Hollywood Box Office Receipts 2005

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Interesting. They could learn some lessons from Mel Gibson.

Plummeting 2005 Box Office Sparks Hollywood Crisis
from Breitbart.com
December 13, 2005

Even a much-hyped giant gorilla, a geisha and a schoolboy magician won't be able to create a happy ending at the US box office, as Hollywood ends its most disappointing year in nearly two decades.

Plunging movie ticket sales, after a string of uninspiring remakes and movie sequels coupled with an explosion of the DVD and video game markets, are keeping audiences at home and have sent Hollywood into a deep existential crisis.

"This industry is facing significant challenges said Jack Kyser, chief economist of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp, a business support and research body.

Ticket sale revenues dropped five percent in the first 11 months of 2005 while the number of Americans going to the cinema fell by 6.2 percent compared with the same period in 2004, according to box office trackers Exhibitor Relations Co Inc.

The result is Tinseltown's most disappointing box office performance in 15 years as audiences, dazzled by their entertainment choices and disappointed by the mediocre films on offer, turned away from the cinema in droves.

Even the late November and December releases of blockbusters "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," "King Kong", "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" and "Memoirs of a Geisha" are unlikely to turn around the downward trend.

"It's not just a slump in box office, but also in sales of DVDs," Kyser told AFP. "This is mainly because of unattractive movies that don't appeal to young male audiences, the cost of movie tickets, parking, the shrinking window a movie's theatrical and DVD releases.

In addition, Hollywood faces a major external threat: runaway production costs, the growing trend of movie producers to shoot in places such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand to cash in on much lower staff and production charges.

"Some studios are doing some moderate lay offs. LA's future is at stake," Kyser said, demonstrating the depth of despair in the nine-billion-dollar a year industry.

Industry movers are battling to isolate the true causes of the slump, crossing their fingers that the big-budget money-spinners up Hollywood's sleeve will help ease the pain.

"Is it the movies? Is it the ticket prices? Is it because home theater and DVD?," pondered Exhibitor Relations Co's chief Paul Dergarabedian."I think is it because all this happening at the same time, it is a combination of facts."

But he was optimistic for the future of the industry, saying that when Hollywood does dish up a good film, audiences still go rushing to see it.

"'Harry Potter' is showing that people still want to go to the movies but still they need a good reason to go," Dergarabedian told AFP.

The fourth film of JK Rowling's cult novels opened on November 18 and has so far raked in 244 million dollars, making it second most successful film of 2005, behind "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith".

"When a good movie strikes, people go to the theatres," said Dergarabedian.

The last in the "Star Wars" series raked in a whopping 380 million dollars in North American box office, "War of the Worlds," starring Tom Cruise took 234 million, the comedy "Wedding Crashers" notched up 208 million in ticket receipts and Tim Burton's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" took 206 million.

But the successes were few and far between in 2005.

Ron Howard's 88-million-dollar biopic "Cinderella Man," starring Oscar winners Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger, took only 61 million dollars, while Ridley Scott's crusade epic "Kingdom of Heaven," which cost 130 million dollars to make, reaped only 47 million at the all-important domestic the box office.

Other fizzlers that did not recoup their budgets included the much-touted sci-fi flop "The Island," which hauled in only 35 million dollars, while Jamie Foxx's military drama "Stealth" bombed with a US and Canadian haul of 31 million dollars. It quickly disappeared from screens.

"Movie goers are very picky and they want the price of the ticket to be worthwhile, the studios had to offer more," said Gitesh Pandya of movie industry tracker Box Office Guru.

"There should be more creativity and new ideas, not just sequels and remake. Let's hope Hollywood listens to the audiences," he added.


And just for fun let's throw some satire into the mix.
For $8 per ticket, I'm not going unless it's a surefire hit. Last year I saw two movies in theater: Star Wars III and Narnia - and I only saw Narnia after my daughter begged to go with me. It's too damn expensive to see movies in the theater on a regular basis.
I'd pay their stupid ticket prices if the movies weren't crap. I've seen some real stink bombs in my time, and I'm wary about going to the theater unless I know it'll be good, because I still remember wasting $8 on Daredevil...DAREDEVIL.

Then, there's another thing to think about. If ticket prices were three dollars, the movies I go see now for $8, I'd probably go see three times, and I'd be more likely to pay to see a mediocre movie. Let's do the math, I buy three times the tickets on the same movie, meaning you get $9 instead of $8, and then I'll give you even more of my money for the less than perfect movies. When I can get the DVD for $20 in just a couple of months or rent it for less than the ticket price, you're going to have to compete.
gop_jeff said:
For $8 per ticket, I'm not going unless it's a surefire hit. Last year I saw two movies in theater: Star Wars III and Narnia - and I only saw Narnia after my daughter begged to go with me. It's too damn expensive to see movies in the theater on a regular basis.
I don't pay to sit in a theater with a bunch of other folks when I can pay $3 to rent a DVD, watch it when I want, take my shoes off, have NO interruption, eat cheap, pause and pee without missing anything and replay if I do.

In short it makes no sense to me to "Go" to a movie. Oh, and I'm a cheap SOB too.
Mr. P said:
I don't pay to sit in a theater with a bunch of other folks when I can pay $3 to rent a DVD, watch it when I want, take my shoes off, have NO interruption, eat cheap, pause and pee without missing anything and replay if I do.

In short it makes no sense to me to "Go" to a movie. Oh, and I'm a cheap SOB too.
No, it's not because you're a cheap SOB... almost everyone else is doing the same. Within a generation, movie theaters will have gone the way of the Mom and Pop grocery store. Besides the obvious bad taste that Hollywood shows in much of its fare, another problem is technology. Technology already exists to deliver movies, in surround sound to your home. Of course it's the expense that keeps most from using it. A 50+ inch flat screen TV with a dolby surround sound system, with a unit to download movies is sure to set you back a few grand... but in time, it will be in many homes. Within a few years, a major motion picture will be released to DVD or video-on-demand only and will do well... then the inevitable will occur. Movie theaters will close down one by one until eventually, they'll only be something that you'll see in a museum.
KarlMarx said:
No, it's not because you're a cheap SOB... almost everyone else is doing the same. Within a generation, movie theaters will have gone the way of the Mom and Pop grocery store. Besides the obvious bad taste that Hollywood shows in much of its fare, another problem is technology. Technology already exists to deliver movies, in surround sound to your home. Of course it's the expense that keeps most from using it. A 50+ inch flat screen TV with a dolby surround sound system, with a unit to download movies is sure to set you back a few grand... but in time, it will be in many homes. Within a few years, a major motion picture will be released to DVD or video-on-demand only and will do well... then the inevitable will occur. Movie theaters will close down one by one until eventually, they'll only be something that you'll see in a museum.
Yea, I guess they'll go the way of the Drive-in theater. Now that was fun!
Mr. P said:
Yea, I guess they'll go the way of the Drive-in theater. Now that was fun!
true, there was more action going on in the cars than the on the screen.... if ya know I mean!!! :)
Hobbit said:
They still have those. I was at one just a few months ago.
We have one out here. My husband took me a few times when we were dating. I think we saw Jurassic Park at the drive-in. Very scary outside in the dark, especially with the scene where the dinosaur attacks the SUV, and there we are, sitting in a car... :fifty:
Mr. P said:
Yea, I guess they'll go the way of the Drive-in theater. Now that was fun!

The good old days...we only have one near where I live about twenty miles away...sure do miss the fun of watching a pro America or Western or Army or horror movie out in the "Fresh" air...and ya as Karl said the 'other action' sure hope my kids aren't viewing this board...all my hard line parenting will hit the trash... :terror:

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