Hooker offers to give trick his money back

Trump knows the bro code...Never admit to cheating...Taking the dough back would be admitting to the little wife you are guilty and a liar...and then he'd never hear the end of it and jump from the boobie on the White House,, oh yeah the rotunda...Then we'd be stuck with what's his name...
Jesus was a cool guy

He would have been OK with gays and condemned those who persecute them
And forgave those who committed adultery?
You mean Trump?
If he committed adultery, yes.

Meanwhile the Democratic party and the fake news media engage in their lying and conspiring campaign.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is one (either the eighth or ninth, the designation varies between religions[1]) of the Ten Commandments,[2] which are widely understood as moral imperatives by Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars.[3][4][5]

Today, most cultures retain a distinction between lying in general (which is discouraged under most, but not all, circumstances) versus perjury (which is always unlawful under criminal law and liable to punishment). Similarly, historically in Jewish tradition, a distinction was made between lying in general and bearing false witness (perjury) specifically. On the one hand, bearing false witness (perjury) was always prohibited according to the decalogue's commandement against bearing false witness, yet on the other hand, lying in general was acknowledged to be, in certain circumstances "permissible or even commendable" when it was a white lie, and it was done while not under oath, and it was not "harmful to someone else".[6]

The book of Exodus describes the Ten Commandments as being spoken by God, inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God, broken by Moses, and rewritten on replacements stones by the Lord.[7]

There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

— Proverbs 6:16–19
The command against false testimony is seen as a natural consequence of the command to “love your neighbor as yourself”. This moral prescription flows from the command for holy people to bear witness to their deity. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of covenant with God.[8]
Good point

Why don’t we have Trump and Stormy Daniels take lie detector tests and then we can decide who is bearing false witness
Two years of false accusations and allegations about Trump colluding, not paying any taxes, not being mentally competent, etc. an other forms of bearing false witness by Dems and their puppets in the media, and you wonder why all the bad Karma for the Dems and their forked tongued snake-puppets in the media?
Dems haven’t investigated him for anything

All investigations are led by Republicans
She seems like a terrible person. Who takes an obscene amount of money from someone to keep things quiet, only to then go blabbing about it to the whole world through the media?

You mean a hooker that does things for the money?

She offered to give back the money....happy now?
She's offering to give back the money she took to keep it a secret, AFTER she already told the world? It seems to me that she wants the even bigger payday she will get from a media outlet to tell the secret in detail. Like I said, she's a terrible person.


You've got the timeline a little confused.
She seems like a terrible person. Who takes an obscene amount of money from someone to keep things quiet, only to then go blabbing about it to the whole world through the media?

You mean a hooker that does things for the money?

She offered to give back the money....happy now?

Her Number, PLEASE?
But she needs to be a 7 and above to service fee me for FREE!

I require deeper sucks to be FREE SUCKS to me, as being paid for
by these female DICK suckers to be graded by me or any male!

Btw: All test sucks are FREE test btw. To grade, you are better.
btw2. Please, All all testing me to meet your needed gradings as best here..
JUST keep sucking it, I will grade you when CUM 10 times.
Last edited:
And forgave those who committed adultery?
You mean Trump?
If he committed adultery, yes.

Meanwhile the Democratic party and the fake news media engage in their lying and conspiring campaign.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is one (either the eighth or ninth, the designation varies between religions[1]) of the Ten Commandments,[2] which are widely understood as moral imperatives by Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars.[3][4][5]

Today, most cultures retain a distinction between lying in general (which is discouraged under most, but not all, circumstances) versus perjury (which is always unlawful under criminal law and liable to punishment). Similarly, historically in Jewish tradition, a distinction was made between lying in general and bearing false witness (perjury) specifically. On the one hand, bearing false witness (perjury) was always prohibited according to the decalogue's commandement against bearing false witness, yet on the other hand, lying in general was acknowledged to be, in certain circumstances "permissible or even commendable" when it was a white lie, and it was done while not under oath, and it was not "harmful to someone else".[6]

The book of Exodus describes the Ten Commandments as being spoken by God, inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God, broken by Moses, and rewritten on replacements stones by the Lord.[7]

There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

— Proverbs 6:16–19
The command against false testimony is seen as a natural consequence of the command to “love your neighbor as yourself”. This moral prescription flows from the command for holy people to bear witness to their deity. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of covenant with God.[8]
Good point

Why don’t we have Trump and Stormy Daniels take lie detector tests and then we can decide who is bearing false witness
Two years of false accusations and allegations about Trump colluding, not paying any taxes, not being mentally competent, etc. an other forms of bearing false witness by Dems and their puppets in the media, and you wonder why all the bad Karma for the Dems and their forked tongued snake-puppets in the media?
Dems haven’t investigated him for anything

All investigations are led by Republicans
Dems have accused, and now they're having a hissy fit that one of the investigations have ended with no collusion to be found.
You mean Trump?
If he committed adultery, yes.

Meanwhile the Democratic party and the fake news media engage in their lying and conspiring campaign.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is one (either the eighth or ninth, the designation varies between religions[1]) of the Ten Commandments,[2] which are widely understood as moral imperatives by Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars.[3][4][5]

Today, most cultures retain a distinction between lying in general (which is discouraged under most, but not all, circumstances) versus perjury (which is always unlawful under criminal law and liable to punishment). Similarly, historically in Jewish tradition, a distinction was made between lying in general and bearing false witness (perjury) specifically. On the one hand, bearing false witness (perjury) was always prohibited according to the decalogue's commandement against bearing false witness, yet on the other hand, lying in general was acknowledged to be, in certain circumstances "permissible or even commendable" when it was a white lie, and it was done while not under oath, and it was not "harmful to someone else".[6]

The book of Exodus describes the Ten Commandments as being spoken by God, inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God, broken by Moses, and rewritten on replacements stones by the Lord.[7]

There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

— Proverbs 6:16–19
The command against false testimony is seen as a natural consequence of the command to “love your neighbor as yourself”. This moral prescription flows from the command for holy people to bear witness to their deity. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of covenant with God.[8]
Good point

Why don’t we have Trump and Stormy Daniels take lie detector tests and then we can decide who is bearing false witness
Two years of false accusations and allegations about Trump colluding, not paying any taxes, not being mentally competent, etc. an other forms of bearing false witness by Dems and their puppets in the media, and you wonder why all the bad Karma for the Dems and their forked tongued snake-puppets in the media?
Dems haven’t investigated him for anything

All investigations are led by Republicans
Dems have accused, and now they're having a hissy fit that one of the investigations have ended with no collusion to be found.
Who cares what Dems want?
Republicans sure don’t.

They are the ones investigating Trump

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