Hooray for Pallywood!

They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.


Here you go then, pick the bones out of these.

Minister Muslim inbreeding in Britain is causing massive surge in birth defects Daily Mail Online

Video Cousin marriages Muslim inbreeding cause low IQ retardation and birth defects The Muslim Issue

Muslim Countries Found To Have Highest Rates Of Birth Defects - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.
It's a known fact that Palestinians are fraudsters and propagandists. This is good acting no?


Oh look...

See what Roodboy did there... Nice swerve there because he couldn't back up TWO posts he made!

Mighty FAIL Roodboy...

Start the New Year as you ended the old... Good man!!!

Actually it is one of the pallywood classics, and the same person can be seen in many productions setting up shots, placing the actors, getting everyone into position and even playing the part of and injured or dead Palestinian civilian. Don't you like seeing the truth in glorious Technicolor that the Palestinians are having to fake everything because the Israelis are now so accurate with their targeting.

Prove it. Show us more examples of the same person doing all you claim to have seen him do in many productions.

Just look back a few months when I posted the videos of him directing and acting in many pallywood productions.

:link:or provide, date thread title and post number.

At least 3 on this thread in the last 24 hours, now why don't you look for them I have more interesting things to do with my time.
Oh look...

See what Roodboy did there... Nice swerve there because he couldn't back up TWO posts he made!

Mighty FAIL Roodboy...

Start the New Year as you ended the old... Good man!!!

Actually it is one of the pallywood classics, and the same person can be seen in many productions setting up shots, placing the actors, getting everyone into position and even playing the part of and injured or dead Palestinian civilian. Don't you like seeing the truth in glorious Technicolor that the Palestinians are having to fake everything because the Israelis are now so accurate with their targeting.

Prove it. Show us more examples of the same person doing all you claim to have seen him do in many productions.

Just look back a few months when I posted the videos of him directing and acting in many pallywood productions.

:link:or provide, date thread title and post number.

At least 3 on this thread in the last 24 hours, now why don't you look for them I have more interesting things to do with my time.

Fair enough, I accept your admission you cannot provide any evidence to back up your accusations.
They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.
Last edited:
Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.


Here you go then, pick the bones out of these.

Minister Muslim inbreeding in Britain is causing massive surge in birth defects Daily Mail Online

Video Cousin marriages Muslim inbreeding cause low IQ retardation and birth defects The Muslim Issue

Muslim Countries Found To Have Highest Rates Of Birth Defects - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES
I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.


Here you go then, pick the bones out of these.

Minister Muslim inbreeding in Britain is causing massive surge in birth defects Daily Mail Online

Video Cousin marriages Muslim inbreeding cause low IQ retardation and birth defects The Muslim Issue

Muslim Countries Found To Have Highest Rates Of Birth Defects - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

Hey in their book Abraham had a child with his stepsister, and two daughters got their Dad drunk and slept with him to get pg. so lets not make this about Muslim. One of your links was from another message board and the other two, are anti Muslim. I post sites to regular articles, and mainly the Jews do themselves in with their arrogance in their papers. Your a mutation.
Ashkenazi Diseases
It is estimated that nearly 1 in 2 Ashkenazi Jews in the United States is a carrier of at least one of 38 Jewish genetic diseases. Please be aware that there are many laboratories offering Ashkenazi Jewish genetic disease screening with panels varying from 19 to 38 diseases. Individuals may also opt to do expanded carrier screening to include disorders not necessarily more common in the Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (Pan Ethnic Panels). You should discuss these options with your physician or genetic counselor.
I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.


Here you go then, pick the bones out of these.

Minister Muslim inbreeding in Britain is causing massive surge in birth defects Daily Mail Online

Video Cousin marriages Muslim inbreeding cause low IQ retardation and birth defects The Muslim Issue

Muslim Countries Found To Have Highest Rates Of Birth Defects - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

You are seriously citing a blog by the neo-Nazi Dansk Folkparti politician Nicolai Sennels as factual evidence to support your theories?! Incredible.
Lets not worry about the spread of Jewish genetic disease, in their history book EZRA went on about how they intermarried amongst the pagans, and have been ever since, so we all prone to inherit genetic defects.
I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.


Here you go then, pick the bones out of these.

Minister Muslim inbreeding in Britain is causing massive surge in birth defects Daily Mail Online

Video Cousin marriages Muslim inbreeding cause low IQ retardation and birth defects The Muslim Issue

Muslim Countries Found To Have Highest Rates Of Birth Defects - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

Hey in their book Abraham had a child with his stepsister, and two daughters got their Dad drunk and slept with him to get pg. so lets not make this about Muslim. One of your links was from another message board and the other two, are anti Muslim. I post sites to regular articles, and mainly the Jews do themselves in with their arrogance in their papers. Your a mutation.

The fact remains that the largest group with a history of child defects due to interbreeding within families is the muslims. Do you want Islamic sources that say the same thing, or will you claim that they are anti muslim. I would hardly call a Doctor anti muslim, but it seems that anyone that tells the truth about muslims is anti muslim.
They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

All I can is wow, you're a mentally ill Nazi.
They wouldn't be Islam if they are feeding off of pig.

Not even when genetics show they are very closely related to pigs with an 87% DNA match. They have less of a DNA match with the Jews.

I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

All I can is wow, you're a mentally ill Nazi.

You don't like it when it hits home do you. I quote from a Jewish website.

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

Hey in their book Abraham had a child with his stepsister, and two daughters got their Dad drunk and slept with him to get pg. so lets not make this about Muslim. One of your links was from another message board and the other two, are anti Muslim. I post sites to regular articles, and mainly the Jews do themselves in with their arrogance in their papers. Your a mutation.

The fact remains that the largest group with a history of child defects due to interbreeding within families is the muslims. Do you want Islamic sources that say the same thing, or will you claim that they are anti muslim. I would hardly call a Doctor anti muslim, but it seems that anyone that tells the truth about muslims is anti muslim.

There are a lot of causes for microcephaly.Microcephaly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Meh...Anus Mouth, not interesting...Pallywood? VERY INTERESTING, and entertaining.

Here are some young aspiring Pallywood across practicing for an upcoming Pallywood short clip.

Boy they start them off early, don't they?

Well, at least the kids aren't tied to the truck by the IDF... Oh wait... They don't do that with so many cameras around... They wait for everyone to leave and THEN go for Human Shield and blame it on the kids!
I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.[/QUOTE]

You got links for those Lancet and other medical journals Phoney?

I hope so!!!

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
I doubt that as they are intermarried since many centuries ago, read Ezra and their issue with intermarriage.

I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

Hey in their book Abraham had a child with his stepsister, and two daughters got their Dad drunk and slept with him to get pg. so lets not make this about Muslim. One of your links was from another message board and the other two, are anti Muslim. I post sites to regular articles, and mainly the Jews do themselves in with their arrogance in their papers. Your a mutation.

The fact remains that the largest group with a history of child defects due to interbreeding within families is the muslims. Do you want Islamic sources that say the same thing, or will you claim that they are anti muslim. I would hardly call a Doctor anti muslim, but it seems that anyone that tells the truth about muslims is anti muslim.

Let's set aside your dumbass links Phoney and look at simple figures shall we...

There are approximately 13.9 million Jews in the world...

There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims in the world...

Now, looking at those basic figures...

Where would you consider there is a need for interbreeding?

13.9 million people is a pretty small gene pool!

Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

Hey in their book Abraham had a child with his stepsister, and two daughters got their Dad drunk and slept with him to get pg. so lets not make this about Muslim. One of your links was from another message board and the other two, are anti Muslim. I post sites to regular articles, and mainly the Jews do themselves in with their arrogance in their papers. Your a mutation.

The fact remains that the largest group with a history of child defects due to interbreeding within families is the muslims. Do you want Islamic sources that say the same thing, or will you claim that they are anti muslim. I would hardly call a Doctor anti muslim, but it seems that anyone that tells the truth about muslims is anti muslim.

There are a lot of causes for microcephaly.Microcephaly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One being inbreeding causing genetic mutation, or do you want to discount that because that is the known cause amongst muslims ?
I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

You got links for those Lancet and other medical journals Phoney?

I hope so!!![/QUOTE]


Nothing at all in any of the links provided to support this:

"...This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock."

Back it up or retract it.

Danish Psychologist 8220 Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding 8221 The Muslim Issue
I prefer to read the Lancet and other medical publications that show the high rate of child birth defects in the worlds muslim population due simply interbreeding within family units. This has led to muslims converting girls by force to bring in much needed new blood to stop the birth defects. This was common place in the M.E. were Jewish girls were raped and taken as slaves to bring in the new blood, since the end of WW1 the muslims have been unable to practise this on a scale that will turn back the clock. So their days are numbered and they will soon start to die out.

Try reading proper history books and not the ISLAMONAZI versions of the truth. Remember islam has invented nothing, the muslims stole everything from the people they conquered.

All I can say is wow, look at the Ashkenazi genetic diseases. Now cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and early teen births as well as over the age of 35 births are at higher risks than first cousins genetic disorders. All nationalities have this though, as if both parents carry the gene the child will inherit. Its best to actually marry outside ones race, as certain genes are dominate in different races, so intermarriage would be a good thing.

I guess you would want to worry about Jews as well now, since most of them are encouraged to marry other Jews .

Also one must look at the nourishment of the mother, ones from poor medical care and nourishment during pg, will have a higher chance of birth defects.

This is a very interesting subject, one that is perhaps more common to Muslims as in a country like Saudi Arabia they marry within their gene pool and also in poor areas or deserted areas they have a higher risk, but the same will begin to happen to Jews as well if they marry only Jews, purebreds are more at risk.

The links you gave below are from Muslim bashing sites and people, and is intended to bash Muslims.

Hardly genetic diseases now are they, have you seen the rat people of Pakistan. The plain and simple fact that the majority of birth defects are amongst the muslim cultures in the civilised world, even though they are breeding outside of their communities. Anyone that breeds livestock knows that constant breeding of offspring of siblings leads to genetic mutations. The Jews marry Jews not first cousins, this protects the gene pool from becoming too weak. The muslims keep it in the family, a bit like the hillbillies of the USA.

Any different to your links that are from ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED SITES

Hey in their book Abraham had a child with his stepsister, and two daughters got their Dad drunk and slept with him to get pg. so lets not make this about Muslim. One of your links was from another message board and the other two, are anti Muslim. I post sites to regular articles, and mainly the Jews do themselves in with their arrogance in their papers. Your a mutation.

The fact remains that the largest group with a history of child defects due to interbreeding within families is the muslims. Do you want Islamic sources that say the same thing, or will you claim that they are anti muslim. I would hardly call a Doctor anti muslim, but it seems that anyone that tells the truth about muslims is anti muslim.

Let's set aside your dumbass links Phoney and look at simple figures shall we...

There are approximately 13.9 million Jews in the world...

There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims in the world...

Now, looking at those basic figures...

Where would you consider there is a need for interbreeding?

13.9 million people is a pretty small gene pool!

Smoke and mirrors come to mind as you cant take a worlds population when the damage is done within a family unit. So your 1.6 billion becomes less than 50 individuals in the muslim family unit. The 13.9 million Jews don't alter that much as they breed outside the family unit in the majority of cases, So which is the tainted gene pool that has the most liklehood of genetic defects now.

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