Home schooling is booming!

Your proposition that the solution to the problem is "vote them out". Libs always lean on that, and what it really means is - "suck it up, majority rules". If that's not what you mean, then I am misreading you and you have my apologies.
No I literally meant vote them out. We had four MAGA members try to get on last time espousing stupid educational views and they all got mauled because we rallied against them. We were interested in expanding the international and robotics programs and they were worried about banning books, so they lost.
Sure it is:
2(you're) + 4(white) = 3(you're) + 3(racist)
6(you're)(white) = 6(you're)(racist)
white = racist
"It's different when we do it".
Yes. Teaching tolerance is different than teaching bigotry. These are not equally opposed ideologies. One is right and one is wrong. We need to be able to say that or else nothing really matters.
Yes. Teaching tolerance is different than teaching bigotry. These are not equally opposed ideologies. One is right and one is wrong. We need to be able to say that or else nothing really matters.
I totally agree. But it's a subjective matter. What would you do if the majority doesn't agree with you?
I totally agree. But it's a subjective matter. What would you do if the majority doesn't agree with you?
I don’t think it’s a subjective matter. Right and wrong is not subjective to me.
Well, so much for competing on the global economic stage.

That's stupid.

Oh absolutely. That way some filthy corporation has a hard working cheap workforce.

News flash: that is exactly what the Prussian school model was designed to produce!

Great, half a generation raised to be morons by people who think science is a conspiracy to lie to people.

That's wrong.

No, it'd a fact that will result from more home schooling. Not eveeyon3who home schools is like this. That isn't what I am saying.

But the more who do homeschooling, the more anti science fools we will get.

That's a lie.
Probly homeschooled.

You're probably stupid.

Self-selection bias impacts those stats heavily. Homeschool kids are rarely required to take the college tests. Public schools often require it. My schools did.

Besides, homeschooled kids with qualified parents should do better because of more close interaction with their teachers.

"Required" to take "the college tests." Where was this?
Home schooling is a groomers paradise.

So is religion

So are schools.

How many parents out there are capable of teaching their kids Calculus or Chemistry or Physics?

You're not this thick.

You do know that there are resources for that don't you?

so you think all home school parents are just little islands unto themselves?

I know people who have home schooled and they had a network of people to reach out to and at times several families would pitch in to hire a grad student from the local college to teach a small group of kids chemistry and physics

Never contradict Gator, he knows ALL! Often wrong but always certain, he will filibuster until you get tired of correcting his bullshit.
Who has zero personal experience and is just going by hearsay.

You will forgive me for trusting my own experiences as well as those of my sister a retired teacher after more than 35 years of teaching, and my mother, a retired teacher after 20 years of teaching and my SIL currently a teacher.

Ah! So your family has a vested interest in keeping the slops flowing into the government school trough!

Yeah you're not biased at all

Trying to keep the gravy train rolling.
So what? We have kids graduating that cannot read, but they know being gay is okay. Time to do away with the federal education system.
What federal education system? Schools are mostly run by state and local school boards. The only schools that are federal are the DoD schools for dependents of the military.

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