History Hidden In Government School

See how lucky you are to have turned in today.....look what you just learned:

Although contemporary, the American Revolution was the very antithesis of the French Revolution.
The latter, based on anti-religion, the American version infused with the Judeo-Christian faith.
That's why ours didn't become a slaughter house, as did the French version.
Or you could be wrong. I see no evidence that the French Revolution was a religious and not a political/economic revolution. That's not to say the Catholic Church was not on the wrong side of the political and economic issues and got itself burned as a result.

"I see no evidence that the French Revolution was a religious and not a political/economic revolution."

Talk about 'blind.'

  1. In Lyon, the archbishop refused to swear allegiance to the republic, and was removed, replaced by the revolutionary bishop Antoine Lamourette. But the people of Lyon responded by clinging to their guns and religion. So, the Convention ordered that Lyon, the second-largest city in France, be destroyed and a monument erected on the ashes proclaiming: “Lyon waged war against liberty; Lyon is no more.”
    1. "The Cult of Reason (French: Culte de la Raison)a was an atheistic belief system established in France and intended as a replacement for Christianity during the French Revolution."
    2. Cult of Reason - Wikipedia
    3. Joseph Fouché, head of the de-Christianization, arranged for the “bankers, scholars, aristocrats, priests, nuns, wealthy merchants, their wives, mistresses and children” to be dragged from their homes and killed by firing squads. He then wrote that Christianity in the provinces “had been struck down once and for all.”
    4. Lamourette had, originally thought that he could fuse revolutionary principles with Catholicism, much like today’s pro-life Democrats, based on a “can’t we all just get along” philosophy. Such gave rise to the idiom “the kiss of Lamourette.” [On July 7th, 1792, the Abbé Lamourette induced the different factions of the Legislative Assembly of France to lay aside their differences; so the deputies of the Royalists, Constitutionalists, Girondists, Jacobins, and Orleanists rushed into each other's arms, and the king was sent for to see “how these Christians loved one another;”but the reconciliation was hollow and unsound. The term is now used for a reconciliation of policy without abatement of rancour. Brewer's: Lamourette's Kiss]
  2. In lieu of religious holidays, which were banned, the revolutionaries put on “Fetes of Reason.” The first was in November 1793, in the Notre Dame Cathedral, which had been renamed “The Temple of Reason,” with “To Philosophy” carved on the façade and the altar named the “Altar of Reason.” It was an ACLU fantasy come true!

Just imagine how different you'd be if you had ever read a book.

You know what a 'book' is, don't you????
The French Revolution was a social upheaval rather than a political event ...

It was both, not to mention an economic phenomenon.

What a failure it was!!

From the novel “Napoleon’ Pyramids,” by William Dietrich

April 13, 1798, was a Friday. But it was springtime in revolutionary Paris, meaning that under the Directory’s new calendar it was the twenty-forth day of the month of Germinal in the Year Six, and the next day of rest was still six days distant, not two.

Has any reform been more futile? The Government’s arrogant discard of Christianity means that weeks have been extended to ten days instead of seven. The revision’s intent is to supplant the papal calendar with a uniform alternative of twelve months of thirty days each, based on the system of ancient Egypt. Bibles themselves were torn up to make paper gun cartridges in the grim days of 1793, and now the biblical week has been guillotined, each month instead divided into three decades of ten days, with the year, with the year beginning at the autumn equinox and five to six holidays added to balance idealism with our solar orbit. Not content with regimenting the calendar, the government has introduced a new metric system for weight and measure. There are even proposals for a new clock of precisely 100,000 seconds each day. Reason, reason!...The new calendar is the kind of logical idea imposed by clever people that completely ignores habit, emotion, and human nature and thus forecasts the Revolution’s doom.

Your colonial revolution was one of political independence. This one in France is about the very order of life. My God, a king guillotined! Thousands sent to slaughter! Wars unleashed on every French border! Atheism enshrined! Church lands seized, debts ignored, estates confiscated, rabbles armed, riots, anarchy, and tyranny!

Wow! The French were Commie before Commies! That's Orwellian! :omg:

Maybe them getting conquered by the Nazis was karma.

Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…” Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920

The terror results in a constant sense of crisis, which is a core mechanism of fascism, because it limits debate and democratic deliberation.....same for Democrats.
The French Revolution was a social upheaval rather than a political event ...

It was both, not to mention an economic phenomenon.

What a failure it was!!

From the novel “Napoleon’ Pyramids,” by William Dietrich

April 13, 1798, was a Friday. But it was springtime in revolutionary Paris, meaning that under the Directory’s new calendar it was the twenty-forth day of the month of Germinal in the Year Six, and the next day of rest was still six days distant, not two.

Has any reform been more futile? The Government’s arrogant discard of Christianity means that weeks have been extended to ten days instead of seven. The revision’s intent is to supplant the papal calendar with a uniform alternative of twelve months of thirty days each, based on the system of ancient Egypt. Bibles themselves were torn up to make paper gun cartridges in the grim days of 1793, and now the biblical week has been guillotined, each month instead divided into three decades of ten days, with the year, with the year beginning at the autumn equinox and five to six holidays added to balance idealism with our solar orbit. Not content with regimenting the calendar, the government has introduced a new metric system for weight and measure. There are even proposals for a new clock of precisely 100,000 seconds each day. Reason, reason!...The new calendar is the kind of logical idea imposed by clever people that completely ignores habit, emotion, and human nature and thus forecasts the Revolution’s doom.

Your colonial revolution was one of political independence. This one in France is about the very order of life. My God, a king guillotined! Thousands sent to slaughter! Wars unleashed on every French border! Atheism enshrined! Church lands seized, debts ignored, estates confiscated, rabbles armed, riots, anarchy, and tyranny!

Wow! The French were Commie before Commies! That's Orwellian! :omg:

Maybe them getting conquered by the Nazis was karma.

Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…” Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920

The terror results in a constant sense of crisis, which is a core mechanism of fascism, because it limits debate and democratic deliberation.....same for Democrats.
Awesome! I learned something today. Thank you!
See how lucky you are to have turned in today.....look what you just learned:

Although contemporary, the American Revolution was the very antithesis of the French Revolution.
The latter, based on anti-religion, the American version infused with the Judeo-Christian faith.
That's why ours didn't become a slaughter house, as did the French version.
Or you could be wrong. I see no evidence that the French Revolution was a religious and not a political/economic revolution. That's not to say the Catholic Church was not on the wrong side of the political and economic issues and got itself burned as a result.

"I see no evidence that the French Revolution was a religious and not a political/economic revolution."

Talk about 'blind.'

  1. In Lyon, the archbishop refused to swear allegiance to the republic, and was removed, replaced by the revolutionary bishop Antoine Lamourette. But the people of Lyon responded by clinging to their guns and religion. So, the Convention ordered that Lyon, the second-largest city in France, be destroyed and a monument erected on the ashes proclaiming: “Lyon waged war against liberty; Lyon is no more.”
    1. "The Cult of Reason (French: Culte de la Raison)a was an atheistic belief system established in France and intended as a replacement for Christianity during the French Revolution."
    2. Cult of Reason - Wikipedia
    3. Joseph Fouché, head of the de-Christianization, arranged for the “bankers, scholars, aristocrats, priests, nuns, wealthy merchants, their wives, mistresses and children” to be dragged from their homes and killed by firing squads. He then wrote that Christianity in the provinces “had been struck down once and for all.”
    4. Lamourette had, originally thought that he could fuse revolutionary principles with Catholicism, much like today’s pro-life Democrats, based on a “can’t we all just get along” philosophy. Such gave rise to the idiom “the kiss of Lamourette.” [On July 7th, 1792, the Abbé Lamourette induced the different factions of the Legislative Assembly of France to lay aside their differences; so the deputies of the Royalists, Constitutionalists, Girondists, Jacobins, and Orleanists rushed into each other's arms, and the king was sent for to see “how these Christians loved one another;”but the reconciliation was hollow and unsound. The term is now used for a reconciliation of policy without abatement of rancour. Brewer's: Lamourette's Kiss]
  2. In lieu of religious holidays, which were banned, the revolutionaries put on “Fetes of Reason.” The first was in November 1793, in the Notre Dame Cathedral, which had been renamed “The Temple of Reason,” with “To Philosophy” carved on the façade and the altar named the “Altar of Reason.” It was an ACLU fantasy come true!

Just imagine how different you'd be if you had ever read a book.

You know what a 'book' is, don't you????
"In Lyon, the archbishop refused to swear allegiance to the republic, and was removed, replaced by the revolutionary bishop Antoine Lamourette."

So you're saying they replaced an archbishop with a bishop for political reasons? Thanks for proving my point.
Spoken like a true Commie.
No, I speak as someone afraid of the mob and who does not want the 'commies' to gain power. You can see how popular Socialism is becoming to the young. Is Communism far behind?

How damaged must your brain be to claim "I speak as someone afraid of the mob and who does not want the 'commies' to gain power" who votes for the party that stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did.

What a....
Spoken like a true Commie.
No, I speak as someone afraid of the mob and who does not want the 'commies' to gain power. You can see how popular Socialism is becoming to the young. Is Communism far behind?

How damaged must your brain be to claim "I speak as someone afraid of the mob and who does not want the 'commies' to gain power" who votes for the party that stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did.

What a....
This may come as a shock to residents of an ivory tower but the Democrats are still the largest political party with more than 42 million voters (compared with 30 million Republicans). Dems stand for lots of different things and don't always agree. Hell, there may be some Communists who vote Democrat, just as there are White Supremicists that vote GOP, but neither defines their party.
Spoken like a true Commie.
No, I speak as someone afraid of the mob and who does not want the 'commies' to gain power. You can see how popular Socialism is becoming to the young. Is Communism far behind?

How damaged must your brain be to claim "I speak as someone afraid of the mob and who does not want the 'commies' to gain power" who votes for the party that stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did.

What a....
This may come as a shock to residents of an ivory tower but the Democrats are still the largest political party with more than 42 million voters (compared with 30 million Republicans). Dems stand for lots of different things and don't always agree. Hell, there may be some Communists who vote Democrat, just as there are White Supremicists that vote GOP, but neither defines their party.

Every time I eviscerate one of your ignorant posts....it's 'move on to another.'

Now...which are there more of, communists who vote Democrats, or those hypothetical, infinitesimal 'white supremacists.'

Note that there are communists/socialists elected as Democrats....but no 'white supremacists' elected as Republicans.

  1. Guess which political group both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI consider the most dangerous in America? Environmentalists. Yep. Some $43 million in damage by the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front in the past two decades.
    1. “Extremists within the environmental and animal rights movements have committed literally thousands of violent criminal acts in recent decades — arguably more than those from any other radical sector, left or right.” Eco-Violence: The Record
“A leader of the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmentalist organization the FBI described as America's most dangerous domestic terrorist group, refused to answer questions Tuesday before a congressional hearing on ecoterrorism.” About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library
Now...which are there more of, communists who vote Democrats, or those hypothetical, infinitesimal 'white supremacists.'
I love when you just make stuff up. :linky:
:desk: Here's one answer:

The Republicans have a problem. A white supremacist problem. Decades ago they made a crass political calculation to use the Southern Strategy and ride white resentment and patriarchy to untold power and glory. Instead, they ended up with Donald Trump. He is a man who wallows in a white supremacy so virulent and toxic that it has provided the blueprint and the targets for mass murderers.

The Republicans’ road to perdition required mastery of coded racist policy language, such as “welfare queen”, “forced busing” and “law and order”, to lure disaffected white people out of the Democratic party and into the Republican party. The Southern Strategy was so ruthless in its lurch to the right that it actually neutralized the moderates and drove the majority of African Americans out of the party.
Now...which are there more of, communists who vote Democrats, or those hypothetical, infinitesimal 'white supremacists.'
I love when you just make stuff up. :linky:
:desk: Here's one answer:

The Republicans have a problem. A white supremacist problem. Decades ago they made a crass political calculation to use the Southern Strategy and ride white resentment and patriarchy to untold power and glory. Instead, they ended up with Donald Trump. He is a man who wallows in a white supremacy so virulent and toxic that it has provided the blueprint and the targets for mass murderers.

The Republicans’ road to perdition required mastery of coded racist policy language, such as “welfare queen”, “forced busing” and “law and order”, to lure disaffected white people out of the Democratic party and into the Republican party. The Southern Strategy was so ruthless in its lurch to the right that it actually neutralized the moderates and drove the majority of African Americans out of the party.

"I love when you just make stuff up."

As in?
"I love when you just make stuff up."

As in?
"hypothetical, infinitesimal 'white supremacists.'"
Are the 'white supremacists' hypothetical or infinitesimal? You do realize they can't be both and neither description of them is supported by any evidence in your postings.
Link or lie.
What lie? Yours? I think your reading comprehension is worse than usual, I hope you don't have a cough or a fever.
The French Revolution was a social upheaval rather than a political event when the decadent French aristocracy became a symbol of oppression. There was no immediate effort to create a constitutional government as citizens ran wild and the French royalty was executed. The American revolution was a systematic effort to separate the Colonies from British rule. The causes and events are vastly different and the only similarity is that they were both called "revolutions".

'The French Revolution was a social upheaval rather than a political event when the decadent French aristocracy became a symbol of oppression. '

Now....to bring it up-to-date:

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century. "
Philosophically speaking the end result of the French social upheaval might have seemed like "the emergence of the common man" but it had no relation to the war for independence in the American colonies. Patriot John Adams (who became President) even defended British troops who opened fire on the Boston mob.
"I love when you just make stuff up."

As in?
"hypothetical, infinitesimal 'white supremacists.'"
Are the 'white supremacists' hypothetical or infinitesimal? You do realize they can't be both and neither description of them is supported by any evidence in your postings.
Link or lie.
What lie? Yours? I think your reading comprehension is worse than usual, I hope you don't have a cough or a fever.

So you simply made up those 'white supremacists'?

Exactly my point.

You do that pretty often.
"I love when you just make stuff up."

As in?
"hypothetical, infinitesimal 'white supremacists.'"
Are the 'white supremacists' hypothetical or infinitesimal? You do realize they can't be both and neither description of them is supported by any evidence in your postings.
Link or lie.
What lie? Yours? I think your reading comprehension is worse than usual, I hope you don't have a cough or a fever.
So you simply made up those 'white supremacists'?

Exactly my point.

You do that pretty often.
Oh that's what you're asking. Do you not believe there are white supremacists in the US or are you questioning if they vote GOP?

Here's a link to someone who thinks white supremacists are neither hypothetical nor infinitesimal:
A Republican state senator from Nebraska on Sunday accused the GOP of helping to enable white supremacy.

"The Republican Party is enabling white supremacy in our country," state Sen. John McCollister (R) tweeted.

"As a lifelong Republican, it pains me to say this, but it’s the truth," McCollister continued. "I of course am not suggesting that all Republicans are white supremacists nor am I saying that the average Republican is even racist. What I am saying though is that the Republican Party is COMPLICIT to obvious racist and immoral activity inside our party."
Not to mention Politicalchic’s buddy Marion Morrison altered the Florida State Flag to make it seem identical with the famous Confederate Battle Flag ...

Could it be that this alteration indicates a ... deeper desire?

Politicalchic is so funny with her equally fake ... “history lessons”!
The French Revolution was a social upheaval rather than a political event when the decadent French aristocracy became a symbol of oppression. There was no immediate effort to create a constitutional government as citizens ran wild and the French royalty was executed. The American revolution was a systematic effort to separate the Colonies from British rule. The causes and events are vastly different and the only similarity is that they were both called "revolutions".

'The French Revolution was a social upheaval rather than a political event when the decadent French aristocracy became a symbol of oppression. '

Now....to bring it up-to-date:

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century. "
Your first sentence is a complete contradiction. What's your evidence?

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