Hold that recession.......


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Sorry to burst the bubble, but that claim of a recession was just fear mongering among the left.

Hold that recession: US indicators are trouncing forecasts

The Bloomberg Economic Surprise Index has reached an 11-month high after four indicators released Thursday, including existing home sales and jobless claims, each surpassed expectations...…

It says things are getting better,” said Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Leuthold Group in Minneapolis “There’s a definitive change in the growth profile and there’s an acceleration in growth......
They know....That's why we've now moved on to the "anonymous whistle blower who has no first hand information about the conversation he's referencing" scandal.

That's not lasting long either and seems to be petering out as a 'we got him now' story.
If no recession then what will Democrats run on?


That new Rambo movie, where Sly goes after the Mexican drug cartel is getting hit for racism and it's all Trumps fault.

The left today is ruining my movie enjoyment...

Everything is racist in the Progressive Left Eyes unless it is something to bash white society with...
Everything the libs and dems just goes try down the drain....:113:

If no recession then what will Democrats run on?


That new Rambo movie, where Sly goes after the Mexican drug cartel is getting hit for racism and it's all Trumps fault.

The left today is ruining my movie enjoyment...

Everything is racist in the Progressive Left Eyes unless it is something to bash white society with...
I agree 100%...I am a late bloomer to the Netflix show Shameless and in their 9th season they go anti Trump and open borders...ruining the darn program....these directors need to get a grip on reality....
If no recession then what will Democrats run on?
Empty promises of reparations for sins committed by Democrats? Outlandish claims that Republicans will make the oceans rise and drown everybody? Russia, Russia, Russia?

Normally it would be easy to say that it's too late, they've already done all that......

but we all know the Dems aren't normal and they like repeating the same failed shit...….over & over & over & over again.
If no recession then what will Democrats run on?
Empty promises of reparations for sins committed by Democrats? Outlandish claims that Republicans will make the oceans rise and drown everybody? Russia, Russia, Russia?

The only group of people that are owed any form of apology from us is the indigenous tribes that were here before the first European Settlers...

Outside that forget it!

Free stuff is not free when the taxpayer flip the bill...

I am fine with free Education as long as it is in fields that we need to fill and not studying why some snowflake started crying because they realize they were not special.

I mean paying for nursing or other schools like that to get people onto the tax system and off welfare system is the right course but something like Yoga instructor, no...

They can run on banning firearms and lose as usual...
If no recession then what will Democrats run on?


That new Rambo movie, where Sly goes after the Mexican drug cartel is getting hit for racism and it's all Trumps fault.

The left today is ruining my movie enjoyment...

Everything is racist in the Progressive Left Eyes unless it is something to bash white society with...
I agree 100%...I am a late bloomer to the Netflix show Shameless and in their 9th season they go anti Trump and open borders...ruining the darn program....these directors need to get a grip on reality....

I have gotten to the point I just use Tubi for my movie selection because it is free and has a better selection...

As for the wish for recessions, the left if going to have get Gavin Newsome to throw California into a Depression for a recession to hit...
If no recession then what will Democrats run on?


That new Rambo movie, where Sly goes after the Mexican drug cartel is getting hit for racism and it's all Trumps fault.

The left today is ruining my movie enjoyment...

Everything is racist in the Progressive Left Eyes unless it is something to bash white society with...
I agree 100%...I am a late bloomer to the Netflix show Shameless and in their 9th season they go anti Trump and open borders...ruining the darn program....these directors need to get a grip on reality....

I have gotten to the point I just use Tubi for my movie selection because it is free and has a better selection...

As for the wish for recessions, the left if going to have get Gavin Newsome to throw California into a Depression for a recession to hit...
If no recession then what will Democrats run on?


That new Rambo movie, where Sly goes after the Mexican drug cartel is getting hit for racism and it's all Trumps fault.

The left today is ruining my movie enjoyment...

Everything is racist in the Progressive Left Eyes unless it is something to bash white society with...
I agree 100%...I am a late bloomer to the Netflix show Shameless and in their 9th season they go anti Trump and open borders...ruining the darn program....these directors need to get a grip on reality....

I have gotten to the point I just use Tubi for my movie selection because it is free and has a better selection...

As for the wish for recessions, the left if going to have get Gavin Newsome to throw California into a Depression for a recession to hit...

Free streaming service.

It has commercials but there selection is solid...

Tubi - Wikipedia

That new Rambo movie, where Sly goes after the Mexican drug cartel is getting hit for racism and it's all Trumps fault.

The left today is ruining my movie enjoyment...

Everything is racist in the Progressive Left Eyes unless it is something to bash white society with...
I agree 100%...I am a late bloomer to the Netflix show Shameless and in their 9th season they go anti Trump and open borders...ruining the darn program....these directors need to get a grip on reality....

I have gotten to the point I just use Tubi for my movie selection because it is free and has a better selection...

As for the wish for recessions, the left if going to have get Gavin Newsome to throw California into a Depression for a recession to hit...

Free streaming service.

It has commercials but there selection is solid...

Tubi - Wikipedia


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