History Seems to be History

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I was just talking about this tonight. Nobody seems to appreciate Christopher Columbus or how America was founded anymore. I'm surprised there aren't complaints about Hawaii and Alaska becoming US territories going on. Who knows what all kids are and aren't being taught in schools these days. That's the scary part.
I was just talking about this tonight. Nobody seems to appreciate Christopher Columbus
Normal people don't glorify slavers.

Just letting you know. I mean, this wasn't just a few slaves. Columbus trafficked in thousands of slaves, with a lot of genocide thrown in.
The Egyptians had slaves. Greece had slaves.
Rome had millions of slaves. Holding slaves seems to be a necessary step in the development of civilization.
I was just talking about this tonight. Nobody seems to appreciate Christopher Columbus or how America was founded anymore. I'm surprised there aren't complaints about Hawaii and Alaska becoming US territories going on. Who knows what all kids are and aren't being taught in schools these days. That's the scary part.
Yes, the very first thing Marxists do is erase history in order to 'build back' to their Marxist/Communist wet dreams. Beyond that today, we see them trying to erase born gender as well and trying to confuse our children as to what sex they are especially during their sexual formative years. We see them calling all people with lighter skin 'White Supremacists' and teaching that to our children. A small radical element with power have taken over the Democrat party.
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Slaves? Gimme a fucking break. A hundred years from now, that generation of vacuous "liberals" will be shocked, SHOCKED that "we" were killing animals and eating them in the 2000's! You cannot superimpose today's sensitivities on persons and cultures of hundreds of years ago.

The fact is that Columbus, representing (in effect) Western Civilization, introduced the West to a whole new continent, which facilitated unimaginable benefits to humanity over the ensuing centuries. The existence on this continent of primitive, backward societies that hadn't even invented THE WHEEL to that time...who had no domesticated animals that could do work...who had no functional written language...who had no metallurgy and no ability to even make a durable blade...is no indictment of Columbus and the hordes of Europeans who followed him. These primitives were doomed by the march of history, regardless of what advanced society first made its way to the Americas.

The idiocy of indigenous defenders remains to this day. Those cultures deserved to die out, and those who fight to maintain those cultures, languages, etc., are - not to be unkind - fools. They are the cultural equivalent of a society that rejects modern medicine in favor of chants and spells.

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