
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
The 9th circus ruled against the mother and father of a dead daughter today that was murdered by a five time deported illegal alien...they ruled that they could not hold the sanctuary law in San Francisco responsible for their daughter's death by the hands of one of their sanctuary criminals...so the court decided they do not care about the safety of the American people...

Have you seen one member of congress or the senate from either party call this out today?....I haven't....and it makes me sick...I hope this goes to the supreme court where justice now has a chance...thanks to president Trump.....
It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times


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It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
View attachment 253040

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I’ll never stop “whining” about the failure of left-wing policy and the ignorance of those who embrace it. Not sorry.
“the blaze” lol More rightwing ignorance of the law, more rightwing demagoguery, more rightwing lies, and more rightwing bigotry and hate.
Everyone, including yourself, noticed that you could not defend the policy of you liberals, at all.
Every left-wing lunatic has been relegated to that same idiotic template. They seriously just cut and paste it. Opening few words: mock the media source. End with “LOL”. They add nothing of value to a thread because they have been so thoroughly defeated.
It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
View attachment 253040

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I’ll never stop “whining” about the failure of left-wing policy and the ignorance of those who embrace it. Not sorry.

Great strategy.
How about you get off your fat ass and do something about it instead of crying like a bitch?

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“the blaze” lol More rightwing ignorance of the law, more rightwing demagoguery, more rightwing lies, and more rightwing bigotry and hate.
Everyone, including yourself, noticed that you could not defend the policy of you liberals, at all.
Every left-wing lunatic has been relegated to that same idiotic template. They seriously just cut and paste it. Opening few words: mock the media source. End with “LOL”. They add nothing of value to a thread because they have been so thoroughly defeated.

And as they actively do this, they, on some level, HAVE to be aware of it.

They are lying to us and themselves. We call them on it. We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know we know. And they know that we know they know that.

Yet they continue to spew the same shit from their face anuses.
The 9th circus ruled against the mother and father of a dead daughter today that was murdered by a five time deported illegal alien...they ruled that they could not hold the sanctuary law in San Francisco responsible for their daughter's death by the hands of one of their sanctuary criminals...so the court decided they do not care about the safety of the American people...

Have you seen one member of congress or the senate from either party call this out today?....I haven't....and it makes me sick...I hope this goes to the supreme court where justice now has a chance...thanks to president Trump.....
The Ds aren't the only ones to blame. The Rs are equally at fault.

It is clear on this one issue, the wealthy Ruling Class wants open borders. The MSM promotes it, since they are controlled by the Ruling Class. The political class makes sure it continues, since they are owned by the Ruling Class.
Great strategy. How about you get off your fat ass and do something about it instead of crying like a bitch?

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Oh snowflake, you have no idea what I do or don’t do on a given day.

Hang in there, fragile little snowflake :itsok:
How about you get off your fat ass and do something about it instead of crying like a bitch?

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How about you get an actual computer instead of using your government-issued Obama-phone to respond every 10 seconds, Ms. Tapatalk. :laugh:
How about you get off your fat ass and do something about it instead of crying like a bitch?

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How about you get an actual computer instead of using your government-issued Obama-phone to respond every 10 seconds, Ms. Tapatalk. :laugh:

I have 4 computers all bought and paid for by me. Nice try.

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It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason—a crime punishable by death.

What we really need is for the federal government to bring treason charges against some key corrupt politicians responsible for “sanctuary” policies, and on conviction, to publicly broadcast their executions by firing squad, making an example of them.
I have 4 computers all bought and paid for by me. Nice try. Fail.

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Sure you do, sparky. You just prefer the “power” of your government-issued Obama-phone, uh? :laugh:

Listen asshole, I have NEVER been on government assistance for ANYTHING my entire life.
Fuck off scum.

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