History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.
Trump is trying to have a system more like Germany's, where kids can opt for job training for real jobs instead of useless college degrees. Job training at community colleges should be free. Colleges should fund 1/2 of all student loans so if they get stiffed its not all on the taxpayers. College endowment funds need to be taxed over a certain amount so they either pay tax or lower tuition. The education and job training system needs to be better coordinated to train kids for good paying jobs.
After kids have jobs, they will see that socialism is garbage.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.

You have pure shit for brains and no ability to read or comprehend history.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.

Freedom and equality? WTF, you mean free shit given out equally, we know the drill. Get off your rear and do something constructive dumbass.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.

You seem to be conflating socialism with ALL government policies. Social Security and Medicare are not socialism, they are entitlements. Local taxes funding transportation systems is not socialism. Total government control of all aspects of your lives is socialism, such as wage and price controls, healthcare, total control of the economy, like China, is socialism. No thank you.
Tell me you want the US to have a Chinese style of government?
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.
Tell that to Trump. Bail outs are Socialism.
Horse ca-ca. Just so we are all on the same page let's begin (again) with a definition:

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.
Something for nothing-it is the new religion.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.
Tell that to Trump. Bail outs are Socialism.
Horse ca-ca. Just so we are all on the same page let's begin (again) with a definition:

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Did I have any control over the money Trump took from others to give to those he preferred have it?

You are going to tell me it's capitalism?
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

I consider the military somewhat socialism. Put in your twenty or thirty and government takes care of you and yours pretty much forever. Nice gravy train.
Just noted this exact same question posted by someone else. So I'm curious.....who sent out the memo today?
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.
Victor Davis Hansen?


Millennials are the first generation WHACKED by the fact that they will probably NOT be better off than their parents.

So yea...they ain't happy. Couple that with crushing college debt and well...you get the picture
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.
Tell that to Trump. Bail outs are Socialism.
Horse ca-ca. Just so we are all on the same page let's begin (again) with a definition:

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Did I have any control over the money Trump took from others to give to those he preferred have it?

You are going to tell me it's capitalism?
Who did he give money to? The Salvation Army?
capitalism is the unequal sharing of wealth. socialism is the equal sharing of poverty!
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.
Tell that to Trump. Bail outs are Socialism.
Horse ca-ca. Just so we are all on the same page let's begin (again) with a definition:

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Did I have any control over the money Trump took from others to give to those he preferred have it?

You are going to tell me it's capitalism?
Who did he give money to? The Salvation Army?

Nope. He gave $125,000 to our billionaire governor.
Don't ever under estimate the stupidity of a Liberal.

They are just as ignorant of History as they are of Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Because history is not very clear to them. They had a gender studies class instead.
History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Immigration and College Debt Make America Vulnerable to Socialism
11/07/2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.
Regrettably, sometimes the naïve and disaffected must relearn that their pie-in-the sky socialist medicine is far worse than the perceived malady of inequality.
And unfortunately, when socialists gain power, they don't destroy just themselves. They usually take everyone else down with them as well.

Why do polls show that a majority of American millennials have a favorable view of socialism? Because they've been indoctrinated in schools, work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.
the appeal of socialism is that it allows the rich and the poor to loot the middle class, while feeling virtuous for doing so. It's a rigged game when you can give away other people's money and feel good for doing so. See Venezuela.
"History is clear." Well, that's the problem... millennials don't know anything about history. Socialist infiltrated educators deny the teaching of history to our young or revise history to suit their ideology. Seriously, though, Socialism is religion for people who think themselves too sophisticated for religion.
The young are indoctrinated to believe in Progressivism, Socialism, and Atheism from elementary school onward. Most lack the surroundings to counter this 40 hour a week gulag. It was either Hitler or Stalin that described education as a weapon and Democrats have been following that lead for a half century now.
Finally, the lack of upward mobility in society thanks to NIRP/ZIRP, corporate M&A activity resulting in oligopolistic economic sectors, outsourcing, the mass importation of foreign labor, and the progressive tax code has resulted in a great deal of disillusionment with regards to capitalism. If Capitalism begins to resemble feudalism, then socialism gains an audience.
Margaret Thatcher once said that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." She was and is correct.

Socialism not only always works, but this country depends almost entirely on socialism.
Stalinism is NOT socialism, but clearly capitalism where nothing was collaborative, collective, or communal, either in planning or profit sharing.
Public transportation, schools, utilities, fire/police, defense, social security, etc., are all socialism.
The problem of the US is not enough socialism, such as we should run communal oil companies and refineries.

Funny that you would associate socialism with atheism, when all religious communities and values are strongly socialist.

The truth is that Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of what capitalism always turns into when not held back by socialism. Capitalism is the feudalism of the Dark Ages. We should know better by now. What finally ended unbridaled capitalism of feudalism was the firearm. We much never allow gun control to put us under the yoke of pure capitalism any more. We must demand the freedom and equality of socialism.
Tell that to Trump. Bail outs are Socialism.
Horse ca-ca. Just so we are all on the same page let's begin (again) with a definition:

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Did I have any control over the money Trump took from others to give to those he preferred have it?

You are going to tell me it's capitalism?
Who did he give money to? The Salvation Army?

Nope. He gave $125,000 to our billionaire governor.
Who is that?

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