Home Depot Fires Racist Black Employee -- Stands Up For America


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Black man fired by Home Depot for reacting to ‘racist’ customer won’t accept his job back

Finally, a major corporation decided to stand up against political correctness and stayed true to the philosophy that the customer is always white, I mean right.

Maurice Rucker, 60, was fired from Home Depot when he asked a customer to put his dog on a leash to follow company policy. Offended by Rucker's most likely uppity attitude, the customer fires back by using his first amendment rights and began hurling racial slurs at the Home Depot cashier.

The attacks ranged from the usual "n-word", big deal...another alleged attack was the customer rightfully saying “If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job, you’re from the ghetto, what do you know?” -- How is this considered an attack??

The man hurled more expletives and asserted former president Barack Obama is a Muslim, Rucker said, again, how is this an attack?? Rucker than decided to be the typical angry Negro and threatened this hard working tax paying customer by saying "You’re lucky I’m at work right now because if not, you wouldn’t be talking to me like this.” He is lucky the customer didn't shoot him because he could have rightfully feared for his safety after a threat like that...

When Home Depot saw this cashier's behavior, he was justifiably fired for violating company policy -- never lose your cool with a customer, under any circumstances -- Even tho Rucker had just won employee of the month, even tho Rucker has worked for Home Depot for 10 years making 13 bucks an hour (thanks to Trump) -- Rucker showed his true unprofessional self -- Hopefully Home Depot reached out to this customer and extended him an apology.
I stand with the employee. At some point something needs to be said or done to customers who do nothing, but come in there and threat the employees like complete and total trash. I don't believe that one customer creating such a scene is what the other customers are there to witness anyway and at the end of the day, the goal is to attract customers by making sure that they are safe when they come inside your building, not make them leave and take their business elsewhere.

God bless you and the employee always!!!

I stand with the employee. At some point something needs to be said or done to customers who do nothing, but come in there and threat the employees like complete and total trash. I don't believe that one customer creating such a scene is what the other customers are there to witness anyway and at the end of the day, the goal is to attract customers by making sure that they are safe when they come inside your building, not make them leave and take their business elsewhere.

God bless you and the employee always!!!

They should have called security and escorted that asswipe out of the store. No one should have to take that abuse from a customer!
sure, when whites get fired they ARE evil/racists/wrong
but blacks can NEVER be evil/racists/wrong
the WP makes him out to be a good guy and the customer wrong
if he was white, it would be the other way around
we're tired and don't care about ''racism'' stories anymore , especially the fake ones
Black man fired by Home Depot for reacting to ‘racist’ customer won’t accept his job back

Finally, a major corporation decided to stand up against political correctness and stayed true to the philosophy that the customer is always white, I mean right.

Maurice Rucker, 60, was fired from Home Depot when he asked a customer to put his dog on a leash to follow company policy. Offended by Rucker's most likely uppity attitude, the customer fires back by using his first amendment rights and began hurling racial slurs at the Home Depot cashier.

The attacks ranged from the usual "n-word", big deal...another alleged attack was the customer rightfully saying “If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job, you’re from the ghetto, what do you know?” -- How is this considered an attack??

The man hurled more expletives and asserted former president Barack Obama is a Muslim, Rucker said, again, how is this an attack?? Rucker than decided to be the typical angry Negro and threatened this hard working tax paying customer by saying "You’re lucky I’m at work right now because if not, you wouldn’t be talking to me like this.” He is lucky the customer didn't shoot him because he could have rightfully feared for his safety after a threat like that...

When Home Depot saw this cashier's behavior, he was justifiably fired for violating company policy -- never lose your cool with a customer, under any circumstances -- Even tho Rucker had just won employee of the month, even tho Rucker has worked for Home Depot for 10 years making 13 bucks an hour (thanks to Trump) -- Rucker showed his true unprofessional self -- Hopefully Home Depot reached out to this customer and extended him an apology.
How sweet, was the customer once one of your cellmates?
I stand with the employee. At some point something needs to be said or done to customers who do nothing, but come in there and threat the employees like complete and total trash. I don't believe that one customer creating such a scene is what the other customers are there to witness anyway and at the end of the day, the goal is to attract customers by making sure that they are safe when they come inside your building, not make them leave and take their business elsewhere.

God bless you and the employee always!!!

They should have called security and escorted that asswipe out of the store. No one should have to take that abuse from a customer!
So you support this black guy's outrageous behavior and violent threats? incredible
I stand with the employee. At some point something needs to be said or done to customers who do nothing, but come in there and threat the employees like complete and total trash. I don't believe that one customer creating such a scene is what the other customers are there to witness anyway and at the end of the day, the goal is to attract customers by making sure that they are safe when they come inside your building, not make them leave and take their business elsewhere.

God bless you and the employee always!!!

They should have called security and escorted that asswipe out of the store. No one should have to take that abuse from a customer!
So you support this black guy's outrageous behavior and violent threats? incredible
Lay down the pipe....
Well, the article was written by the WASHPO, a known bunch of LIARS and WHITE PEOPLE HATERS, so I believe very little of it. I'd be willing to bet if you ask someone else who was there what happened that isn't a rabid radical democrat that loves their race pimping and white guilt/hate, you'd hear something completely different.
I have become very suspicious of stories like this as many have been made up. This story leaves out an important detail, the customers name! It also carefully ticks off so much of the left wing talking points such as dragging President Trump into the story! I think it fake news!
Black man fired by Home Depot for reacting to ‘racist’ customer won’t accept his job back

Finally, a major corporation decided to stand up against political correctness and stayed true to the philosophy that the customer is always white, I mean right.

Maurice Rucker, 60, was fired from Home Depot when he asked a customer to put his dog on a leash to follow company policy. Offended by Rucker's most likely uppity attitude, the customer fires back by using his first amendment rights and began hurling racial slurs at the Home Depot cashier.

The attacks ranged from the usual "n-word", big deal...another alleged attack was the customer rightfully saying “If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job, you’re from the ghetto, what do you know?” -- How is this considered an attack??

The man hurled more expletives and asserted former president Barack Obama is a Muslim, Rucker said, again, how is this an attack?? Rucker than decided to be the typical angry Negro and threatened this hard working tax paying customer by saying "You’re lucky I’m at work right now because if not, you wouldn’t be talking to me like this.” He is lucky the customer didn't shoot him because he could have rightfully feared for his safety after a threat like that...

When Home Depot saw this cashier's behavior, he was justifiably fired for violating company policy -- never lose your cool with a customer, under any circumstances -- Even tho Rucker had just won employee of the month, even tho Rucker has worked for Home Depot for 10 years making 13 bucks an hour (thanks to Trump) -- Rucker showed his true unprofessional self -- Hopefully Home Depot reached out to this customer and extended him an apology.
/----/ The employee was right, the customer was an asshole.
Black man fired by Home Depot for reacting to ‘racist’ customer won’t accept his job back

Finally, a major corporation decided to stand up against political correctness and stayed true to the philosophy that the customer is always white, I mean right.

Maurice Rucker, 60, was fired from Home Depot when he asked a customer to put his dog on a leash to follow company policy. Offended by Rucker's most likely uppity attitude, the customer fires back by using his first amendment rights and began hurling racial slurs at the Home Depot cashier.

The attacks ranged from the usual "n-word", big deal...another alleged attack was the customer rightfully saying “If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job, you’re from the ghetto, what do you know?” -- How is this considered an attack??

The man hurled more expletives and asserted former president Barack Obama is a Muslim, Rucker said, again, how is this an attack?? Rucker than decided to be the typical angry Negro and threatened this hard working tax paying customer by saying "You’re lucky I’m at work right now because if not, you wouldn’t be talking to me like this.” He is lucky the customer didn't shoot him because he could have rightfully feared for his safety after a threat like that...

When Home Depot saw this cashier's behavior, he was justifiably fired for violating company policy -- never lose your cool with a customer, under any circumstances -- Even tho Rucker had just won employee of the month, even tho Rucker has worked for Home Depot for 10 years making 13 bucks an hour (thanks to Trump) -- Rucker showed his true unprofessional self -- Hopefully Home Depot reached out to this customer and extended him an apology.
^ troll thread of the week
sure, when whites get fired they ARE evil/racists/wrong
but blacks can NEVER be evil/racists/wrong
the WP makes him out to be a good guy and the customer wrong
if he was white, it would be the other way around
we're tired and don't care about ''racism'' stories anymore , especially the fake ones

What I want to know is why the White man could not follow the rules, or the law. Every state has a Leash Law for dogs. Yet this white man apparently felt that the laws did not apply to him. Why? Was he raised in some sort of poor environment where his parents told him that the rules did not apply to him? Was he not taught to obey the rules and laws by his parents?
sure, when whites get fired they ARE evil/racists/wrong
but blacks can NEVER be evil/racists/wrong
the WP makes him out to be a good guy and the customer wrong
if he was white, it would be the other way around
we're tired and don't care about ''racism'' stories anymore , especially the fake ones

What I want to know is why the White man could not follow the rules, or the law. Every state has a Leash Law for dogs. Yet this white man apparently felt that the laws did not apply to him. Why? Was he raised in some sort of poor environment where his parents told him that the rules did not apply to him? Was he not taught to obey the rules and laws by his parents?
....as proven beyond a doubt, the blacks do not follow the rules at many times the rate of whites
.....yours and many others arguments are very silly as proven by facts
sure, when whites get fired they ARE evil/racists/wrong
but blacks can NEVER be evil/racists/wrong
the WP makes him out to be a good guy and the customer wrong
if he was white, it would be the other way around
we're tired and don't care about ''racism'' stories anymore , especially the fake ones

What I want to know is why the White man could not follow the rules, or the law. Every state has a Leash Law for dogs. Yet this white man apparently felt that the laws did not apply to him. Why? Was he raised in some sort of poor environment where his parents told him that the rules did not apply to him? Was he not taught to obey the rules and laws by his parents?
....as proven beyond a doubt, the blacks do not follow the rules at many times the rate of whites
.....yours and many others arguments are very silly as proven by facts

I can’t say I am surprised. I wonder if you will ever realize the dance you just did. It looked terrible by the way. In one breath you say that Blacks are the problem because they break the rules, and laws, and act uncivilized. Then you justify the actions of the White doing just that, because the Whites don’t need to obey the laws, and rules, and can do whatever they want. They’re special.

Your asinine argument against the Blacks would indicate that whites follow the rules, and when they aren’t they are acting like the Blacks and should be treated that way. But when a White does act that way, you rush to his defense, because the Blacks are bad.

If anything, every time you post you demonstrate the flawed basis of your arguments. If anything, when you open your mouth, you demonstrate that your flawed beliefs have no basis in fact, or logic, or science. They are just the weak and disproven justifications of a racist ass. Asinine arguments that are rejected by a majority of the people. I wondered why Home Depot stock was dropping earlier this week, now I know. Investors were able to see the problems on the horizon, problems that would inevitably bring the racists like yourself out of the woodwork.

You should be careful of what you hate, because as America has proven, you inevitably become that which you hate.
sure, when whites get fired they ARE evil/racists/wrong
but blacks can NEVER be evil/racists/wrong
the WP makes him out to be a good guy and the customer wrong
if he was white, it would be the other way around
we're tired and don't care about ''racism'' stories anymore , especially the fake ones

What I want to know is why the White man could not follow the rules, or the law. Every state has a Leash Law for dogs. Yet this white man apparently felt that the laws did not apply to him. Why? Was he raised in some sort of poor environment where his parents told him that the rules did not apply to him? Was he not taught to obey the rules and laws by his parents?
Remember, it was a negro that asked him to leash his dog. Had a white person asked, he would have complied. But a negro? That’ll stick in anyone’s craw, and in this day and age we don’t have to take it anymore! #MAGA
Black man fired by Home Depot for reacting to ‘racist’ customer won’t accept his job back

Finally, a major corporation decided to stand up against political correctness and stayed true to the philosophy that the customer is always white, I mean right.

Maurice Rucker, 60, was fired from Home Depot when he asked a customer to put his dog on a leash to follow company policy. Offended by Rucker's most likely uppity attitude, the customer fires back by using his first amendment rights and began hurling racial slurs at the Home Depot cashier.

The attacks ranged from the usual "n-word", big deal...another alleged attack was the customer rightfully saying “If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job, you’re from the ghetto, what do you know?” -- How is this considered an attack??

The man hurled more expletives and asserted former president Barack Obama is a Muslim, Rucker said, again, how is this an attack?? Rucker than decided to be the typical angry Negro and threatened this hard working tax paying customer by saying "You’re lucky I’m at work right now because if not, you wouldn’t be talking to me like this.” He is lucky the customer didn't shoot him because he could have rightfully feared for his safety after a threat like that...

When Home Depot saw this cashier's behavior, he was justifiably fired for violating company policy -- never lose your cool with a customer, under any circumstances -- Even tho Rucker had just won employee of the month, even tho Rucker has worked for Home Depot for 10 years making 13 bucks an hour (thanks to Trump) -- Rucker showed his true unprofessional self -- Hopefully Home Depot reached out to this customer and extended him an apology.
^ troll thread of the week
What I want to know is why the White man could not follow the rules, or the law. Every state has a Leash Law for dogs. Yet this white man apparently felt that the laws did not apply to him. Why? Was he raised in some sort of poor environment where his parents told him that the rules did not apply to him? Was he not taught to obey the rules and laws by his parents?
You're making a YUGE assumption that this story from a fake news site is providing complete and accurate info.

I doubt the story.
Black man fired by Home Depot for reacting to ‘racist’ customer won’t accept his job back

Finally, a major corporation decided to stand up against political correctness and stayed true to the philosophy that the customer is always white, I mean right.

Maurice Rucker, 60, was fired from Home Depot when he asked a customer to put his dog on a leash to follow company policy. Offended by Rucker's most likely uppity attitude, the customer fires back by using his first amendment rights and began hurling racial slurs at the Home Depot cashier.

The attacks ranged from the usual "n-word", big deal...another alleged attack was the customer rightfully saying “If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job, you’re from the ghetto, what do you know?” -- How is this considered an attack??

The man hurled more expletives and asserted former president Barack Obama is a Muslim, Rucker said, again, how is this an attack?? Rucker than decided to be the typical angry Negro and threatened this hard working tax paying customer by saying "You’re lucky I’m at work right now because if not, you wouldn’t be talking to me like this.” He is lucky the customer didn't shoot him because he could have rightfully feared for his safety after a threat like that...

When Home Depot saw this cashier's behavior, he was justifiably fired for violating company policy -- never lose your cool with a customer, under any circumstances -- Even tho Rucker had just won employee of the month, even tho Rucker has worked for Home Depot for 10 years making 13 bucks an hour (thanks to Trump) -- Rucker showed his true unprofessional self -- Hopefully Home Depot reached out to this customer and extended him an apology.
^ troll thread of the week
What I want to know is why the White man could not follow the rules, or the law. Every state has a Leash Law for dogs. Yet this white man apparently felt that the laws did not apply to him. Why? Was he raised in some sort of poor environment where his parents told him that the rules did not apply to him? Was he not taught to obey the rules and laws by his parents?
You're making a YUGE assumption that this story from a fake news site is providing complete and accurate info.

I doubt the story.
Of course you do. How dare a negro raise his voice to a fine citizen like this dog loving white man?
An iffy story, likely lacking all the details; but taken at face value... The employee should have deferred to management, and or relied on local law enforcement to handle the matter. No matter how douchey a customer can be; the employee will almost always end up on the loosing end of a customer complaint. That’s just a basic reality of today’s corporate culture.

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