Holocaust History

The organization published the first batch of some 50,000 documents on Wednesday, which makes for just a fragment of their collection encompassing 30 million items. The page is available in German, English and French, with an index and a search function provided.

"Archives must not hide themselves from the digital world. Otherwise, one day they will be forgotten," said head of International Tracing Service (ITS) archive department Christian Groh.

The ITS was founded by Allies in the final days of the World War II. At first, its mission was help find the people who went missing in war zones or concentration camps.

In 2007, the organization first granted access to its archives in the German city of Bad Arolsen to scholars and researches, marking the transition from a tracing service to a research institution.

Items from the past

The group's collection includes documents on Nazi death marches, forced labor and children lost during the war. ITS also holds around 3,300 personal items that Nazis had seized from concentration camp inmates.

Most of them are photos, personal papers or small items, as the guards would usually seize anything of value.

Photos of some of the items and digital versions of personal documents were made available online on Wednesday. The ITS representatives said they were hoping the material would find its way to proper owners or their descendants.

The organization also said it hopes that the documents could help academic researchers, families of the victims, but also students doing school projects.

The ITS representatives also said that they intend to publish more documents. However, it was not possible to make their whole archive available online, according to the group.

(full article online)


A new exhibition at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp will be divided into three parts: One will focus on the mass murder of Europe's Jews, another looks at the perpetrators, and the third presents the lives of the prisoners. As such, the exhibition will offer insights into areas that the museum had thus far only touched upon - if it looked at them at all.

The main exhibition, which was initially mounted in 1947, was given an overhaul in 1955. Since then, display cabinets containing the hair, shoes, glasses and suitcases of those murdered have served as powerful reminders of Nazi cruelty.

The walls of some of the camp's huts are hung with photographs of those held in "Auschwitz I," which was primarily used to house political prisoners, and there is a model of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of the Nazis' extermination camps, in its entirety. At least 1.1 million people were killed there.

Attached to Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau - a sprawling area housing huts, gas chambers and crematoria - was Auschwitz III Monowitz, an industrial area where the Nazis helped companies such as I.G. Farben turn a profit. Clothing and gold were extracted from the teeth of murdered Jews, Sinti and Roma, and political prisoners, and even their hair was used to generate money that would eventually land in Germany's coffers.

More than one death camp

The Majdanek, Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor camps also adopted a conveyor belt approach to murder. Elsewhere, in concentration camps such as Ravensbrück, Dachau, Buchenwald and Mauthausen, people were systematically killed by hard labor, torture, starvation and other means.

And then there were the mass-shootings. Babi Yar near Kyiv and the Ponary massacres near Vilnius, to name but two.

Although the Nazi murder machine was active across Europe, Auschwitz has become symbolic. Nowhere else were so many people killed in such a horrific way in such a short space of time.

To date, the museum at Auschwitz has explained these facts on info panels mounted on the walls. More modern approaches such as film, computers and original audio recordings of victims are yet to become a feature of the main exhibition at the former camp.

Since 1960, several huts in the sprawling complex have housed "national exhibitions" serving as reminders of victims from different countries. They have been extended over the past years, and are, in part, highly modern.

The museum's Facebook page, active since 2009, has more than 185,000 fans. Equally, more than 1.5 million people visited the concentration camp last year. Yet the main exhibition had not been changed for 60 years.

Memorial is crumbling

Located 3 kilometers (2 miles), the Nazi death factory Auschwitz-Birkenau is at risk of crumbling. The ruins of the crematoria and gas chambers, which the Nazis blew up before the end of the war, are exposed to the elements, and money for their upkeep is scarce.

In 2009, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation was set up to collect international donations to help finance necessary maintenance and restoration work. The charity has received pledges of 120 million euros from EU states, the US, Turkey, and Germany - which promised 60 million. But years have passed without any sign of the money.

Now, though, thanks to a pledge from Poland's Culture Ministry, the funding for a new exhibition at the museum appears to be in place. It will cost about 25 million euros ($28 million) to pull off, and it won't be going up overnight. Preservation guidelines governing the camp mean that construction work on the former inmates' huts will be a slow process. The exhibition is not expected to be finished for 11 years.

Not with a fool who thinks he, or she, can condescend others instead of owning up that they are as much Holocaust deniers, aka LIARS, as the previous poster.

Can I allow you to LIE about how many Jews were murdered in all the various ways they were in a period of five years?

Go play your, "You are angry and cannot be talked to" game with other Nazi sympathizers, like the other poster. There are plenty of Nazis on the boards, and I am sure you know who they are.

I really don't understand why you have already labeled me as a "Nazi sympathizer" and Mr. White as a "fool" when you know nothing of my views and don't understand his.

Briefly put, why are people who believe the standard Holocaust narrative so angry and sanctimonious.

Are you this hostile on every topic or just the Holocaust?

Why can't two adults discuss a topic without one of them immediate initiating slander?

I'd really like to know.


Holocaust denial is any attempt to negate the established facts of the Nazi genocide of European Jews. Holocaust denial and distortion are forms of antisemitism, prejudice against or hatred of Jews. Holocaust denial and distortion generally claim that the Holocaust was invented or exaggerated by Jews as part of a plot to advance Jewish interests.

These views perpetuate long-standing antisemitic stereotypes, hateful beliefs that helped lay the groundwork for the Holocaust. Holocaust denial, distortion, and misuse all undermine the truth and our understanding of history.

I really don't understand why you have already labeled me as a "Nazi sympathizer" and Mr. White as a "fool" when you know nothing of my views and don't understand his.

Briefly put, why are people who believe the standard Holocaust narrative so angry and sanctimonious.

Are you this hostile on every topic or just the Holocaust?

Why can't two adults discuss a topic without one of them immediate initiating slander?

I'd really like to know.

You're not allowed ask any of that. Ask anything and you are a denier. The story is riven with dishonesty and fakery. Give yourself the easy life like everyone else and don't ask questions 😉
You're not allowed ask any of that. Ask anything and you are a denier. The story is riven with dishonesty and fakery. Give yourself the easy life like everyone else and don't ask questions 😉
Pathetic all of you.
Victims both of you.

No one is disputing any of the over 6 million non Jews who were murdered by the nazis, but both are playing games with numbers with all the Jews who died.

You do not like it that European and Middle Eastern Nazis murderered over 6 Million Jews? Neither do we. Neither did they while they were being shot at, worked to death, starved death, gassed to death, used as medical trials, to death, walked to death, and many other ways the Nazis found of killing everyone they could in the concentration camps.

Neither one of you has one ounce of courage to go to any of the concentration camps and FEEL IT for yourselves what it was like for any of the 12 MILLION lives which were treated like nothing, and murdered one, by one, by one.

Many non Jews have had the guts to visit the concentration camps. I doubt very much you will ever find the courage to do so.
Pathetic all of you.
Victims both of you.

No one is disputing any of the over 6 million non Jews who were murdered by the nazis, but both are playing games with numbers with all the Jews who died.

You do not like it that European and Middle Eastern Nazis murderered over 6 Million Jews? Neither do we. Neither did they while they were being shot at, worked to death, starved death, gassed to death, used as medical trials, to death, walked to death, and many other ways the Nazis found of killing everyone they could in the concentration camps.

Neither one of you has one ounce of courage to go to any of the concentration camps and FEEL IT for yourselves what it was like for any of the 12 MILLION lives which were treated like nothing, and murdered one, by one, by one.

Many non Jews have had the guts to visit the concentration camps. I doubt very much you will ever find the courage to do so.
Wiesenthal pulled the non-Jew figure out of his ass and admitted as much. He said 5 million btw bc he wanted to keep the Jewish figure larger, so a bit of antisemitism there from you 😂

I was in Auschwitz a few years ago.

You should be happy that revisionists have saved almost 6 million Jews. But you're not...you're sad. That's ironic when you think about it.
You're not allowed ask any of that. Ask anything and you are a denier. The story is riven with dishonesty and fakery. Give yourself the easy life like everyone else and don't ask questions 😉

Long before internet forums became popular I have attempted with little success to have calm, civil and honest discussions with people who have chosen to believe the standard Holocaust narrative on back to the heady days of the "human skin lampshades", "human fat soap", shrunken heads, human skin pocketbooks and similar bigoted anti German hoaxes.

These and similar props were employed by the Hollywood movie moguls and fledgling Holocaust Industry to deceive the gullible, demonize the German people and aid in the extortion(1) of countless $ Billions from innumerable countries, industries and other entities around the world to the end of time.

As you mentioned, there is to be no questioning of anything claimed by what Norman Finkelstein called "The Holocaust Industry" or else you're reviled as a "Holocaust denier" and an immediate "anti Semite" by the more fanatical Holocaustians who treat the exposing of any Holocaust hoax and lie as an egregious personal affront.

The term "Holocaust denier" is a meaningless and deliberately deceptive misnomer used to slander any thinking person who doesn't swallow the entire Holocaust story, hook, line and sinker.
Refusing to believe transparently fraudulent, residual anti German propaganda so long after the war has nothing to do with anti Jewish or pro Nazi sentiment.

So, how many people really believe in human skin lampshades, homicidal steam, electrocution(2) and gas chambers, shrunken heads and a non existent genocidal German agenda(3)?

According to a survey done for the ADL,(4) only about 1/3 of those who know about the Holocaust actually believes the profitable anti German slander that is the standard Holocaust narrative.

That means that about 2/3 of the people in the world who know about the Holocaust do not believe the physically impossible fables that the Holocaust Industry and Hollywood has poured into unthinking and gullible heads for over 78 years.

I suspect that those who do not believe the profitable but physically impossible fables are far greater in number but were afraid to tell the truth because it is a Thought Crime in 16 "democracies" to refute a lie so fragile that it cannot withstand the slightest bit of honest discussion and open debate.

The truth welcomes that same honest discussion and open debate but a lie can only survive in the darkness of repressive and draconian censorship laws.


(1). “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED

(2). "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"
Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death

EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED

(3). “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.”

- Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190


EXCERPT “Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

- Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

- people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED
Long before internet forums became popular I have attempted with little success to have calm, civil and honest discussions with people who have chosen to believe the standard Holocaust narrative on back to the heady days of the "human skin lampshades", "human fat soap", shrunken heads, human skin pocketbooks and similar bigoted anti German hoaxes.

These and similar props were employed by the Hollywood movie moguls and fledgling Holocaust Industry to deceive the gullible, demonize the German people and aid in the extortion(1) of countless $ Billions from innumerable countries, industries and other entities around the world to the end of time.

As you mentioned, there is to be no questioning of anything claimed by what Norman Finkelstein called "The Holocaust Industry" or else you're reviled as a "Holocaust denier" and an immediate "anti Semite" by the more fanatical Holocaustians who treat the exposing of any Holocaust hoax and lie as an egregious personal affront.

The term "Holocaust denier" is a meaningless and deliberately deceptive misnomer used to slander any thinking person who doesn't swallow the entire Holocaust story, hook, line and sinker.
Refusing to believe transparently fraudulent, residual anti German propaganda so long after the war has nothing to do with anti Jewish or pro Nazi sentiment.

So, how many people really believe in human skin lampshades, homicidal steam, electrocution(2) and gas chambers, shrunken heads and a non existent genocidal German agenda(3)?

According to a survey done for the ADL,(4) only about 1/3 of those who know about the Holocaust actually believes the profitable anti German slander that is the standard Holocaust narrative.

That means that about 2/3 of the people in the world who know about the Holocaust do not believe the physically impossible fables that the Holocaust Industry and Hollywood has poured into unthinking and gullible heads for over 78 years.

I suspect that those who do not believe the profitable but physically impossible fables are far greater in number but were afraid to tell the truth because it is a Thought Crime in 16 "democracies" to refute a lie so fragile that it cannot withstand the slightest bit of honest discussion and open debate.

The truth welcomes that same honest discussion and open debate but a lie can only survive in the darkness of repressive and draconian censorship laws.


(1). “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED

(2). "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"
Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death

EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED

(3). “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.”

- Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190


EXCERPT “Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

- Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

- people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED
Your VULTURE circling around the bodies of 12 MILLION PEOPLE murdered during WWII is over.

Circle all you like, come up with whatever you like. Your disrespect for any and all died in WWII is hereby noted. You have picked nothing out of your vulture hunting.

Your VULTURE circling around the bodies of 12 MILLION PEOPLE murdered during WWII is over.

Circle all you like, come up with whatever you like. Your disrespect for any and all died in WWII is hereby noted. You have picked nothing out of your vulture hunting.

SF you should look deeper into it, the establishment don't always tell the truth you know, in fact they rarely do.

Most of what they do is to make money.

What's the point believing a lie?

Hitler loved this Jewish girl, and you say he wanted to exterminate them...well that doesn't add up? 🤔
Pathetic all of you.
Victims both of you.

No one is disputing any of the over 6 million non Jews who were murdered by the nazis, but both are playing games with numbers with all the Jews who died.

You do not like it that European and Middle Eastern Nazis murderered over 6 Million Jews? Neither do we. Neither did they while they were being shot at, worked to death, starved death, gassed to death, used as medical trials, to death, walked to death, and many other ways the Nazis found of killing everyone they could in the concentration camps.

Neither one of you has one ounce of courage to go to any of the concentration camps and FEEL IT for yourselves what it was like for any of the 12 MILLION lives which were treated like nothing, and murdered one, by one, by one.

Many non Jews have had the guts to visit the concentration camps. I doubt very much you will ever find the courage to do so.

I don't know why you insist on being so melodramatic and insulting to people who evaluate history based on simple facts rather than "FEELINGS".

That's the difference between how we look at this tragic era; you "FEEL IT" with a cult like fanaticism rather than following the Facts and accepting them regardless of what they reveal.

What you're feeling in most cases is also the misery of innocent German civilians who were also inmates in some of these former Soviet gulags.

I hope you realize that significant alterations were made to all former German work camps by the Soviets for propaganda purposes and to deceive tourists.

For example, the Soviets even forced German POWs at Sachsenhausen to build a fake homicidal gas chamber for anti German propaganda purposes. When the Soviets invited journalists, diplomats and military personnel to inspect the "genuine German homicidal gas chamber" the visitors, however, noticed the deception (wet paint?) and the whole story was later censored.(1)

I don't think that it is disrespectful of the dead to attempt to look at that tragic era honestly and objectively and recognizing that much that you've been told is at least partially anti German propaganda is the only way to be objective.

I use the word tragic "era" because the killing and slave labor didn't stop at the end of the war and far more than 12 million died. (2)

(1) "NKVD Forced German POWs to Build Fake Gas Chambers AFTER the War !"

EXCERPT "As a young officer, Gerhart Schirmer was captured in 1945 by the Russians and held in Sachsenhausen which the Russians continued to use as a prison. Although the War and Nazism were over, Schirmer and a few fellow-prisoners were forced to construct a gas chamber and execution room, to show the world what the Nazis had done. He described his experiences in a booklet entitled 'Sachsenhausen - Workuta, Zehn Jahre in den Fängen der Sowjets' (Grabert Verlag, Tübingen, 1992).

When 'certain groups' drew the attention of the authorities to the booklet's contents, it was seized and banned in Germany. This is described by Schirmer below (my translation). I understand Schirmer was given the choice of a fine or prison and he chose the fine because, being over ninety, he did not relish spending his last few years behind bars, especially as he had already spent eleven years of his life in prison." CONTINUED

(2). "Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944 1950 Revised Edition"
Amazon product ASIN 0889225672
EXCERPT "More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over 2 million of these alone, including countless children, died on the road or in concentration camps in Poland and elsewhere. That these deaths occurred at all is still being denied by Western governments." CONTINUED
View attachment 828291

Hitler loved this Jewish girl, and you say he wanted to exterminate them...well that doesn't add up? 🤔

I remember reading that little, Jewish Rosa Nienau and Hitler shared the same birthday and they became "Pen Pals".
Rosa drew the flowers of the photograph shown.

Three other facts that debunk the standard, anti German Holocaust narrative are:

1. About 150,000 Jews and mixed Jews served in Germany's WW 2 military with some reaching the highest ranks and some earning Germany's highest honors (1), (2).

2. Additionally, there were several full and mixed Jews who were also high ranking Nazi party members. (3)

3. Hitler even thought to honor the Jewish WW 1 Veterans many of whom were already in Palestine. (4)

So, if the "Final Solution" was really to destroy all of Europe's Jews, why did Germany's National Socialists include Jewish individuals in both its military and ruling political party?

Finally, if Hitler's hatred of the Jewish people was intense as anti German propagandists claim, why did he promote, befriend and honor so many Jewish individuals around him before and during the war?

You're right, there are lots of things that don't add up.


(1). “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)()and concentration camp guards()(kapos).

So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?" CONTINUED

(2). "Historian claims Hitler personally approved officers of Jewish descent to fight for Nazis"

"ADOLF HITLER personally allowed at least 77 army officers of Jewish descent, including 25 generals, to fight for the Nazi cause…"

EXCERPT "Many brothers, cousins and sons of these officers were not on this list, although they should have been there," he wrote. "The list is very spotty and there are most probably many other cases of this type."

The most senior general of Jewish origin was Field Marshall Erhard Milch, who rose to be general inspector of the Luftwaffe and was convicted of war crimes after 1945." CONTINUED

(3). “List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent”

EXCERPT “Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. “ CONTINUED

(4). “When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers”
When Hitler honored Jewish soldiers

EXCERPT “The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.” CONTINUED

(5). “5 Jews Hitler Actually Liked”

EXCERPT “Surprisingly, during this time in his life, Hitler also had extremely good relationships with Jewish people. At his house in Vienna, almost all of his friends were Jewish, with Josef Neumann being the closest.

And when Hitler took over Germany, he spared some of his old Jewish friends, kept some in his party, and even formed new friendships.” CONTINUED
New York investigators on Wednesday seized artwork by 1900s Austrian Expressionist Egon Schiele from three museums after it was discovered that they were Nazi-looted items once owned by a Jewish art collector who was murdered in the Holocaust, according to a new report.

Russian War Prisoner (1916), a watercolor and pencil on paper piece, was taken from the Art Institute of Chicago; Portrait of a Man (1917), a pencil on paper drawing, was seized from the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh; and Girl With Black Hair (1911), a watercolor and pencil on paper work, was seized from the Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College in Ohio, the New York Timesreported. Each art piece is reportedly valued at over $1 million.

(full article online)

One year on Rosh Hashana, during the Holocaust, a group of fervently religious boys were told that they were about to be cremated alive.

The boys approached Rabbi Meislish, who was known to have successfully smuggled a shofar (ram’s horn) into the Auschwitz death camp, and asked him to blow it for them so that they could perform one last mitzvah (commandment) before they died.

Indeed, they begged Rabbi Meislish to come to their barracks and blow all 100 shofar blasts as is ritually required on the Jewish New Year.

Rabbi Meislish didn’t know what to do. If he agreed to their request, he would likely be caught and put to death. His own son was begging him not to blow the shofar, as he did not want to become an orphan. The son correctly explained that there was no requirement to put one’s life in danger in order to fulfill the mitzvah of blowing the shofar.

Rabbi Meislish decided to blow the shofar. He argued that although his son was right in that there was no requirement to put one’s life in danger in order to fulfill the mitzvah of shofar, he did not expect to live much longer in any case. He’d rather die for performing a mitzvah than just be thrown into the gas chamber in a random roll call. Thus the rabbi proceeded – shofar in hand – to the boys’ barracks.

Just as he was about to blow the shofar, however, the boys asked him to hold off and first deliver an inspirational sermon!

Imagine – the boys were minutes away from death, but they wanted to feel Rosh Hashana. They want to hear the shofar

Rabbi Meislish complied. He began by quoting the verse in the Book of Psalms relevant to Rosh Hashana: “Blow shofar on the new month, at the time of hiding on the day of our holiday” [Psalms 81:4].

Of course, the true meaning of “at the time of hiding” refers to the moon which is “hidden” on Rosh Hashana, as the Holy Day takes place on the first day of the lunar month, when there is a new moon that cannot be seen.

Rabbi Meislish interpreted the verse as referring to their own situation, as it seemed that God Himself was hiding from them. He told the boys to have faith.

He then blew the shofar. One of the boys stated, “Let us all acknowledge the great self-sacrifice of the rabbi for coming here to blow the shofar for us. In the merit of this mitzvah, may he be spared and go on to have a long, good and healthy life.” Everyone then said “Amen.” And as you know from the beginning of the story, Rabbi Meislish survived and made his way to Chicago.

Rabbi Meislish writes that he recorded this story to show that young Jews in Auschwitz were so dedicated to the performance of mitzvot in general and the blowing of the shofar in particular.

Thank God we are living in a time that we need not risk our lives to hear the sound of the shofar.

  1. Can you tell us the purpose and mission of Castle Hill Publishing?

Its purpose is to continue to counter the claims that the National Socialists mass-murdered people in homicidal gas chambers. It does not deny that “something happened” to the Jews, or that many thousands died while under the National Socialists. But we do deny that anything like 6 million Jews were killed. Most revisionists currently estimate that the actual figure is around 500,000, or about 10% of the official number.

Interestingly, it took a leftist French political prisoner who suffered through two German war-time concentration and forced-labor camps to get the ball rolling: Paul Rassinier. He earned a Ph.D. in history and was a university professor by 1933. He was arrested by the Germans in 1943 and sent to Buchenwald and later, Dora camps.

Serious, academic Holocaust revisionism began with his book The Lie of Ulysses, which came out in French in 1950. In it, he corrected numerous popular exaggerations of the time, and denied any knowledge of gas chambers, either at Buchenwald or elsewhere. And this, despite the fact that he considered the Germans as enemies. He was neither trying to “rehabilitate” nor defend the Germans; Rassinier simply wanted people to know the truth. In addition to relating his own experiences, he analyzes the books of former fellow prisoners and shows how they lied and distorted the truth in order to hide their complicity.

The ramifications of dishonest history writing divides people. Our purpose is to rectify false concepts in the Holocaust narrative. The truth will ultimately bring people together, and inspire trust in authority. Today, authorities are almost completely devoid of credibility.

We have carried on in the spirit of Rassinier, dedicated to exposing the truth, no matter how inconvenient it may be for those in power.

Why didn't the Jews scarper before the war?
We are supposed to believe that the Jews in Germany were desperate. Sander says that the Évian Conference gave Jews “hope,” and the title of his article says that the purpose of the conference was “to save Jews from Hitler.” Sander says that the conference “represented their last credible chance for salvation.”
In that case, the Dominican Republic’s quota of 100,000 should have filled up very quickly. If it’s a choice between a Latin-American republic and some horrible fate, obviously you choose the Latin-American republic. A newspaper-report from 1946 describes Sosúa, a town created specifically for these Jewish refugees, as “a tropical paradise” (NEA Service 29 August 1946). How many Jews actually did go there? According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:​
"... the Dominican Republic admitted 645 Jews from 1938 to 1945 and issued approximately 5,000 visas to Jews during that period." (USHMM)
Apparently, very few Jews in Germany wanted to be “saved” if it meant emigrating to the Dominican Republic!

  1. Can you tell us the purpose and mission of Castle Hill Publishing?

Its purpose is to continue to counter the claims that the National Socialists mass-murdered people in homicidal gas chambers. It does not deny that “something happened” to the Jews, or that many thousands died while under the National Socialists. But we do deny that anything like 6 million Jews were killed. Most revisionists currently estimate that the actual figure is around 500,000, or about 10% of the official number.

Interestingly, it took a leftist French political prisoner who suffered through two German war-time concentration and forced-labor camps to get the ball rolling: Paul Rassinier. He earned a Ph.D. in history and was a university professor by 1933. He was arrested by the Germans in 1943 and sent to Buchenwald and later, Dora camps.

Serious, academic Holocaust revisionism began with his book The Lie of Ulysses, which came out in French in 1950. In it, he corrected numerous popular exaggerations of the time, and denied any knowledge of gas chambers, either at Buchenwald or elsewhere. And this, despite the fact that he considered the Germans as enemies. He was neither trying to “rehabilitate” nor defend the Germans; Rassinier simply wanted people to know the truth. In addition to relating his own experiences, he analyzes the books of former fellow prisoners and shows how they lied and distorted the truth in order to hide their complicity.

The ramifications of dishonest history writing divides people. Our purpose is to rectify false concepts in the Holocaust narrative. The truth will ultimately bring people together, and inspire trust in authority. Today, authorities are almost completely devoid of credibility.

We have carried on in the spirit of Rassinier, dedicated to exposing the truth, no matter how inconvenient it may be for those in power.

Thanks for what I hope is an ample clarification that refusing to believe the standard Holocaust narrative has nothing to do with pro Nazi or anti Jewish sentiment.

It's an irrefutable fact that all sides used atrocity propaganda to slander and demoralize their adversary and WW 2 was no different.

During and after WW 1 "everybody knew" that the Germans cut the hands off of infants.
Now, "every body knows" that the Germans killed millions of Jews in homicidal gas chambers.

Today, we know that the homicidal gas chamber were just part of the Allied propaganda effort:

“Auschwitz: Myths and Facts”
Auschwitz: Myths and Facts

EXCERPT “Allied Propaganda

"The Auschwitz gassing story is based in large part on the hearsay statements of former Jewish inmates who did not personally see any actual signs of extermination. Their beliefs are understandable, because rumors about gassings at Auschwitz were widespread. Allied planes dropped large numbers of leaflets, written in Polish and German, on Auschwitz and the surrounding areas which claimed that people were being gassed in the camp. The Auschwitz gassing story, which was an important part of the Allied wartime propaganda effort, was also broadcast to Europe by Allied radio stations. [15] CONTINUED
15. Nuremberg document NI-11696. NMT "green series," Vol. 8, p. 606.

What else does "everybody know" that is just residual anti German propaganda?


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