Hmmm...I thought churches didn't have to worry about performing gay marriages...what about this...

The fact that you like to have sex with your mother and daughters is your own business. Though you might be confessing to a crime, so I'd be careful.

However, there are good, secular reasons to forbid incest, and polygamy, while there are no longer good secular reasons against homosexuality or same sex marriage
If they are adults it isn't a crime. It might not suit you but two of the same gender don't suit others. Gays can't have kids so what is your good secular argument if one or both relatives are sterilized? They're in the same boat. Maybe it's a mother and daughter of age. What's the good secular argument against polygamy? You are simply imposing your moral values onto others while condemning the imposition of the majority's moral values. It makes no sense.

You are wrong. In most states it is still a crime. Laws regarding incest - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the United States the District of Columbia and every state have some form of codified incest prohibition. In all states, incest is sexual acivity between a lineal ancestor and a lineal descendant (parent, grandparent with child or grandchild), siblings (brother-sister) and aunt-nephew, uncle-niece. However, individual statutes vary widely. Rhode Island has repealed its criminal incest statute[66] and only criminalizes incestuous marriage.[67] Ohio "targets only parental figures",[66] and New Jersey does not apply any penalties when both parties are 18 resp. 16 years of age or older

You are also wrong in stating gays can't have children. We're gay, not infertile.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities.

Some of the musical artists I greatly enjoy, and buy their music.... are gay. I don't 'shun' them or something. But that artist hasn't demanded I change how my church runs.

Now if either, start demanding I change my views... um.... no. That would end our friendship real quick, and I wouldn't be buying their music anymore.

I don't go around 'attacking' gay people. It's these people on this forum, attacking me. Which I'm ok with by the way. Like I said, I'm not for the benefit of everyone else in the world.

But I do find it ironic. Some on this forum, have complained that some Christians cram their faith down other people's throats. People have cited examples where Christians showed up at a Muslim rally, and protested. People have cited those Westboro nutz.

And I have agreed with them. And when these 'christian' people run around saying "you have to live this way, and you have to do that, and you can't do this, and if you don't follow our rules you are going to hell!!"...... you all have RIGHTLY gotten upset.

I agree.

Um.... do you not see what is happening right here? You have become exactly like those people you hate.

"You have to accept homosexuality! You have to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual wedding! You have to provide wedding services at your wedding chapel, for these people!"

You are exactly like the angry Bible thumping Baptist preacher, accept you preach city ordinances, and are thumping your man-made laws, and instead of threatening hell, you threaten fines, and jail time.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.
In most places yes.

However you can't hang a sign outside your shop saying "I don't serve "Ni**ers" or "I don't serve Christians"- you would have legal problems.

I'm not sure, but I don't think you can refuse to serve fat people either. I've never heard of such a thing. Why any smart business owner would want to use discriminatory business practice is unfathomable. It is not very smart business.

I agree, wouldn't be smart business. Now, tell me why you believe the government has the right to stop people from being stupid.

You have every right to put up a sign discriminating against fat people and you will subsequently either pay out a huge settlement or they will end up owning your business.

Since you came up with that idiotic scenario it is patently obvious that you have never run a business of your own.

I in fact own a restaurant, and can you with certainty that where I live you can discriminate against fat people.

Are you too stupid to understand that the way the laws are written unless the law SPECIFICALLY says that you can't discriminate for X reason, you CAN discriminate for that reason?

No wonder restaurants have such a high failure rate when they are run by ignorant bigots.

Yes, you can post that sign and yes, you can be sued because you chose to discriminate. There are plenty of lawyers who are only too willing to take up a case such as this purely for the sake of setting a precedent and making a name for themselves. They will argue that you discriminated against their client who was suffering from a disability. It really doesn't matter what legal basis they use because what really matters is that they will cost you a lot of money and the bad publicity could even put you out of business. It is a lose-lose for you no matter what the outcome.

So yes, go right ahead and destroy your business through your own abject stupidity.

Speaking of stupid.....

You are INTENTIONALLY missing the point. I CAN legally discriminate, which is quite different than what you and others are claiming.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Personally, I think the gays are going to cause that exactly. Many people are like me, they don't want the gays being told that they can't marry the faggot of their choice, but they don't want Christians, or Muslims, or Jews, or anyone else being sued and made to do business with them.

I think SeaBytch and her ilk are doing us a favor in the long run as we will finally get rid of these illegal "pubic accommodation" laws.
I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Personally, I think the gays are going to cause that exactly. Many people are like me, they don't want the gays being told that they can't marry the faggot of their choice, but they don't want Christians, or Muslims, or Jews, or anyone else being sued and made to do business with them.

I think SeaBytch and her ilk are doing us a favor in the long run as we will finally get rid of these illegal "pubic accommodation" laws.

You saying that they are illegal has no more relevance than if you said that income taxes are illegal.

You have two routes to reversing public accomodation laws- either start by reversing the 1964 Civil Rights Act- which by the way I would love to see the Republicans or Tea Party part of their outreach to minorities....

Or get the courts to rule that public accomodation laws are illegal. The only way for that to happen would be a Supreme Court decision.....and again...nothing would cement the idea of Conservatives as being the party of old white guys as to have the Conservatives of the court declare the 1964 Civil Rights Act unconstitutional.

And it could happen.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.
It is all supposed to be about tolerance of other people...except when that means leaving religious people alone...the first attempts to go after churches are happening and are being beaten back...but this is just the when the lawyers wanted the sermons of ministers...but then they backed off...for about this threat...?

The PJ Tatler Idaho City Threatens to Jail Ministers for Not Performing Gay Weddings

Coeur d’Alene officials told the Knapps privately and also publicly stated that the couple would violate the city’s public accommodations statute once same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho if they declined to perform a same-sex ceremony at their chapel. On Friday, the Knapps respectfully declined such a ceremony and now face up to 180 days in jail and up to $1,000 in fines for each day they decline to perform that ceremony.

“The city somehow expects ordained pastors to flip a switch and turn off all faithfulness to their God and their vows,” explained ADF Legal Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “The U.S. Constitution as well as federal and state law clearly stand against that. The city cannot mandate across-the-board conformity to its interpretation of a city ordinance in utter disregard for the guaranteed freedoms Americans treasure in our society.”

Are we talking "Freedom of Religion" or are we talking an "elderly couple who run a wedding chapel".

Either way, gays are going to push their ideals like the anti-gays did. Gay Marriage isn't equal in all states yet the morons that don't understand it are still trying every angle to justify their bigotry. Basic Ignorance of Freedom and the Constitution. NEXT.
I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.

Yeah, people will change. Once we nail down the cause of homosexuality, prenatal testing will result in homosexuality being as popular with liberal parents as Down's Syndrome babies are today.
Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.

Yeah, people will change. Once we nail down the cause of homosexuality, prenatal testing will result in homosexuality being as popular with liberal parents as Down's Syndrome babies are today.

Why would anyone wish for their child to be someone that bigots would take great joy in hoping that they would die in a plague?

I am sure that there are African Americans who would choose for their children to be born white too- just so their children could avoid the pain of being the target of bigots.

Luckily I see people's attitudes changing fast- homophobic bigots are rapidly becoming as respected as the idiots who used to yell about the danger of n***ers raping their lily white daughters.
He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.

Yeah, people will change. Once we nail down the cause of homosexuality, prenatal testing will result in homosexuality being as popular with liberal parents as Down's Syndrome babies are today.

Why would anyone wish for their child to be someone that bigots would take great joy in hoping that they would die in a plague?

I am sure that there are African Americans who would choose for their children to be born white too- just so their children could avoid the pain of being the target of bigots.

Precisely. Liberals are bigoted when it comes to their own children. They don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle for their own children. Other people's children, sure, they fully support other people's kids living that way but they're devastated when their own kid comes out. Give these liberals a chance to engineer a heterosexual child for themselves and they'll abort that homosexual fetus as quickly as they can. This of course sets up a very interesting dynamic, what will the pro-life people do? Some will abort but others, drawn from the group who give birth to Downs babies, will proceed with the pregnancy knowing full will that their child will be homosexual. It's hard to imagine liberals being tolerant of homosexuals when most of them will be raised in religious homes. That might even change the character of the homosexual lifestyle, but probably not, nature is a stronger influence on behavior than nurture.

Luckily I see people's attitudes changing fast- homophobic bigots are rapidly becoming as respected as the idiots who used to yell about the danger of n***ers raping their lily white daughters.

People's attitudes aren't changing fast, people are just fatigued by "All Homosexual, All The Damn Time" and the goon squads who drum them out of their jobs for making legal political donations or exercising their right to "free" speech. People in North Korea know that they have to say that they love the leadership there, same with Americans and homosexuality - going along with intimidation is less taxing than fighting the fascists.
And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.

Yeah, people will change. Once we nail down the cause of homosexuality, prenatal testing will result in homosexuality being as popular with liberal parents as Down's Syndrome babies are today.

Why would anyone wish for their child to be someone that bigots would take great joy in hoping that they would die in a plague?

I am sure that there are African Americans who would choose for their children to be born white too- just so their children could avoid the pain of being the target of bigots.

Precisely. Liberals are bigoted when it comes to their own children. They don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle for their own children

Not surprisingly you haven't a clue.

Most parents- Liberal and Conservatives love and wish the best for their children. And if we could spare our children the hatred and attack of bigots because they are gay or black we would do what we could to protect them.

The bigots hope for a plague where homosexuals will die.
Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.

Yeah, people will change. Once we nail down the cause of homosexuality, prenatal testing will result in homosexuality being as popular with liberal parents as Down's Syndrome babies are today.

Why would anyone wish for their child to be someone that bigots would take great joy in hoping that they would die in a plague?

I am sure that there are African Americans who would choose for their children to be born white too- just so their children could avoid the pain of being the target of bigots.

Precisely. Liberals are bigoted when it comes to their own children. They don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle for their own children

Not surprisingly you haven't a clue.

Most parents- Liberal and Conservatives love and wish the best for their children. And if we could spare our children the hatred and attack of bigots because they are gay or black we would do what we could to protect them.

The bigots hope for a plague where homosexuals will die.

Don't be delusional. This has nothing to do with how the public perceives homosexuals, parents, liberal parents, don't wish their kids to be homosexuals for their own reasons. Parents look forward to grandchildren, they are happier when their own heterosexual normality is expressed in their children. The want the cycle of life to continue down through the generations. No mother or father wants to think of their son taking it up the ass from some disease ridden stranger in a bathroom stall in a homosexual nightclub. They want their boy to find a nice girl, settle down, be happy. Homosexuality and fidelity go together like oil and water. The public isn't making homosexuals express themselves in this manner, this is the nature of male homosexuals. That's what people react to.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

Not according to that letter by the Attorney's office.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

Could have sworn we just has a thread a month or two back, of a gay guy going to a Christian church that taught being gay was a sin, and you specifically attack that church for not performing the funeral.
I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

And maybe they do...but it won't be by government "force". Churches will change or die out.

Or the people will change. Social customs are not a one way street. All we need is another gay plague and people could turn on homosexuals. People could become religious due to having to cope with a liberal inflicted society.

Or people could change. We could have fewer bigots hoping for a plague to kill homosexuals, and more people who don't care whether someone is attracted to the same gender.

Excuse me, but sometimes I also get tired of hearing about homosexuals and their problems too, but we could fix that by allowing the PITAs to get married! Really, with all of the problems, homosexuals' issues are quite LOW on the list.
Besides, UNLESS you are running a business that does some type of marriage related service, you probably would not even know for sure if a person is gay or not, other than just making an educated guess, but that is no guarantee.

I know gay people right now, and we're friendly and fine. But of course he, or his gay buddy, have not tried to force me to marry them, nor come to my church and force my church to marry them. Nor do they expect me to approve of their lifestyle.

It's really easy.... don't force people to violate their religious views. That's not hard is it? My church offers wedding services for a price. Don't ask us to do it for gays. Go to a gay church, and rent their facilities..

Its really easy.

No one is telling you or your church to marry anyone.

You can refuse to marry Jews, Blacks, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Skateboarders and bow hunters.

Whether I wanted to or not, my wife and I could not have been married in the Catholic Church- because we are not Catholic.

The same applies to everyone else.

No one is trying to force you to marry anyone.

He thinks that gay people want to infiltrate his church. :rolleyes-41:

Could have sworn we just has a thread a month or two back, of a gay guy going to a Christian church that taught being gay was a sin, and you specifically attack that church for not performing the funeral.

I didn't "attack" anyone, weirdo.

Yes, I can see that people like you don't even see homosexuals as being human and seem to think they are not worthy of a funeral. God is also going to judge YOU.