on the left of those on the right. I’ve never seen this before from fellow Democrats and from people on the left who have turned basically into the devil. They have turned into the ugliest people in the world. I’ve never could’ve imagined America turning into this type of country where you have corrupt politicians , district attorney‘s corrupt people in the media brutal people again the ugliest people in the world…. who support this nonsense charge against Mr. Trump. In no way shape or form is this something that is acceptable.
This is who the Democrats are HELLO! Finally people can see Dems for who they truly are, lying lawless lowlife scum!
It won’t hold up
You can pay someone to not reveal intimate details about yourself. It’s called privacy
What you can’t do is mandate acceptance if the payment. That makes the offer incumbent upon the other party and not voluntary. They are permitted to willingly accept your money, called free choice you lib Nazis.

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