Hollywood PR firm Sunshine Sachs cancels Christmas parties because Trump won


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Hollywood PR Firm Cancels Christmas Parties Because Trump Won
Hollywood publicity powerhouse Sunshine Sachs has cancelled its glitzy, star-studded annual holiday celebrations in solidarity with those whom its chief executive says are people who feel targeted by Donald Trump
Oh the adult snowflakes are having their big baby temper tantrums. Isn't this what five year olds do when they don't get their way.
There are only three things they are missing is a binky, their blanky, and the sit down and screaming fit kids have when mommy or daddy won't buy them what they want.
What a shame these arrested development crowd has today.
Hollywood PR Firm Cancels Christmas Parties Because Trump Won
Hollywood publicity powerhouse Sunshine Sachs has cancelled its glitzy, star-studded annual holiday celebrations in solidarity with those whom its chief executive says are people who feel targeted by Donald Trump
Oh the adult snowflakes are having their big baby temper tantrums. Isn't this what five year olds do when they don't get their way.
There are only three things they are missing is a binky, their blanky, and the sit down and screaming fit kids have when mommy or daddy won't buy them what they want.
What a shame these arrested development crowd has today.
Just shows what kind of believers they all are and how much Christmas and God really mean to them.
boo hiss, what nonsense

have the "d" christmas party for the employees and stop making it political
To me, those who still want to have the party should go ahead and have one their own. Why should they have to miss out because of another person's feelings?

God bless you always!!!


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