Honestly folks how did we let this happen?

Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

because the backers of the leader in charge are always willing to give their team a free pass.

and of course try to lay blame on the previous team while their team is the current guilty party
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

You forgot to cite the Supreme Court cases ruling any of the above "unconstitutional."

And item 3 is meaningless absent a specific example and case citation.

It's also telling how you and others on the right perceive this as an "issue" when a Democrat is in the WH, where Republican presidents have done the same and more, with conservatives remaining silent.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is disingenuous, and not a sincere expression of concern, but instead just another example of the conservative misery offensive.


They called it strength through power when Bush was in office. :eek: These idiots got us into the war with terrorist and for good reason as terrorism is a real issue. Just don't let Obama do a good job = whine and bitch time.
The main stream republicans will go down in history as the catalyst to the end of the republic because they lack any semblance of principle, Fake. The liberals will be noted in as the ones who brought it to its knees on that catalyst.

You're a mainstream GOP, moron. So your can take your footnote and shove it where the sun don't shine,, fella.
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

You forgot to cite the Supreme Court cases ruling any of the above "unconstitutional."

And item 3 is meaningless absent a specific example and case citation.

It's also telling how you and others on the right perceive this as an "issue" when a Democrat is in the WH, where Republican presidents have done the same and more, with conservatives remaining silent.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is disingenuous, and not a sincere expression of concern, but instead just another example of the conservative misery offensive.

but Republicans havent "done the same; and more" leftard. obama has tripled the number of drone strikes; and when did Bush drone American citizens without so much as even a show trial in absentia?

The use of drones is a technological issue, not constitutional.

To kill Americans overseas out of reach of LEO who will not surrender as they aid and abet the enemy are indeed legitimate targets for drones.

Show us in the law where they aren't.

Drones are legitimate LEO tools to hell fire American militants barricade up on an American hillside with commanding fields of fire and won't surrender.
You forgot to cite the Supreme Court cases ruling any of the above "unconstitutional."

And item 3 is meaningless absent a specific example and case citation.

It's also telling how you and others on the right perceive this as an "issue" when a Democrat is in the WH, where Republican presidents have done the same and more, with conservatives remaining silent.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is disingenuous, and not a sincere expression of concern, but instead just another example of the conservative misery offensive.

but Republicans havent "done the same; and more" leftard. obama has tripled the number of drone strikes; and when did Bush drone American citizens without so much as even a show trial in absentia?

The use of drones is a technological issue, not constitutional.

To kill Americans overseas out of reach of LEO who will not surrender as they aid and abet the enemy are indeed legitimate targets for drones.

Show us in the law where they aren't.

Drones are legitimate LEO tools to hell fire American militants barricade up on an American hillside with commanding fields of fire and won't surrender.

More babbling stupid from the Stupid squad. Who determines these are terrorists guilty of crimes requiring an execution without trial? The problem with brain dead fucktards like you, Fake, is that you do not even understand the merits of the controversy about assassinations carried out by drone attacks.

Was the 16 year old kid found guilty of terrorism? Who made that guilt call?

Fucking idiot, dude.
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

^ racist! (Amiright, Libs?)
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

9-11 gave us the Patriot acts.

Congress gave the President authority to strike at will at the 9-11 terrorist and their supporters and any like minded groups. If an American joins their ranks I'm glad he's willing to blow them to smithereens.

All President have use EO's
You forgot to cite the Supreme Court cases ruling any of the above "unconstitutional."

And item 3 is meaningless absent a specific example and case citation.

It's also telling how you and others on the right perceive this as an "issue" when a Democrat is in the WH, where Republican presidents have done the same and more, with conservatives remaining silent.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is disingenuous, and not a sincere expression of concern, but instead just another example of the conservative misery offensive.

but Republicans havent "done the same; and more" leftard. obama has tripled the number of drone strikes; and when did Bush drone American citizens without so much as even a show trial in absentia?

The use of drones is a technological issue, not constitutional.

To kill Americans overseas out of reach of LEO who will not surrender as they aid and abet the enemy are indeed legitimate targets for drones.

Show us in the law where they aren't.

Drones are legitimate LEO tools to hell fire American militants barricade up on an American hillside with commanding fields of fire and won't surrender.

Well since Obama you liberals sure have your blood lust up. Where does it say that the laws of the USA stop at the border? Especially in regards to US citizens? It would be one thing if there was an immediate threat but just killing over political rhetoric seems to be a violation of freedom of speech.

But I thank you for CLEARLY showing the give a crab attitude IS what got us where we are. You and your ilk are the real problem
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

9-11 gave us the Patriot acts.

Congress gave the President authority to strike at will at the 9-11 terrorist and their supporters and any like minded groups. If an American joins their ranks I'm glad he's willing to blow them to smithereens.

All President have use EO's

Blow him away and any one close innocent or not.

EO to change, what democrats say is fairly passed law??? See excuses like you offer is why we are where we are.
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

9-11 gave us the Patriot acts.

Congress gave the President authority to strike at will at the 9-11 terrorist and their supporters and any like minded groups. If an American joins their ranks I'm glad he's willing to blow them to smithereens.

All President have use EO's

You left out "...and Obama considers Republicans 'the enemy'"
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but Republicans havent "done the same; and more" leftard. obama has tripled the number of drone strikes; and when did Bush drone American citizens without so much as even a show trial in absentia?

The use of drones is a technological issue, not constitutional.

To kill Americans overseas out of reach of LEO who will not surrender as they aid and abet the enemy are indeed legitimate targets for drones.

Show us in the law where they aren't.

Drones are legitimate LEO tools to hell fire American militants barricade up on an American hillside with commanding fields of fire and won't surrender.

More babbling stupid from the Stupid squad. Who determines these are terrorists guilty of crimes requiring an execution without trial? The problem with brain dead fucktards like you, Fake, is that you do not even understand the merits of the controversy about assassinations carried out by drone attacks.

Was the 16 year old kid found guilty of terrorism? Who made that guilt call?

Fucking idiot, dude.

Starkey pounces on any criticism of Obama like a leopard on a limping baby gazelle
We let it happen because the media that we used to trust to monitor the federal government let it happen. We did not vote for it nor was it upheld by judicial review. It happened because the mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the government similar to fascist governments throughout history.

Yeah whatever happened to that tough media we use to have anyway. Surely you remember how the proud, watchdog media relentlessly questioned President Bush and how the facts about Iraqis WMD program don't match up with what some in his administration were saying.

Oh snap, different reality, never mind.

The current system is based on Cannabis prohibition and the monopolization of natural resources.

Legalize Cannabis Sativa again to allow the general public to provide for the general welfare, and end US dependence on corporations and foreign imports. This is how America pulled itself out of the Great Depression.

In 1942, with the US at war, foreign imports in the hands of our enemies, and our economy still reeling from the crash of 1929, the US Department of Agriculture legalized "Marihuana."

Three years later, the US was the #1 nuclear superpower on Earth. Cannabis Sativa, known as industrial hemp, demonized as a "dangerous" drug called "Marihuana", gave America the raw materials needed to sustain our society without foreign imports, and we helped stop two dictators and end global genocide.


Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Marijuana Timeline | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

Today, even American hemp is made in China.

Spam your threads
Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

"WE" didn't let this happen.

Effing Libtard Democrats did. "WE" were screaming a warning as loud as we could, but Libtards were calling us Rght Wing Radicals and Racists!!

And when I say, "WE" I don't mean Republicans, I mean CONSTITUTIONALISTS
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Or more so, how did it happen.

1. The NSA is spying on people with out warrant in violation of the COTUS.

2. We are assassinating people with out due process using predator drones some of them US citizens.

3. Changing law though executive fiat.

Now, it doesn't matter when or who started this but this is where we are at, how did we let this happen?

You forgot to cite the Supreme Court cases ruling any of the above "unconstitutional."

And item 3 is meaningless absent a specific example and case citation.

It's also telling how you and others on the right perceive this as an "issue" when a Democrat is in the WH, where Republican presidents have done the same and more, with conservatives remaining silent.

Consequently, the premise of your thread is disingenuous, and not a sincere expression of concern, but instead just another example of the conservative misery offensive.

3. Obamacare Obama changed the law for political reasons.

See you are proof of why we are where we are.

As usual you attack motive because that is what your motive would be.

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