Hmm. Why is MSM not reporting this?

Man that makes the lying and distorting media look like people with mental problems about reality
If you read the first post...and then listen to the second..why would Trump change his MO? He wouldn't. What he said in the audio is probably the same thing he said to Mrs Johnson. Yet...MSM is very quiet about that audio in the second post with a different widow.

So...why is there nothing on the news about this???
It doesn't fit into the Leftie fake news bash Trump 24 / 7 narrative. Just like the NY Times and NBC buried the Weinstein sexual assault allegations for decades because he was a major donor to the Democratic Party.
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It doesn't matter if the post is fake or not. Wilson is a black segregationist bigot supreme who cannot be justified in any way in her callousness and racism. Typical democrat excused by democrat media bigots.
General Kelly's description of Wilson was brilliant, in essence he encapsulated the spirit of the Democratic Party:

BUNCH OF EMPTY BARRELS. :tank::udaman:
One thing that I have learned from observing other people is that once the truth about one thing is out there, something else to lie about is then looked for.

God bless you always!!!

The truth is that Trump f'ud his consoling, and now he is lying steadily about it.
I saw the post. I commented on it. Its there in color, pertaining to the woman (widow). I see it with my own two eyes. So do you. Believe it or disbelieve it. Up to you. I choose to believe it because I see it. You prove its a fake.

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