Holy Shit: Trump At 65% In New York. Cruz 12%..............Kasich 1%

La la la ~~~~ NEW YORK, NEW YORK----if ya can make it here, ya can make
it anywhere ~~~~~LA LA LA LA LA........
Alternate title for this thread: "Gee I hope Kasich doesnt' get nominated because if he does the GOP will win the general election".

Kasich beats Hillary by more than 10 points in the polling for the general election. Trump doesn't. Cruz has a Canadian birth certificate and can't run for president. The Supreme Court will release that Opinion in October this year....the liberal majority there so doing in getting even for Bush v Gore 2000..and to fill the empty seat with one of their own...
The personality traits that in "Flyover Country" make one insufferable are considered admirable in southeastern New York, Connecticut and New Jersey.

That shouldn't surprise anybody with a television.
Kasich is the cure.
Kasich has about as much chance of being president of the U.S as we have in having a snowball fight in hell.
Depends on whether or not the GOP fathers want to get real about their son born in Canada with a Canadian birth certificate, living formative years there before he illegally immigrated to Texas with his Cuban father, not being eligible for president. Get all those delegates over to Kasich right away, instead of later, and his nomination becomes more legitimate that way.

Otherwise Carl Rove is going to push his delusions until the last minute as usual and kill another GOP shot at the Whitehouse...just as the democratic strategists are hoping he'll do.

The US Supreme Court is now liberal-activist dominated. And they are still seething from Bush v Gore in 2000. They would love to secure a nomination for the vacancy to uber-liberal by disqualifying Cruz at the last minute. Cruz is suicide for the GOP in the general. So, look for Rove to push him until yes, an "unfair inevitable Kasich nomination" also endangers what would be a sure thing. Kasich CURRENTLY is polling 10 points ahead of Hillary in the general. Give Trumpsters an excuse to rebel and those numbers will plummet. A legitimate Kasich gradual victory of attrition would slowly take the wind out of their sails.
I have to go for the guy that I think can work down the debt while building a wall to keep the vermin out.

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