Hollywood's "Out of Touch" Reality

Adam's Apple

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Apr 25, 2004
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Feast Your Eyes on This
By Jonah Goldberg, National Review
March 8, 2006

George Clooney, Hollywood liberalism's best, prettiest, and shiniest pony, has something different in mind. As you no doubt heard, Clooney offered an eloquent bit of self-congratulation Sunday night when he accepted his Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Responding to the notion that Hollywood is "out of touch," Clooney gushed that "We were the ones who talked about AIDS ... about civil rights, when it wasn't really popular" He swooned over the fact that "this Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters." And so, he testified, he is "proud to be 'out of touch.'"

One wonders whether he shopped this little speech out to one of his staffers or if he came up with all by his lonesome. Either way, he needs a new speechwriter. *

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I only watched the begining and the very end of the Oscars, so I saw this. I couldn't help but lmao. He just had to get on his soapbox and educate us dumb peons just how and why Hollywood Elite should be listened to. I felt so inspired! LOL :slap: It was pretty funny to watch some of the Oscars just to see how alot of these actors are just so full of themselves.

On a side not I thought Jon Stewart wasn't funny at all. Its obvious that if he can't slam bush non-stop he has no material.
The other highlight of the show was when they brought out Dolly Parton. I'm not a Dolly fan but it was hysterical to watch her sing about Jesus to the petrified hollywood crowd. I guess they had her to 'balance out' all the Gay-back Mountain talk. That was one weird scene to watch.
theHawk said:
The other highlight of the show was when they brought out Dolly Parton. I'm not a Dolly fan but it was hysterical to watch her sing about Jesus to the petrified hollywood crowd. I guess they had her to 'balance out' all the Gay-back Mountain talk. That was one weird scene to watch.

Hehe, reminds me of how tempted I was to freak people out by going to see Fudgepack Mountain with a vial of holy water and start throwing it on the screen at the sex scene saying, "The power of Christ compels you," just to freak people out. Then I remembered that that would cost me $8 plus the holy water, and most of that would go to the queers who made the movie, and I'm not quite crazy enough to do it, anyway.
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