Honestly, What is so Bad About Hillary Being President?

Before you get too excited, remember this - The first Black President was a Dem. The First Female Majority Leader was a Dem. The first Female going for one of the top two positions (Ferraro) was a Dem. Ethnic diversity? Dukakis - Greek descendant and Dem. The first Catholic to hold office was a Dem.

Living on past accomplishments is so sad, even for a libtard.

Hillary may be old and white but she is still a woman. Who have you put up over the past 40 years? Nixon? White male. Ford? white male. Raygun? White male. Bush and Bush? White male, white male. Dole? White male. McCain? White male? Romney? White male! Although he was a Mormon, so you get points for religious diversity.

Yeah, shame on anyone trying to elect who they think is the best person for the job. Oh, no, we gotta use Identity Politics and pick people by what demographic group's turn it is. /sarc


As for your ramblings about your own diversity, I'll tell you something for free. Carson will not be your choice, nor will Cruz. Neither will Fiorina. You might get Rubio! Woo hoo! It might take the GoP until 2016 to get somebody other than a old white guy to be its candidate for president. Hand out the Kewpie dolls!!!

I am simply stating the facts after your demented assertion that the GOP has no diversity. To idiots like you diversity can only come out of some PC agenda. when it can just as easily be produced from honest competition. You see women and minorities are not as helpless as you condescending racist pricks seem to think, and that means they dont really need you and the Dhimmicrats pandering to them for votes.

Yeah, nice comeback. Let's just narrow down the Dem ethnic, gender and religious diversity to 'living in the past'. At least they have a 'past' in that regard. Pity your neocons don't.

As for "shame on anyone trying to elect who they think is the best person for the job". Yeah, right. The best person for the job in GoP land just happens to be old. white guys. Yeah, how convenient. If you're tellilng me that John McCain, Mitt Romney, and currently, Donald Trump, are the best you have to offer out of all the people available - men, women, black, white, Hispanic, gay, straight, old, young, - then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

If women and minorities are 'not helpless' then how come women are STILL (this is the 21st century) trying to close the income gap? How come minorities are STILL over represented in most negative stats? I'll tell you why? Because old white pricks like you are nothing more than prejudice arseholes. And trust me, when minorities and women are looking around for political representation they sure as shit aren't looking towards the GoP and conservatism for a helping hand. There's a reason for that...
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
No, how about you make your point your own self?
The point, liar, is that everything you stated above is a blatant lie and falsehood. Already thoroughly debunked by the FACTS illustrated in the reports.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Yeah, nice comeback. Let's just narrow down the Dem ethnic, gender and religious diversity to 'living in the past'. At least they have a 'past' in that regard. Pity your neocons don't.

Your powers of telepathy are failing you again; I am not a necon, you Nazi fuck.

As for "shame on anyone trying to elect who they think is the best person for the job". Yeah, right. The best person for the job in GoP land just happens to be old. white guys. Yeah, how convenient. If you're tellilng me that John McCain, Mitt Romney, and currently, Donald Trump, are the best you have to offer out of all the people available - men, women, black, white, Hispanic, gay, straight, old, young, - then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

They are the ones who could compete and get the needed delegates. Yeah, how horrid letting people compete and actually vote on who they want instead of rubber stamping the selection of the Dhimmicrat soviets.

And I would bet dollars to donuts that Romney, Trump and even McCain are a hell of a lot smarter than you are and have far more to their lifes accomplishments than you living in yor Mom's basement, dude.

If women and minorities are 'not helpless' then how come women are STILL (this is the 21st century) trying to close the income gap? How come minorities are STILL over represented in most negative stats? I'll tell you why? Because old white pricks like you are nothing more than prejudice arseholes. And trust me, when minorities and women are looking around for political representation they sure as shit aren't looking towards the GoP and conservatism for a helping hand. There's a reason for that...

Women have an income gap because they are the gender, if you havent heard, that gets pregnant and take sleave, often unpaid, to give birth to children and often stay at home and raise them. In case you dont realize it, this impacts their earnings, shock!

And minorities are 'over represented in negative stats', i.e. fucked, by the massive immigration into this country and so they cant get jobs. I personally know that HR departments tend to hire Asian Indians to fill their 'slots' for minorities, slots that could have gone to African Americans. But Asian Indians play nicer with others and work much cheaper since most of them will go back home to India and either work their or start their own businesses to compete with ours.

And in case you havent heard about half of women vote for the GOP, so we have more evidence of your ideology guiding you into rank stupidity.
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
No, how about you make your point your own self?
The point, liar, is that everything you stated above is a blatant lie and falsehood. Already thoroughly debunked by the FACTS illustrated in the reports.
Bullshit. Prove it.
If everything I said was a lie, then Hillary was not in charge at any level during the Benghazi fiasco?
Those 4 men did not die?

If you had actually read my post, moron, you would have seen that I asked questions, and my questions were not lies, idiot.
Well then your belifs are bullshit as I am not a neocon and your mental pratfalls continue down from that fuck up.

I'm from Texas, so I dont look down on anyone from Arkansass. I think that Bill did good for the economy when he and Gingrich worked together to balance the federal budget, relatively speaking. Again, another mental fuck up on your cognitive abilities, Sherlock.

Well, he *is* the fucking President, you know? While his golf playing does take him out of the loop a lot, he does tend to have some impact on things due to his office and its attendant duties the he sadly neglects. Obamy is responsible for fleeing from Iraq, not sure what you might be referring to otherwise. The ripple effects from that were predicted by many and most of them have come true in short order. He almost left Afghanistan deserted as well.

But them cant be failures to you since you are apparently too busy praying at the alter of the Fearless Leader to actually look at the carnage he has caused.

The comparison between combat on the one hand and abandoning people while on the battlefield on the other is just breath-takingly stupid.

Well, stop acting like a neocon whackjob.

What do you mean 'fleeing' from Iraq? You mean he realised it was a cluster fuck and decided no more US lives were worth being lost? Are you saying that was wrong? Are you really saying that? Really?? Dumbya decides to totally fuck up the ME and suddenly it's Obama's fault? I thought you conservatives were all about personal responsibility, but when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan, it's all Obama's fault? Seriously, you couldn't make this shit up. The carnage was caused by, and will always be the fault, of Bush, Deferment Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and all the other neocon chickenhawks. Hey, if you want to give a free pass to those who are more than happy to send others' children to their deaths, then that's on you.

Yeah, let's not compare Benghazi with the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sure the relatives of the four people killed in Benghazi are a lot more hurt than than those killed in combat and NON-COMBAT environs in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I'm talking both coalition soldiers AND civilians here - I know to fuckwits like you civilians 'don't really count'). Do you even read what you write? Your ignorance and justification are breath-takeningly absurd and offensive. But I'm not surprised. You're a neocon whackjob. You'd justify anything to your POV.

Bush led a military effort that completely conquored two nations on the other side of the planet and for fewer casualties than we had taking ONE ISLAND in WW2, and you try to spin that like a colossal failure, you stupid fucking hack. Pull your head out of your ass sometime, why dont you?

Our mistake was in staying to rebuild, a mistake I hope we never make again.

If they start it and we break it, they fix it, not the American tax payer.
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.

Hillary is not, I repeat, not my choice for president. Bernie Sanders is my choice. Let's take care of America first. Bernie Sanders for president.
Well then your belifs are bullshit as I am not a neocon and your mental pratfalls continue down from that fuck up.

I'm from Texas, so I dont look down on anyone from Arkansass. I think that Bill did good for the economy when he and Gingrich worked together to balance the federal budget, relatively speaking. Again, another mental fuck up on your cognitive abilities, Sherlock.

Well, he *is* the fucking President, you know? While his golf playing does take him out of the loop a lot, he does tend to have some impact on things due to his office and its attendant duties the he sadly neglects. Obamy is responsible for fleeing from Iraq, not sure what you might be referring to otherwise. The ripple effects from that were predicted by many and most of them have come true in short order. He almost left Afghanistan deserted as well.

But them cant be failures to you since you are apparently too busy praying at the alter of the Fearless Leader to actually look at the carnage he has caused.

The comparison between combat on the one hand and abandoning people while on the battlefield on the other is just breath-takingly stupid.

Well, stop acting like a neocon whackjob.

What do you mean 'fleeing' from Iraq? You mean he realised it was a cluster fuck and decided no more US lives were worth being lost? Are you saying that was wrong? Are you really saying that? Really?? Dumbya decides to totally fuck up the ME and suddenly it's Obama's fault? I thought you conservatives were all about personal responsibility, but when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan, it's all Obama's fault? Seriously, you couldn't make this shit up. The carnage was caused by, and will always be the fault, of Bush, Deferment Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and all the other neocon chickenhawks. Hey, if you want to give a free pass to those who are more than happy to send others' children to their deaths, then that's on you.

Yeah, let's not compare Benghazi with the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sure the relatives of the four people killed in Benghazi are a lot more hurt than than those killed in combat and NON-COMBAT environs in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I'm talking both coalition soldiers AND civilians here - I know to fuckwits like you civilians 'don't really count'). Do you even read what you write? Your ignorance and justification are breath-takeningly absurd and offensive. But I'm not surprised. You're a neocon whackjob. You'd justify anything to your POV.

Bush led a military effort that completely conquored two nations on the other side of the planet and for fewer casualties than we had taking ONE ISLAND in WW2, and you try to spin that like a colossal failure, you stupid fucking hack. Pull your head out of your ass sometime, why dont you?

Our mistake was in staying to rebuild, a mistake I hope we never make again.

If they start it and we break it, they fix it, not the American tax payer.

Your military industrial complex is responsible for that kind of thinking. They got dummies like you coming and going.
Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
No, how about you make your point your own self?
The point, liar, is that everything you stated above is a blatant lie and falsehood. Already thoroughly debunked by the FACTS illustrated in the reports.
Bullshit. Prove it.
If everything I said was a lie, then Hillary was not in charge at any level during the Benghazi fiasco?
Those 4 men did not die?

If you had actually read my post, moron, you would have seen that I asked questions, and my questions were not lies, idiot.
Here's a question for you fool, if you are correct why is Hillary not arrested?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
No, how about you make your point your own self?
The point, liar, is that everything you stated above is a blatant lie and falsehood. Already thoroughly debunked by the FACTS illustrated in the reports.
Bullshit. Prove it.
If everything I said was a lie, then Hillary was not in charge at any level during the Benghazi fiasco?
Those 4 men did not die?

If you had actually read my post, moron, you would have seen that I asked questions, and my questions were not lies, idiot.

who was in charge during baby bush's dozen or so benghazi fiascos and 50 dead?

see... you know nothing but keep running your yap.
Your powers of telepathy are failing you again; I am not a necon, you Nazi fuck.

They are the ones who could compete and get the needed delegates. Yeah, how horrid letting people compete and actually vote on who they want instead of rubber stamping the selection of the Dhimmicrat soviets.

And I would bet dollars to donuts that Romney, Trump and even McCain are a hell of a lot smarter than you are and have far more to their lifes accomplishments than you living in yor Mom's basement, dude.

Women have an income gap because they are the gender, if you havent heard, that gets pregnant and take sleave, often unpaid, to give birth to children and often stay at home and raise them. In case you dont realize it, this impacts their earnings, shock!

And minorities are 'over represented in negative stats', i.e. fucked, by the massive immigration into this country and so they cant get jobs. I personally know that HR departments tend to hire Asian Indians to fill their 'slots' for minorities, slots that could have gone to African Americans. But Asian Indians play nicer with others and work much cheaper since most of them will go back home to India and either work their or start their own businesses to compete with ours.

And in case you havent heard about half of women vote for the GOP, so we have more evidence of your ideology guiding you into rank stupidity.

What's the point in putting people forward who will get the numbers and rubber stamp from their own people, but will get nothing from the public at large. What the Dems do well is pander to all sorts of people. They realise that the winning of an election is with the undecideds, not those who are already going to vote for them. Until the GoP realise this they'll be lucky to get anybody in the WH again for a long time.

I'm reasonably comfortable I'm more intelligent than McCain and Trump. Think Romney might have the smarts on me, but I can live with that. My life is pretty good though. I'm reasonably happy. Trump, IMO, has accomplished nothing in his life.

But it shouldn't impact on their earnings. If they are the right person for the job, they're the right person for the job and if the employer wants to pay a man for doing the EXACT same job a certain number of bucks, the woman should get the same money. End of story.
Bush led a military effort that completely conquored two nations on the other side of the planet and for fewer casualties than we had taking ONE ISLAND in WW2, and you try to spin that like a colossal failure, you stupid fucking hack. Pull your head out of your ass sometime, why dont you?

Our mistake was in staying to rebuild, a mistake I hope we never make again.

If they start it and we break it, they fix it, not the American tax payer.

Are you delusional? What nations did he conquer? Not Afghanistan that's for sure. And the mess he left in Iraq will be there for years to come.
Of course the American taxpayer has to pay. Nobody asked you to go into Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe you should have stayed longer. Look at Germany and Japan after the US stayed there. They are no longer threats. I put almost every terrorist attack since 9-11 down to the US fucking up Iraq and Afghanistan. You just can't help yourselves.
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Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
No, how about you make your point your own self?
The point, liar, is that everything you stated above is a blatant lie and falsehood. Already thoroughly debunked by the FACTS illustrated in the reports.
Bullshit. Prove it.
If everything I said was a lie, then Hillary was not in charge at any level during the Benghazi fiasco?
Those 4 men did not die?

If you had actually read my post, moron, you would have seen that I asked questions, and my questions were not lies, idiot.
Here's a question for you fool, if you are correct why is Hillary not arrested?
Well, here is an answer for you fool, because the Republicans leading Congress are a bunch of spineless jelly fish.
Bush led a military effort that completely conquored two nations on the other side of the planet and for fewer casualties than we had taking ONE ISLAND in WW2, and you try to spin that like a colossal failure, you stupid fucking hack. Pull your head out of your ass sometime, why dont you?

Our mistake was in staying to rebuild, a mistake I hope we never make again.

If they start it and we break it, they fix it, not the American tax payer.

Are you delusional? What nations did he conquer? Not Afghanistan that's for sure. And the mess he left in Iraq will be there for years to come.
Of course the American taxpayer has to pay. Nobody asked you to go into Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe you should have stayed longer. Look at Germany and Japan after the US stayed there. They are no longer threats. I put almost every terrorist attack since 9-11 down to the US fucking up Iraq and Afghanistan. You just can't help yourselves.
If you think that we did not complete a military conquest of Iraq and Afghanistan you are an imbecile.
Well then your belifs are bullshit as I am not a neocon and your mental pratfalls continue down from that fuck up.

I'm from Texas, so I dont look down on anyone from Arkansass. I think that Bill did good for the economy when he and Gingrich worked together to balance the federal budget, relatively speaking. Again, another mental fuck up on your cognitive abilities, Sherlock.

Well, he *is* the fucking President, you know? While his golf playing does take him out of the loop a lot, he does tend to have some impact on things due to his office and its attendant duties the he sadly neglects. Obamy is responsible for fleeing from Iraq, not sure what you might be referring to otherwise. The ripple effects from that were predicted by many and most of them have come true in short order. He almost left Afghanistan deserted as well.

But them cant be failures to you since you are apparently too busy praying at the alter of the Fearless Leader to actually look at the carnage he has caused.

The comparison between combat on the one hand and abandoning people while on the battlefield on the other is just breath-takingly stupid.

Well, stop acting like a neocon whackjob.

What do you mean 'fleeing' from Iraq? You mean he realised it was a cluster fuck and decided no more US lives were worth being lost? Are you saying that was wrong? Are you really saying that? Really?? Dumbya decides to totally fuck up the ME and suddenly it's Obama's fault? I thought you conservatives were all about personal responsibility, but when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan, it's all Obama's fault? Seriously, you couldn't make this shit up. The carnage was caused by, and will always be the fault, of Bush, Deferment Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and all the other neocon chickenhawks. Hey, if you want to give a free pass to those who are more than happy to send others' children to their deaths, then that's on you.

Yeah, let's not compare Benghazi with the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sure the relatives of the four people killed in Benghazi are a lot more hurt than than those killed in combat and NON-COMBAT environs in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I'm talking both coalition soldiers AND civilians here - I know to fuckwits like you civilians 'don't really count'). Do you even read what you write? Your ignorance and justification are breath-takeningly absurd and offensive. But I'm not surprised. You're a neocon whackjob. You'd justify anything to your POV.

Bush led a military effort that completely conquored two nations on the other side of the planet and for fewer casualties than we had taking ONE ISLAND in WW2, and you try to spin that like a colossal failure, you stupid fucking hack. Pull your head out of your ass sometime, why dont you?

Our mistake was in staying to rebuild, a mistake I hope we never make again.

If they start it and we break it, they fix it, not the American tax payer.
Our mistake was in staying to rebuild, a mistake I hope we never make again.

So then what is your criticism of Obama withdrawing on the already agreed to timetable?
So then what is your criticism of Obama withdrawing on the already agreed to timetable?
The timing mostly. We have made a lot of promises and millions now depend onus to provide essential security for them.

Walking out on all these pro-Western Afghanis now would be treachery, IMO.

In Afghanistan, I think Obama is only short maybe 10,000 troops, a light division of forces.

In Iraq he got into a tiff with the Iraqis and would not agree to their conditions and walked out, which is what the Shiite politicians and Iran wanted him to do, so he got gamed by better players.

Also, you NEVER tell your enemies what you are going to do by publishing a timetable of force reduction.

But had we not stayed to rebuild, and simply gathered a quick interrum government till elections could be held, and let the results go according to the wishes of the Afghan people, come what may, then it is THEIR responsibility for what they do. Then we offer loans on low interest rates for them to rebuild their country themselves.
So then what is your criticism of Obama withdrawing on the already agreed to timetable?
The timing mostly. We have made a lot of promises and millions now depend onus to provide essential security for them.

Walking out on all these pro-Western Afghanis now would be treachery, IMO.

In Afghanistan, I think Obama is only short maybe 10,000 troops, a light division of forces.

In Iraq he got into a tiff with the Iraqis and would not agree to their conditions and walked out, which is what the Shiite politicians and Iran wanted him to do, so he got gamed by better players.

Also, you NEVER tell your enemies what you are going to do by publishing a timetable of force reduction.

But had we not stayed to rebuild, and simply gathered a quick interrum government till elections could be held, and let the results go according to the wishes of the Afghan people, come what may, then it is THEIR responsibility for what they do. Then we offer loans on low interest rates for them to rebuild their country themselves.
I think your criticism of Obama for leaving Iraq is misplaced. The damage was already done. It was already understood by all the players including the Bush administration that Iran was the big winner of the Iraq invasion.
I think your criticism of Obama for leaving Iraq is misplaced. The damage was already done. It was already understood by all the players including the Bush administration that Iran was the big winner of the Iraq invasion.
Which is just abysmally stupid on Bushes part and his administration.

Why would we sacrifice blood, lives and treasure to benefit Iran?

but he did it and now the mullahs dominate the ME and ISIS is propped up by Turkey and Saudis to balance the Iranians, given the American vacuum there.
I think your criticism of Obama for leaving Iraq is misplaced. The damage was already done. It was already understood by all the players including the Bush administration that Iran was the big winner of the Iraq invasion.
Which is just abysmally stupid on Bushes part and his administration.

Why would we sacrifice blood, lives and treasure to benefit Iran?

but he did it and now the mullahs dominate the ME and ISIS is propped up by Turkey and Saudis to balance the Iranians, given the American vacuum there.
I guess I agree to a certain extent. I don't necessarily think that Iran is dominating the region. The whole plot that is currently unfolding in the region is designed to negate whatever influence Iran was perceived to have gained from the Iraq invasion.
If you think that we did not complete a military conquest of Iraq and Afghanistan you are an imbecile.

If you think you did, then you're an idiot...

oh, wait...
WE invaded, we took over every acre of land and controlled all their cities, the classic definition of conquest, you stupid bitch.

Now keep on running your stupid ignorant mouth some more and demonstrate what a complete fool you are, whore.

And welcome to my ignore list. I dont have time for idiots like you.

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