Hooboy more bad news for the Viro-crats


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes more and more defined the left's ardent and twisted hope for total devastation and millions of deaths begins to fade from view. More and more lt looks like there will be plenty of time for the economy to recover prior to the November elections not that it's necessary for re-election mind you. The idea that America will become healthy again is a crushing blow to the left. They have attached themselves romantically to the thought and the feeling that covid-19 would be the end of Trump. Lefty is all excited and astir at the obvious totalitarian response that China exercised to control the virus within its borders. Many thousands of non-infected innocent people died in the process as a sacrifice to the hive mind and the control-freakism that is the left.

Just so you know that the new Japanese drug mentioned in the link above has a valid history; China tried it and proclaims that it's effective.

While I don't usually make a habit of quoting China I'm just wondering how Lefty will react since China has apparently become the end-all-be-all for the American left.

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Its really sad your priorities are Trump winning rather than people dying.

It's really sad and revealing that you see them as mutually exclusive but then again I already said that in the top post.

All I see is hatred for the "left"
As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes more and more defined the left's ardent and twisted hope for total devastation
The idea that America will become healthy again is a crushing blow to the left.
Many thousands of non-infected innocent people died in the process as a sacrifice to the hive mind and the control-freakism that is the left.

As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes more and more defined the left's ardent and twisted hope for total devastation and millions of deaths begins to fade from view. More and more lt looks like there will be plenty of time for the economy to recover prior to the November elections not that it's necessary for re-election mind you. The idea that America will become healthy again is a crushing blow to the left. They have attached themselves romantically to the thought and the feeling that covid-19 would be the end of Trump. Lefty is all excited and astir at the obvious totalitarian response that China exercised to control the virus within its borders. Many thousands of non-infected innocent people died in the process as a sacrifice to the hive mind and the control-freakism that is the left.

Just so you know that the new Japanese drug mentioned in the link above has a valid history; China tried it and proclaims that it's effective.

While I don't usually make a habit of quoting China I'm just wondering how Lefty will react since China has apparently become the end-all-be-all for the American left.

if China controlled the virus in their own country, then how did it get here and around the globe? that seems like an oxymoron statement.

As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes more and more defined the left's ardent and twisted hope for total devastation and millions of deaths begins to fade from view. More and more lt looks like there will be plenty of time for the economy to recover prior to the November elections not that it's necessary for re-election mind you. The idea that America will become healthy again is a crushing blow to the left. They have attached themselves romantically to the thought and the feeling that covid-19 would be the end of Trump. Lefty is all excited and astir at the obvious totalitarian response that China exercised to control the virus within its borders. Many thousands of non-infected innocent people died in the process as a sacrifice to the hive mind and the control-freakism that is the left.

Just so you know that the new Japanese drug mentioned in the link above has a valid history; China tried it and proclaims that it's effective.

While I don't usually make a habit of quoting China I'm just wondering how Lefty will react since China has apparently become the end-all-be-all for the American left.

if China controlled the virus in their own country, then how did it get here and around the globe? that seems like an oxymoron statement.

Yeah I'm hearing some pretty nasty things about the secretive manner in which they handled the virus within the first three months and the fact that they allowed exchange students and others to travel freely all over the world during that time.

If this thing didn't begin in a military lab you can almost be certain that It crossed the minds of some of those evil bastards that someone had placed a bio weapon in their lap complete with an excellent delivery system.


As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes more and more defined the left's ardent and twisted hope for total devastation and millions of deaths begins to fade from view. More and more lt looks like there will be plenty of time for the economy to recover prior to the November elections not that it's necessary for re-election mind you. The idea that America will become healthy again is a crushing blow to the left. They have attached themselves romantically to the thought and the feeling that covid-19 would be the end of Trump. Lefty is all excited and astir at the obvious totalitarian response that China exercised to control the virus within its borders. Many thousands of non-infected innocent people died in the process as a sacrifice to the hive mind and the control-freakism that is the left.

Just so you know that the new Japanese drug mentioned in the link above has a valid history; China tried it and proclaims that it's effective.

While I don't usually make a habit of quoting China I'm just wondering how Lefty will react since China has apparently become the end-all-be-all for the American left.

if China controlled the virus in their own country, then how did it get here and around the globe? that seems like an oxymoron statement.

Yeah I'm hearing some pretty nasty things about the secretive manner in which they handled the virus within the first three months and the fact that they allowed exchange students and others to travel freely all over the world during that time.

If this thing didn't begin in a military lab you can almost be certain that It crossed the minds of some of those evil bastards that someone had placed a bio weapon in their lap complete with an excellent delivery system.

I had posted in another thread the doctor that had the paperwork on who made it. I can't remember that doc's name at the moment. I will look for it. It was about a month ago.


How the He11 is that funny?

It has been long known that COVID19 is a variation of SARs that has the same identical Receptor layer as SARS, but the RNA was changed.

This (and presence of HIV fragments) is why so many think it is a bio-weapon.
I agree, I gave the name Francis Boyle, the one doctor with all the evidence. I heard that HIV drugs have helped with those infected. But if you read that article it says what it says about the SARs drugs, and immediately after the article says it does nothing to those with pre-existing conditions. so does it?
Its really sad your priorities are Trump winning rather than people dying.

The current status quo is resulting in thousands of non-covid procedures being cancelled/postponed, and thousands of cancers will not be detected or treated. People will die.

Further, dentist offices are closed, so are nail salons, barber shops, beauticians, tailors. The people will be looking like a real mess unless they are in the inner party like the liberal broad who rules Chicago.

Imagine what the American people will look like, if the country is on lockdown for 18 months, or 2 years?
Only a fool believes that Democrats want folks to keep dying from the disease to make Trump look bad. What a disgrace.

The liberal attacks on the legislator from Detroit who accepted the Trump treatment for covid and recovered shows their desires here

They are attacking the treatment because they're scared to death that it might work.


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